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MongoEngine NoORM for NoSQL Serge Matveenko PyCon Russia 2013

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Quick MongoDB intro NoSQL document-oriented database ● scalable (auto-sharding, replication) ● high-performance (~104-105 queries/sec) ● open source (db: AGPL, drivers: Apache)

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RDBMS vs MongoDB RDBMS MongoDB data DB + Driver DB + PyMongo aggregation constraints Application validation cascade updates business logic Application

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RDBMS vs MongoDB RDBMS MongoDB data DB + Driver DB + PyMongo aggregation constraints MongoEngine validation cascade updates business logic Application Application

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MongoEngine class CharacterName(EmbeddedDocument): first = StringField() last = StringField() class Character(Document): name = EmbeddedDocumentField(CharacterName) rating = IntField() MongoDB { "_id" : ObjectId ("5125e0ee98764119e77d9b1f"), "_types" : ["Character"], "rating" : 42, "name" : {"_types" : ["CharacterName"], "last": "Connor", "_cls": "CharacterName", "first": "Sarah"}, "_cls": "Character" } How it looks

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MongoEngine class CharacterName(EmbeddedDocument): first = StringField() last = StringField() class Character(Document): name = EmbeddedDocumentField(CharacterName) rating = IntField() MongoDB { "_id" : ObjectId ("5125e0ee98764119e77d9b1f"), "rating" : 42, "name" : {"last": "Connor", "_cls": "CharacterName", "first": "Sarah"}, "_cls": "Character" } How it looks (MongoEngine 0.8)

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Simple db.character.find({'name.first': 'John'}) Character.objects(name__first='John') db.character.find({rating: {$gte: 42}}).limit(5) Character.objects(rating__gte=42)[:5] db.character.find({rating: {$exists: false}}) Character.objects(rating__exists=False) Querying with MongoEngine

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Map/Reduce db.character.mapReduce(map_f, reduce_f, {out: 'mr_col'}); db.mr_col.find(); Character.objects.map_reduce(map_f, reduce_f, 'mr_col') Querying with MongoEngine

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Creating {name: {first: 'John', last: 'Conor'}, rating: 42}) jc = Character( name=CharacterName(first='John', last='Conor'), rating=42) Updating with MongoEngine

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Atomic updates db.character.update( {name: {first: "John", last: "Conor"}}, {$set: {"name.last": "Connor"}}) Character.objects( name=CharacterName(first='John', last='Conor') ).update(set__name__last='Connor') Updating with MongoEngine

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Under the hood MongoDB "C" BSON Module PyMongo MongoEngine JavaScript Console Binary data Python native types Declarative classes

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Under the hood MongoDB "C" BSON Module PyMongo MongoEngine JavaScript Console Binary data Python native types Declarative classes

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Out of the box ● authentication backend ● session engine ● GridFSStorage Third party ● stephrdev/django-mongoforms (Model Forms port) ● wpjunior/django-mongotools (forms, generic views) ● lig/django-registration-me (django-registration port) Django integration

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Customizing things (added today. sorry:) ● SequenceField(value_decorator=func) ● StringField(regex=r'…') ● URLField(verify_exists=True) ● … ● Inherit from standard Field classes ● Write your own Field classes ● Inherit from BaseDocument class, don't forget metaclass! ● Any metamagic your like…

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Questions? Serge Matveenko ( Thanks to Ross Lawley ( Elena Voronina :)