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ANALYZING GENOMICS DATA IN R WITH BIOCONDUCTOR Stephanie Hicks Assistant Professor, Biostatistics Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health #rstatsdc Conference November 8, 2018

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ABOUT ME Teaching: Data Science Research: Genomics • R/Bioconductor developer Other fun things about me: • Co-founded R-Ladies Baltimore • Creating a children’s book featuring women statisticians and data scientists

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#rstatsdc #rladies #rstats

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• Open-source, open development software project • Began in 2001 • Big priorities: reproducible research and high-quality documentation • Vignettes • Diverse community support • Workflows (super helpful for n00bs) • Teaching resources and open development

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EXPLORE BIOCONDUCTOR STATISTICS WITH BIOCPKGTOOLS Functions to access metadata around Bioc packages and usage in a tidy data format. library(BiocPkgTools) pkgs <- biocDownloadStats() head(pkgs) ## # A tibble: 6 x 6 ## Package Year Month Nb_of_distinct_IPs Nb_of_downloads repo ## ## 1 ABarray 2018 Jan 117 150 Software ## 2 ABarray 2018 Feb 97 125 Software ## 3 ABarray 2018 Mar 102 121 Software ## 4 ABarray 2018 Apr 229 359 Software ## 5 ABarray 2018 May 99 134 Software ## 6 ABarray 2018 Jun 133 209 Software

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HOW MANY PACKAGES IN BIOCONDUCTOR? pkgs %>% filter(Year==2018) %>% select(Package, repo) %>% distinct() %>% group_by(repo) %>% summarize(total_packages=n()) ## # A tibble: 3 x 2 ## repo total_packages ## ## 1 AnnotationData 1124 ## 2 ExperimentData 400 ## 3 Software 1733 • Annotation packages = streamlines tedious bookkeeping • Experiment data packages = contains processed data; useful for teaching

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BIOCONDUCTOR SOFTWARE PACKAGES OVER TIME ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Year Package count Number of Bioconductor Software Packages

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STANDARD BIOC DATA STRUCTURE GenomicRanges (GRanges) Lee et al. (2018), bioRixv

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CREATE GRANGES OBJECT library(GenomicRanges) gr <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", strand = c("+", "-"), ranges = IRanges(start = c(102012,520211), end=c(120303, 526211)), gene_id = c(1001,2151), score = c(10, 25)) gr ## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 2 metadata columns: ## seqnames ranges strand | gene_id score ## | ## [1] chr1 102012-120303 + | 1001 10 ## [2] chr1 520211-526211 - | 2151 25 ## ------- ## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome

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THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH GRANGES OBJECTS width(gr) ## [1] 18292 6001 gr[gr$score > 15, ] ## GRanges object with 1 range and 2 metadata columns: ## seqnames ranges strand | gene_id score ## | ## [1] chr1 520211-526211 - | 2151 25 ## ------- ## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome

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GENOMIC VERBS/ACTIONS + TIDY DATA = PLYRANGES • Goal: Write human readable analysis workflows • Idea: Define an API (i.e. extend dplyr) that maps relational genomic algebra to “verbs” that act on ”tidy” genomic data • Another great idea: Borrow dplyr’s syntax and design principles • And another great idea: Compose verbs together with pipe operator from magrittr Stuart Lee Di Cook Michael Lawrence

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library(plyranges) gr %>% filter(score > 15) ## GRanges object with 1 range and 2 metadata columns: ## seqnames ranges strand | gene_id score ## | ## [1] chr1 520211-526211 - | 2151 25 ## ------- ## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome gr %>% filter(score > 15) %>% width() ## [1] 6001

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Feel free to send comments/questions: Twitter: @stephaniehicks Email: #rstatsdc #rladies Thank you!