Slide 24
Slide 24 text
Experiment 3: meta-linguistic prompting
Hey LLMs, tell me the reading time/suprisal of this word in this sentence
(this may not work, though…)
Suppose humans read the following sentence: "’No, it’s fine. I love it,’ said Lucy knowing that affording the phone had been no small
thing for her mother."
List the tokens and their IDs in order of their reading cost (high to low) during sentence processing.
Token ID:
0: ’No„ 1: it’s, 2: fine., 3: I, 4: love, 5: it,’, 6: said, 7: Lucy, 8: knowing, 9: that, 10: affording, 11: the, 12: phone, 13: had, 14: been,
15: no, 16: small, 17: thing, 18: for, 19: her, 20: mother.,
20: mother., 10: affording, 6: said, 11: the, 0: ’No„ 7: Lucy, 1: it’s, 9: that, 17: thing, 5: it,’, 2: fine., 15: no, 14: been, 3: I, 13: had, 8:
knowing, 12: phone, 19: her, 16: small, 4: love, 18: for,
Suppose humans read the following sentence: "A clear and joyous day it was and out on the wide open sea, thousands upon thousands
of sparkling water drops, excited by getting to play in the ocean, danced all around."
List the tokens and their IDs in order of their reading cost (high to low) during sentence processing.
Token ID:
0: A, 1: clear, 2: and, 3: joyous, 4: day, 5: it, 6: was, 7: and, 8: out, 9: on, 10: the, 11: wide, 12: open, 13: sea„ 14: thousands, 15:
3-shot setting
Simplified as a token-sorting problem in the order of their processing costs