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From Milliseconds to Millions A Look at the Numbers Powering Web Performance

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Hi, I’m Harry Consultant Performance Engineer Leeds, UK @csswizardry

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From clearfixes to waterfalls.

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Ask the Right Questions

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I don’t have all of the answers.

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Ask the Right Questions How do you know the site is slow? What key areas of the site should I look at? What will it being faster mean for the business? How do you intend to measure this?

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Nobody Wants a Faster Website

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They want the most effective website.

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Motives Increase revenues Improve engagement Drive sign-ups Raise conversions Solicit donations Deliver content

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Case Study

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We want to be faster but still run the same number of ads. Publishing Client “

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How much can we get away with?

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You Can’t Fix What You Can’t Measure

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Gather Data Spend time gathering statistics Then spend some more

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Google Analytics Average data means means—we want percentiles Only samples 1% of sessions—insufficient for many sites Far too coarse—aggregates every device, browser, page, region Focuses on load times—considered a legacy metric

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Any data is better than none.

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Case Study

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Do you know about your Venezuela problem? “

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Do you know about your Venezuela problem? “

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Venezuela Economy is tanked Government minted Petro Electricity is virtually free

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Follow the Numbers

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Numbers seldom lie.

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Case Study

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It got slower.

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Move Slow to Move Fast

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There is probably no rush.

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Take your time to measure.

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Release incrementally.

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One thematic release per day.

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What Has Most Impact? Know where to look next time Know what to avoid next time

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Maximise the Work Not Done

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It’s just as important to know what not to do.

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Case Study

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Most conversions happen at 2s but our median is 2.9s.

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Case Study

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There is no prize beyond first place.

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Let’s Ignore Load Already the best on desktop and mobile It’s a legacy metric anyway We’re definitely suffering with Start Render Everyone hitting the site wants to see stuff Start Render is our focus

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Load is subresources; Start Render is .

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A week in their .

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Pricing Performance

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Don’t do it for the money, but never do it for no money. Oliver Reichenstein “

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Performance directly affects the bottom line.

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This is not a good time to be shy.

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Case Study

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03.s average [reduction in] latency across our funnel equals £8m a year in additional revenue. “

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Value-Based Pricing.

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My fee represents my contribution to the project with a dramatic ROI for you and equitable compensation for me. Alan Weiss “

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How much are we likely to make from this project? “

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How have you calculated the value of this project?

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I am not your Business Analyst.

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But I can be for a little bit.

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Phase Zero.

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Phase Zero A period of pre-engagement Let’s work out the value of the project together Then we know how much it’s worth to you… …and I know what to charge you.

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Customer Data and A/B Tests.

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3× more conversions if we start rendering under 3s compared to after 6s

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62.1% 87.5% Bounce Rate With and Without Cloud.typography

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Now we can put numbers against it.

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If we can achieve a start render of 0.9s, we stand to increase conversions by 8%. Across one year, this equates to increased revenues of £1–1.2m. I’ll take X%. “

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Keep on Top of Things

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Performance budgets, pragmatically.

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How should we set performance budgets?

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Set to your worst point in the last two weeks.

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0.8s under budget: new budget set to 2.2s

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Only just staying in budget: leave as-is but don’t slip further

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Yikes! Lots of work to do here: budget is overshot daily

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Normalise performance.

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Normalise Performance Talk about it like it’s always been there Mention it in passing Have dashboards for individual teams

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Ultimately blur the lines.

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Performance is a proxy for business success.

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Know When to Stop

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Good enough is good enough.

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Thank You Very Much

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Thank You Understand the situation fully before you begin Maximise the work not done Calculate the value of the project Know when to stop

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