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Advanced Notification for iOS 10 USAMI Kosuke Fenrir Inc.

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iOS Notification API

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Old API ☞ UIApplication ☞ Registering for Notifications ☞ UIApplicationDelegate ☞ Handling Notifications

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New API (iOS 10) ☞ UserNotifications framework ☞ UserNotificationsUI framework

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References ☞ WWDC 2016 ☞ Introduction to Notifications ☞ Advanced Notifications ☞ Apple Developer Documentation ☞ UserNotifications ☞ UserNotificationsUI

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UserNotifications framework

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Notification Center ☞ UNUserNotificationCenter

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Request User Authorization ☞ UNUserNotificationCenter ☞ func requestAuthorization(_:completionHandler:)

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Push Notification ☞ UIApplication ☞ func registerForRemoteNotifications() ☞ (Existing API)

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Local Notification ☞ UNUserNotificationCenter ☞ func add(_:withCompletionHandler:) ☞ UNNotificationRequest ☞ content ☞ trigger : TimeInterval / Calendar / Location

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In-App Presentation (New!) // UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) { // Show notification in foreground completionHandler([.alert, .sound, .badge]) }

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Others ☞ Custom Action ☞ Notification Management

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Advanced Notifications

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Advanced Notifications (iOS 10) ☞ Media Attachments ☞ Rich Notification (Custom User Interface)

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Media Attachments

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No content

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For Local Notification ☞ UNNotificationAttachment ☞ url : URL of attachment ☞ type : UTI type

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For Push Notification

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Notification Service Extension ☞ UserNotifications framework ☞ UNNotificationServiceExtension

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Download Attachment ☞ UNNotificationServiceExtension ☞ func didReceive(_:withContentHandler:) ☞ Download in Service extension ☞ Create UNNotificationAttachment

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Limited Processing Time ☞ UNNotificationServiceExtension ☞ func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() ☞ Provide some fallback content

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Limited File Size ☞ Audio : 5MB ☞ Image : 10MB ☞ Movie : 50MB

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Rich Notification

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No content

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To Display Rich Notification ☞ 3D Touch on Notification ☞ Swipe Left in Notification List ☞ Swipe Down in Notification Banner

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Custom User Interface ☞ Custom Views (No interaction) ☞ Media Attachment ☞ Media Playback ☞ Notification Action ☞ Text Input Action

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Notification Content Extension ☞ UserNotificationsUI framework ☞ UNNotificationContentExtension

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Custom UI ☞ To change layout ... ☞ In Info.plist ☞ Specify custom views ratio ☞ Show/Hide default contents

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Custom Views ☞ UNNotificationContentExtension ☞ func didReceive(_:) ☞ Get UNNotification ☞ Display contents to custom views

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Minimal implementation class NotificationViewController: UIViewController, UNNotificationContentExtension { @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel! func didReceive(_ notification: UNNotification) { label.text = notification.request.content.body } }

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Media Attachment class NotificationViewController: UIViewController, UNNotificationContentExtension { func didReceive(_ notification: UNNotification) { let content = notification.request.content let attachment = content.attachments.first // attachment: UNNotificationAttachment // ... } }

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Media Playback ☞ UNNotificationContentExtension ☞ mediaPlayPauseButtonType ☞ none / default / overlay ☞ mediaPlayPauseButtonFrame / TintColor ☞ func mediaPlay() / func mediaPause()

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Notification Action

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Notification Action ☞ UNUserNotificationCenter ☞ Set UNNotificationAction ☞ UNNotificationContentExtension ☞ func didReceive(_:completionHandler:) ☞ Get UNNotificationResponse

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Text Input Action ☞ UNNotificationAction ☞ → UNTextInputNotificationAction ☞ UNNotificationResponse ☞ → UNTextInputNotificationResponse

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Summary ☞ New API ☞ UserNotifications / UserNotificationsUI ☞ Notification Service extension ☞ Media Attachments ☞ Notification Content extension ☞ Custom Views / Action