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Easy React Native using Expo 16th March 2017

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I’m Simon JavaScript and React Enthusiast Founder at KodeFox Twitter: @sstur_

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Expo Expo enables you to build high quality native iOS and Android applications using React Native and deploy effortlessly. (previously Exponent)

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Expo is open source and free and built-on Facebook’s React Native.

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Expo Writing an Expo app is like writing a React Native app, except you never need to open Android Studio or Xcode and you don’t even need a Mac.

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… and deployment is a breeze.

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What is React Native Lets’ start with:

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React Native •Similar to React on Web but without the browser DOM •No HTML, no CSS, no browser •Easy to build Cross Platform

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React Native •High performance compared with other cross- platform frameworks •Exceptional developer experience compared with native iOS/Android •Easy to get started for web developers

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React Web vs React Native

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We could do a whole presentation on why React Native is awesome. … but this talk is about Expo

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Expo Expo is essentially a set of tools around React Native. • Creating projects • Easy access to native features (e.g. push notifications) • Building and Running on Devices (!!)

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How to Expo 1) Install the XDE on your computer (Mac, Win or Linux)

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How to Expo 2) Open your favorite editor and hack on some code.

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How to Expo 3) Send a link to any device.

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This is where the Magic happens.

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No content

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We can run a native app effortlessly. (as easy as loading a webpage)

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Let’s try it now…

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The Expo client is like a browser but for native mobile apps.

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What’s included in the SDK: Everything React Native provides, PLUS: • Audio • Simple Push Notifications • QR code reader • Accelerometer • Map View • Video • Camera / Image Picker • SVG • Location services • Social Login

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So what about publishing my App?

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Publishing Several Options: • Publish on the Exponent platform. • Build a standalone app for submitting to the App/Play Store • Detach to get a normal React Native app.

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Bonus: you can push OTA updates to your published app.

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When to use Expo: Expo is super useful for: • Easily sending clients a demo of your app during the early/middle phase of development. • Rapid Prototyping • Learning / Teaching without messing with Xcode or compilation steps

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But some people use it throughout the entire dev process.

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When to use React Native instead • Expo does NOT allow custom native code. • Everything must be written in JS and use the features provided in the Expo SDK • If you need to write custom native code, detach and use React Native.

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Thanks for Listening! @sstur_