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Practical Core Bluetooth in IoT & Wearable projects Shuichi Tsutsumi @shu223 iOS Freelancer iOSCon 2016 - London

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Overview • Basics of Core Bluetooth • Practical Core Bluetooth

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Bluetooth Low Energy?

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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) • Wireless technology - no network infrastructure required

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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) • Wireless technology - no network infrastructure required Wi-Fi

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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) • Wireless technology - no network infrastructure required BLE

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• Low energy

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• Low energy • NOT compatible with Classic BT

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• Low energy • NOT compatible with Classic BT • Uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies

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• Low energy • NOT compatible with Classic BT • Uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies • Marketed by the Bluetooth SIG

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• Low energy • NOT compatible with Classic BT • Uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies • Marketed by the Bluetooth SIG • etc…

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• Low energy • NOT compatible with Classic BT • Uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies • Marketed by the Bluetooth SIG • etc…

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The most important thing for iOS developers

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The API ‘Core Bluetooth’ is open for developers

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The API ‘Core Bluetooth’ is open for developers • API for Classic BT is NOT open. - Requires MFi certification.

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BLE is almost the ONLY way to enable iOS apps to communicate with external hardware without infrastructure or MFi.

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Basics of Core Bluetooth

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Moff Band Moff App

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Moff Band Moff App BLE Connection

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Moff Band Moff App BLE Connection Sensors - Gyroscope - Accelerometer

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Moff Band Moff App Sensor Data BLE Connection Sensors - Gyroscope - Accelerometer

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Moff Band Moff App Sensor Data BLE Connection Sensors - Gyroscope - Accelerometer Analyze sensor data

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Moff Band Moff App Sensor Data BLE Connection Sensors - Gyroscope - Accelerometer Analyze sensor data Recognize - Gesture - Posture

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Moff Band Moff App Sensor Data BLE Connection Sensors - Gyroscope - Accelerometer Analyze sensor data Recognize - Gesture - Posture Play sounds

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Sensor Data How sensor data is sent with Core Bluetooth BLE Connection

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Step 1. Scan

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Step 1. Scan: Search for nearby BLE devices

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Step 1. Scan: Search for nearby BLE devices

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Step 1. Scan Advertise : Search for nearby BLE devices

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Scan Step 1. Scan Advertise : Search for nearby BLE devices

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Scan Step 1. Scan Advertise : Search for nearby BLE devices centralManager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices(nil, options: nil)

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Scan Step 1. Scan Advertise Discover : Search for nearby BLE devices

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Scan Step 1. Scan Advertise Discover : Search for nearby BLE devices func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(“Discovered a BLE device!”) }

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Scan Step 1. Scan Advertise Discover : Search for nearby BLE devices func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(“Discovered a BLE device!”) } Central

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Scan Step 1. Scan Advertise Discover : Search for nearby BLE devices func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(“Discovered a BLE device!”) } Peripheral Central

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Step 2. Connect

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Connect Step 2. Connect

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Connect Step 2. Connect centralManager.connectPeripheral(peripheral, options: nil)

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Connect Step 2. Connect centralManager.connectPeripheral(peripheral, options: nil) func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didConnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral) { print(“Connected!”) }

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Step 3. Subscribe

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Step 3. Subscribe: Ready to receive data

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Step 3. Subscribe: Ready to receive data GATT = Generic Attribute Profile

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Moff Service xx Service Step 3. Subscribe: Ready to receive data GATT = Generic Attribute Profile

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Moff Service xx Service Button Characteristic xx Characteristic Sensor Characteristic Step 3. Subscribe: Ready to receive data GATT = Generic Attribute Profile

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Moff Service xx Service Button Characteristic xx Characteristic Sensor Characteristic Subscribe (Request to be notified) Step 3. Subscribe: Ready to receive data GATT = Generic Attribute Profile

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Moff Service xx Service Button Characteristic xx Characteristic Sensor Characteristic Subscribe (Request to be notified) Step 3. Subscribe: Ready to receive data GATT = Generic Attribute Profile peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, forCharacteristic: c)

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Step 4. Notify Moff Service Sensor Characteristic xxxx Characteristic

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Step 4. Notify Moff Service Sensor Characteristic xxxx Characteristic Update the value

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Step 4. Notify Notify subscribers Moff Service Sensor Characteristic xxxx Characteristic Update the value

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Step 4. Notify Notify subscribers Moff Service Sensor Characteristic xxxx Characteristic Update the value func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueForCharacteristic characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: NSError?) { print(“Received sensor data!”) }

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Step 4. Notify Notify subscribers Moff Service Sensor Characteristic xxxx Characteristic Update the value func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueForCharacteristic characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: NSError?) { print(“Received sensor data!”) }

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Hardware Side?

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Hardware Side? I’m sorry, I don’t know…

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BLE iOS Engineer

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BLE iOS Engineer

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BLE Firmware Engineer iOS Engineer

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BLE Firmware Engineer iOS Engineer

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HW Projects I’ve worked on as an iOS engineer

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Wheelchair ‘WHILL’

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Wheelchair ‘WHILL’

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Wearable Walkie-Talkie ‘BONX’

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Wearable Walkie-Talkie ‘BONX’

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Wearable Walkie-Talkie ‘BONX’

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Group conversation system with VoIP

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Group conversation system with VoIP - Detects the human voice

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Group conversation system with VoIP - Detects the human voice - Cuts out all background noise

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→ Can be used even in areas with poor coverage! Group conversation system with VoIP - Detects the human voice - Cuts out all background noise

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IoT for Cars ‘SmartDrive’

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Printable Open-Source Humanoid “PLEN2”

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Music for the Deaf %BJUP.BOBCF.PUPJ*TIJCBTIJ5FSVPLB.BTBLJ4IVJDIJ5TVUTVNJY406-'".*-: Electronic Stimulation Device iPhone

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Music for the Deaf %BJUP.BOBCF.PUPJ*TIJCBTIJ5FSVPLB.BTBLJ4IVJDIJ5TVUTVNJY406-'".*-: Commands Electronic Stimulation Device iPhone

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Practical Core Bluetooth

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Defining GATT

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GATT to send sensor data Foo Service Sensor Data Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Bar Service xx Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: acc x, acc y, acc z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z (2bytes for each) xx Characteristic

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GATT to send sensor data Foo Service Sensor Data Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Bar Service xx Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: acc x, acc y, acc z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z (2bytes for each) xx Characteristic

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GATT to send sensor data Foo Service Sensor Data Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Bar Service xx Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: acc x, acc y, acc z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z (2bytes for each) xx Characteristic

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GATT to send sensor data Foo Service Sensor Data Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Bar Service xx Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: acc x, acc y, acc z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z (2bytes for each) xx Characteristic

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GATT to send sensor data Foo Service Sensor Data Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Bar Service xx Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: acc x, acc y, acc z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z (2bytes for each) xx Characteristic

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GATT to send sensor data Foo Service Sensor Data Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Bar Service xx Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: acc x, acc y, acc z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z (2bytes for each) xx Characteristic

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00 Button interactions

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00 Button interactions

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00 Button interactions

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GATT to send button interactions Foo Service Button Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Notify Value: 0x01 or 0x00 Button interactions Y1VTIFE Y3FMFBTFE

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GATT for remote control Foo Service Remote Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: Horizontal (-100 ~ 100), Vertical (-100 ~ 100)

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GATT for remote control Foo Service Remote Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: Horizontal (-100 ~ 100), Vertical (-100 ~ 100)

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GATT for remote control Foo Service Remote Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: Horizontal (-100 ~ 100), Vertical (-100 ~ 100) values

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GATT for remote control Foo Service Remote Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: Horizontal (-100 ~ 100), Vertical (-100 ~ 100) values

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GATT for remote control Foo Service Remote Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: Horizontal (-100 ~ 100), Vertical (-100 ~ 100) values

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GATT for generic commands

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GATT for generic commands Electronic Stimulation Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: 1 byte

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GATT for generic commands Electronic Stimulation Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: 1 byte

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GATT for generic commands Electronic Stimulation Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: 1 byte 4 Commands: - Change the pulse frequency - Change the electric current - OnOff the right channels - OnOff the left channels

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GATT for generic commands Electronic Stimulation Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: 1 byte 4 Commands: - Change the pulse frequency - Change the electric current - OnOff the right channels - OnOff the left channels

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GATT for generic commands Electronic Stimulation Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: 1 byte High-order 2 bits - 00: Change the pulse frequency - 01: Change the electric current - 10: OnOff the left channels - 11: OnOff the right channels

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GATT for generic commands Electronic Stimulation Control Characteristic UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Properties: Write Value: 1 byte High-order 2 bits - 00: Change the pulse frequency - 01: Change the electric current - 10: OnOff the left channels - 11: OnOff the right channels

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How to define GATT

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How to define GATT 1. Create UUID for the service & characteristic

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How to define GATT 1. Create UUID for the service & characteristic $ uuidgen CEEA31BC-BEAC-4A78-B7ED-FC96B6254D4C

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How to define GATT 1. Create UUID for the service & characteristic 2. Define the properties (Read, Notify, Write, etc.) $ uuidgen CEEA31BC-BEAC-4A78-B7ED-FC96B6254D4C

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How to define GATT 1. Create UUID for the service & characteristic 2. Define the properties (Read, Notify, Write, etc.) Peripheral → Central: Notify 
 Central → Peripheral: Write $ uuidgen CEEA31BC-BEAC-4A78-B7ED-FC96B6254D4C

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How to define GATT 1. Create UUID for the service & characteristic 2. Define the properties (Read, Notify, Write, etc.) Peripheral → Central: Notify 
 Central → Peripheral: Write 3. Define the value format $ uuidgen CEEA31BC-BEAC-4A78-B7ED-FC96B6254D4C

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How to define GATT 1. Create UUID for the service & characteristic 2. Define the properties (Read, Notify, Write, etc.) Peripheral → Central: Notify 
 Central → Peripheral: Write 3. Define the value format Usually limited to 20 bytes $ uuidgen CEEA31BC-BEAC-4A78-B7ED-FC96B6254D4C

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Reference: GATT profiles by Bluetooth SIG

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Defining background behaviors

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Background behaviors on iOS • Very limited - Listening to music - Getting location data - Downloading data

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If BLE didn’t work in the background…

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You would have to always keep the app in the foreground, while snowboarding!

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You would have to launch the app whenever you go driving!

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What functions can be used in the background?

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What functions can be used in the background? • Scanning peripherals

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What functions can be used in the background? • Scanning peripherals • Connecting with peripherals

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What functions can be used in the background? • Scanning peripherals • Connecting with peripherals • Reading characteristics’ value

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What functions can be used in the background? • Scanning peripherals • Connecting with peripherals • Reading characteristics’ value • Writing characteristics’ value

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What functions can be used in the background? • Scanning peripherals • Connecting with peripherals • Reading characteristics’ value • Writing characteristics’ value • Receiving notifications

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What functions can be used in the background? • Scanning peripherals • Connecting with peripherals • Reading characteristics’ value • Writing characteristics’ value • Receiving notifications Almost all functions can be used even in the background!

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How to support background mode

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Just check this box!

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Limitations • Longer intervals for scanning

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Limitations • Longer intervals for scanning • Must explicitly specify one or more services to scan

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Limitations • Longer intervals for scanning • Must explicitly specify one or more services to scan • CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey option is ignored

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Limitations • Longer intervals for scanning • Must explicitly specify one or more services to scan • CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey option is ignored Resources - Core Bluetooth Programming Guide - Core Bluetooth Framework Reference (also in headers)

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If the app in the background is killed by the system…

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State Preservation and Restoration

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State Preservation and Restoration The system takes over the BLE tasks even after the app is killed.

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State Preservation and Restoration The system takes over the BLE tasks even after the app is killed. - Preserves the state of the app’s central managers and continues the BLE tasks on their behalf.

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State Preservation and Restoration The system takes over the BLE tasks even after the app is killed. - Preserves the state of the app’s central managers and continues the BLE tasks on their behalf. - Relaunches the app into the background and calls the corresponding delegate method.

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State Preservation and Restoration The system takes over the BLE tasks even after the app is killed. - Preserves the state of the app’s central managers and continues the BLE tasks on their behalf. - Relaunches the app into the background and calls the corresponding delegate method. → The app can handle BLE events!

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• The app is killed by the system

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• The app is killed by the system • The user pushes the button on the peripheral device

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• The app is killed by the system • The user pushes the button on the peripheral device • The system receives the notification

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• The app is killed by the system • The user pushes the button on the peripheral device • The system receives the notification • The app is relaunched in the BG and the delegate method is called.

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func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueForCharacteristic characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: NSError?) { print(“Received the characteristic data!”) } • The app is killed by the system • The user pushes the button on the peripheral device • The system receives the notification • The app is relaunched in the BG and the delegate method is called.

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func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueForCharacteristic characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: NSError?) { print(“Received the characteristic data!”) } • The app is killed by the system • The user pushes the button on the peripheral device • The system receives the notification • The app is relaunched in the BG and the delegate method is called. The app can process the button interaction!

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Implementation • Add an option when initializing the CBCentralManager object. let options = [ CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey: "somekey" ] centralManager = CBCentralManager( delegate: self, queue: queue, options: options)

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Implementation • Implement the delegate method which is called when the app is restored. func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, willRestoreState dict: [String : AnyObject]) { print("Restored") }

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Testing the restoration • Kill the app as if it was killed by the iOS kill(getpid(), SIGKILL);

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How to test without HW prototypes

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Did the HW prototypes exist when develop the apps? Projects HW prototypes existed? Moff YES WHILL NO BONX NO SmartDrive YES PLEN2 NO Music for the Deaf NO

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Development Kit

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Development Kit BLE Module

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Development Kit BLE Module Display

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Development Kit BLE Module Display USB interface

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Development Kit BLE Module Display USB interface Battery box

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Development Kit Can start development without creating a circuit ourselves BLE Module Display USB interface Battery box

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Development Kit

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Development Kit App

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Development Kit App BLE

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Horizontal (-100~100) / Vertical (-100~100) Development Kit App BLE

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Emulator App • Develop another iOS app as the alternative to the peripheral device • Use CBPeripheralManager • Easier for iOS engineers

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Multi-Function Control • Single Tap • Double Tap • Long Press • Very Long Press =

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Can’t find the peripheral Scan ?

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Can’t connect Find

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Can’t connect Connect ×

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• Connection dropped • Can’t discover services or characteristics • Fail to write • Incorrect characteristic values • Incorrect behaviors in the background • etc…

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Identify which side the problem is on Is the problem on the central side or on the peripheral side? → Compare with another iOS app like ‘LightBlue’

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Can’t find the peripheral • Scanning, but can’t find the peripheral device

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Can’t find the peripheral • Scanning, but can’t find the peripheral device Scan

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Can’t find the peripheral • Scanning, but can’t find the peripheral device Scan but ‘didDiscover’ method isn’t called

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Can’t find the peripheral • Scan with another iOS app Scan

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Can’t find the peripheral • Scan with another iOS app Scan Discovered peripherals

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Can’t connect, etc. Connect

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Can’t connect, etc. Connect Services & Characteristics

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Other debugging tools

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Bluetooth Explorer An OS X app made by Apple

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Low Energy Devices

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Low Energy Devices Scan, Connect

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Low Energy Devices Scan, Connect Details of services and characteristics

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Low Energy Devices Scan, Connect Details of services and characteristics Write, Read, Register Notify (Subscribe)

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func centralManager( central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(advertisementData) }

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func centralManager( central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(advertisementData) } Filtered by iOS!

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func centralManager( central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(advertisementData) } Filtered by iOS! → Can’t see all of the advertisement data

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func centralManager( central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber!) { print(advertisementData) } Filtered by iOS! e.g. Can’t see the ‘Manufacture Data’ field of iBeacon → Can’t see all of the advertisement data

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Not filtered → Can see the ‘Manufacture Data’ field of iBeacon

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Packet Logger An OS X app made by Apple

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How to get

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How to get

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How to get Download ‘Hardware IO Tools for Xcode’

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How to get Download ‘Hardware IO Tools for Xcode’

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How to get Download ‘Hardware IO Tools for Xcode’

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How to get Download ‘Hardware IO Tools for Xcode’

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App Review

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MSRP $13,995

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Costing too much

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Not enough devices when submitting

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Videos for review

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Videos for review • Show how the app works with the peripheral device

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Videos for review • Show how the app works with the peripheral device • Not need to be cool!

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• Shoot with iPhone

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• Shoot with iPhone • Edit with iMovie

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy?

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product • Practical Core Bluetooth with specific examples

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product • Practical Core Bluetooth with specific examples - Defining GATT

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product • Practical Core Bluetooth with specific examples - Defining GATT - Defining background behaviors

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product • Practical Core Bluetooth with specific examples - Defining GATT - Defining background behaviors - Testing without HW prototypes

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product • Practical Core Bluetooth with specific examples - Defining GATT - Defining background behaviors - Testing without HW prototypes - Troubleshooting

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Recap • What is Bluetooth Low Energy? • Basics of Core Bluetooth with an actual product • Practical Core Bluetooth with specific examples - Defining GATT - Defining background behaviors - Testing without HW prototypes - Troubleshooting - App Review

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ଋɿ31mm ද 4 ද 1 iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth ϓϩάϥ ϛ ϯά iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth ϓ ϩ ά ϥ ϛ ϯ ά అ म Ұ দ ଜ ྱ ԝ ử ஶ అमҰʷদଜྱԝ ʹ ஶ Shuichi TSUTSUMI ʷ Reo MATSUMURA iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth Programming iOSʷBLE 定価:本体4,000円 (税別) Resources

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ଋɿ31mm ද 4 ද 1 iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth ϓϩάϥ ϛ ϯά iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth ϓ ϩ ά ϥ ϛ ϯ ά అ म Ұ দ ଜ ྱ ԝ ử ஶ అमҰʷদଜྱԝ ʹ ஶ Shuichi TSUTSUMI ʷ Reo MATSUMURA iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth Programming iOSʷBLE 定価:本体4,000円 (税別) Resources • 500 pages about iOS x BLE

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ଋɿ31mm ද 4 ද 1 iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth ϓϩάϥ ϛ ϯά iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth ϓ ϩ ά ϥ ϛ ϯ ά అ म Ұ দ ଜ ྱ ԝ ử ஶ అमҰʷদଜྱԝ ʹ ஶ Shuichi TSUTSUMI ʷ Reo MATSUMURA iOSʷBLE Core Bluetooth Programming iOSʷBLE 定価:本体4,000円 (税別) Resources • 500 pages about iOS x BLE • Japanese only

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Resources • Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy - Covers large area of BLE

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Resources • Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy - Covers large area of BLE • Core Bluetooth Programming Guide - Good to know the overview of Core Bluetooth • Core Bluetooth Framework Reference - Details of Core Bluetooth

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Resources • Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy - Covers large area of BLE • Core Bluetooth Programming Guide - Good to know the overview of Core Bluetooth • Core Bluetooth Framework Reference - Details of Core Bluetooth • Bluetooth Accessory Design Guidelines for Apple Products - For HW side, but helpful also for iOS engineers to know specs or limitations due to HW side such as connection intervals.

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Resources • WWDC 2012 - Session 703 - Core Bluetooth 101 - Helpful to know about BLE

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Resources • WWDC 2012 - Session 703 - Core Bluetooth 101 - Helpful to know about BLE • WWDC 2012 - Session 705 - Advanced Core Bluetooth - Connection interval, Caching, etc… • WWDC 2013 - Session 703 - Core Bluetooth - Retrieving peripherals, State preservation & restoration etc.. - Includes advanced and detailed information

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Resources • WWDC 2012 - Session 703 - Core Bluetooth 101 - Helpful to know about BLE • WWDC 2012 - Session 705 - Advanced Core Bluetooth - Connection interval, Caching, etc… • WWDC 2013 - Session 703 - Core Bluetooth - Retrieving peripherals, State preservation & restoration etc.. - Includes advanced and detailed information • Bluetooth Core Specification by Bluetooth SIG - The official specification / Total 2000 pages…

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Thank you! Shuichi Tsutsumi - iOS Freelancer • Twitter: @shu223 • GitHub: shu223 • Blog: • Email: