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Exploring the World Using Cloud Vision & Twilio Julia Ferraioli @juliaferraioli Software Engineer Google Open Source Programs Office

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★ All code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

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@juliaferraioli Other stuff I like to do

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People think of machine learning like this

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CC image courtesy of M.Kemal:

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But really, machine learning is this

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→ ⚙ → ❓ data algorithm insight

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But that means we can do cool stuff

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@juliaferraioli Like this

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@juliaferraioli Or this

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But what about the data?

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You need a bunch of it

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@juliaferraioli Machine learning models as a Service ⚙ Models pre-trained on extensive amounts of curated data

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Google Cloud Vision ● Detect faces, landmarks, logos, text, and more ● Perform sentiment analysis ● Straightforward REST API ● Works on a base64-encoded image ● Connects to Google Cloud Storage

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The primary place I take pictures is on my phone

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...and I want it to be similar to existing Q&A methods...

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Oh, I know! Twilio!

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@juliaferraioli Lifecycle of a picture

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@juliaferraioli Receiving the MMS @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def receive_message(): for i in range(int(request.values.get('NumMedia', None))): media_url = request.values.get('MediaUrl%i' % i, None) image = requests.get(media_url).content labels = get_labels(image) resp = construct_message(labels) return str(resp)

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@juliaferraioli Receiving the MMS @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def receive_message(): for i in range(int(request.values.get('NumMedia', None))): media_url = request.values.get('MediaUrl%i' % i, None) image = requests.get(media_url).content labels = get_labels(image) resp = construct_message(labels) return str(resp)

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@juliaferraioli Processing the image def get_labels(image, num_retries=3, max_results=3): # Set up the service that can access the API # Prepare the image for the API # Construct the request # Send it off to the API # Return the labels

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@juliaferraioli Authenticating with the API def get_labels(image, num_retries=3, max_results=3): # Set up the service that can access the API http = httplib2.Http() credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default().create_scoped( ['']) credentials.authorize(http) service ='vision', 'v1', http=http, discoveryServiceUrl=DISCOVERY_URL)

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@juliaferraioli Encoding the image def get_labels(image, num_retries=3, max_results=3): # Prepare the image for the API image_content = base64.b64encode(image)

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@juliaferraioli Crafting the request def get_labels(image, num_retries=3, max_results=3): # Construct the request service_request = service.images().annotate( body={'requests': [{ 'image': { 'content': image_content, }, 'features': [{ 'type': 'LABEL_DETECTION', 'maxResults': max_results, }] }] })

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@juliaferraioli Executing the request def get_labels(image, num_retries=3, max_results=3): # Send it off to the API response = service_request.execute(num_retries=num_retries)

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@juliaferraioli Returning the labels def get_labels(image, num_retries=3, max_results=3): # Return the labels if('responses' in response and 'labelAnnotations' in response['responses'][0]): # Hey, the API found something! return response['responses'][0]['labelAnnotations'] else: # Sigh, no dice this time :-( return []

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CC image courtesy of John Morgan:

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@juliaferraioli Receiving the MMS @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def receive_message(): for i in range(int(request.values.get('NumMedia', None))): media_url = request.values.get('MediaUrl%i' % i, None) image = requests.get(media_url).content labels = get_labels(image) response = construct_message(labels) return str(response)

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@juliaferraioli Sending back the results def construct_message(labels): label_desc = "" # Go through labels and turn them into text of the response # Turn the string into a twiml response

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@juliaferraioli Sending back the results def construct_message(labels): # Go through labels and turn them into text of the response for i in range(len(labels)): # We've got an answer! Let's tell them about it label_desc += 'Score is %s for %s\n' % (labels[i]['score'], labels[i]['description'])

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@juliaferraioli Sending back the results def construct_message(labels): # Turn the string into a twiml response resp = twilio.twiml.Response() resp.message(label_desc)

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@juliaferraioli Responding to the MMS @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def receive_message(): for i in range(int(request.values.get('NumMedia', None))): media_url = request.values.get('MediaUrl%i' % i, None) image = requests.get(media_url).content labels = get_labels(image) resp = construct_message(labels) return str(resp)

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Demo time!

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@juliaferraioli What’s that? We found some labels for your image: Score is 0.90518606 for cephalopod Score is 0.79291707 for marine invertebrates Score is 0.78696847 for octopus

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@juliaferraioli CC image courtesy of John Morgan:

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@juliaferraioli What’s that? We found some labels for your image: Score is 0.59691668 for brand Score is 0.58166391 for writing

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What? NO DICE?!?

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This is cool, but...

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@juliaferraioli Why? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ● Aid tourists around the world with landmark detection ● Build a bot to sort your mail and text you the senders with OCR ● Run a simple Q&A service for people with low vision ● Help folks analyze interactions using sentiment analysis ● Boost conference scanners to recognize logos on business cards ● … and lots more

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Learn more ● Google Cloud Vision developer documentation: ● Code from today: ● Code from today running on Kubernetes (!!!):

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