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The WordPress
 JSON REST API Rachel Baker @rachelbaker WC Milwaukee 2014 Ryan McCue @rmccue

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Meet the Team

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What is the REST API?

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Three Parts:

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JSON { "ID": 4, "title": "My Awesome Post", "content": "This is my awesome content!" } JavaScript Object Notation • Supported by basically everything • Human readable • Standard

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REST Actions applied to Resources Create POST Read GET Update PUT Delete DELETE Uses HTTP actions: Representational State Transfer

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REST Representational State Transfer /posts /posts/4 /posts /posts/4 /posts/4 GET GET POST PUT DELETE Action
 (Verb) Resource

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API Application Programming Interface A way to access and manipulate your data

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API Or extend as needed! GET POST PUT DELETE Posts ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Pages ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Custom Post Types ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Post Meta ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Media ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Comments ✔ ✔ Taxonomies/Terms ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Users ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

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Why do we need it?

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XML-RPC Hugely complicated: (WordPress for iPhone Trac)

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Jetpack API Easy for developers Works with Javascript easily (JSON-based)
 Requires Jetpack active Depends on Does not work for local development Cannot control access to certain apps

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How do we use it?

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{ "name": "WP API Dev", "description": "Just another WordPress site", "URL": "", "routes": {}, "authentication": [], "meta": {} } /wp-json/ GET

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[{ "ID": 110, "title": "Testing sticky", "status": "publish", "type": "post", "author": {}, "content": "

this should be stuck as a post. Stuck on you.

\n", "link": "", "date": "2014-06-02T10:47:39-05:00", "modified": "2014-06-02T10:47:39-05:00", "format": "standard", "slug": "testing-sticky-2", "guid": "", "excerpt": "

this should be stuck as a post. Stuck on you.

\n”, "comment_status": "open", "sticky": true, "meta": {}, "featured_image": null, "terms": {} }] /wp-json/posts GET

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[{ "name": "Categories", "slug": "category", "labels": {}, "types": {}, "show_cloud": true, "hierarchical": true, "meta": {} },{ "name": "Tags", "slug": "post_tag", "labels": {}, "types": {}, "show_cloud": true, "hierarchical": false, "meta": {} },] /wp-json/taxonomies GET

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[{ "ID": 121, "title": "puppies", "type": "attachment", "author": {}, "content": "

\"puppies\" a>

\n", "link": "", "date": "2014-07-25T17:07:02-05:00", "modified": "2014-07-25T17:07:02-05:00", "slug": "puppies", "guid": "", "meta": {}, "terms": [], "attachment_meta": { "width": 1600, "height": 1200, "file": "2014/07/puppies.jpeg", "sizes": {}, "image_meta": {} }] /wp-json/media GET

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{ "ID": 1, "title": "Hello World!", "status": "publish", "type": "post", "author": {}, "content": "

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

\n", "link": "", "date": "2014-04-18T15:14:46-05:00", "modified": "2014-05-02T01:26:30-05:00", "format": "standard", "slug": "hello-world", "guid": "", "excerpt": "

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

\n", "comment_status": "open", "meta": {}, "featured_image": null, "terms": {} } /wp-json/posts/1 GET

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[{ "ID": 1, "post": 1, "content": "

Hi, this is a comment.
\nTo delete a comment, just log in and view the post's comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.

\n", "status": "approved", "type": "comment", "author": { "ID": 0, "name": "Mr WordPress", "URL": "", "avatar": " ad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536?s=96" }, "date": "2014-04-18T15:14:46-05:00", "meta": { "links": { "up": "", "self": "" }}}] /wp-json/posts/1/comments GET

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[{ "code": "json_user_cannot_list", "message": "Sorry, you are not allowed to list users." }] /wp-json/users GET GET /wp-json/posts/1/meta [{ "code": "json_cannot_edit", "message": "Sorry, you cannot edit this post” }]

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curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' { "title":"Bears Beat the Packers ", "content_raw":"

In the coldest game in recorded Bears history, the Packers traveled to Soldier Field, where a victory against the Bears would have ended their playoff hopes. The Bears had to rally from a 14–3 score at the half. The Bears were able to score after a turnover on a Packers punt return. The Packers were on the verge of finishing a game-winning drive when Mason Crosby\u2019s field goal attempt was blocked by Alex Brown, pushing the game to overtime. The Bears took the first possession in overtime and won the game on a 38-yard field goal by Robbie Gould.<\/p>", "status": "publish" "sticky": true, "post_meta" : [ { "key" : "game_score", "value" : "20-17" }, { "key" : "game_victor", "value" : "Chicago Bears" } ] } ' -u admin:password /wp-json/posts GET POST Request Basic Auth

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curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' { "name":"Rachel Baker", "first_name":"Rachel", "last_name": “Baker", "nickname": “rachelbaker", "email": “rachel\" } ' -u admin:password /wp-json/users/1 GET POST Request Basic Auth PUT

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Where could we use it?

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Use Cases: Perform CRUD operations 
 on the client-side Backbone.js themes or plugins ! Receiving and populating content for “infinite scrolling” 
 Form validation and submissions
 Front-end content editing

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Use Cases: Perform CRUD operations 
 on another WordPress site Display content from a separate WordPress site ! Display content from another site within a multisite network ! Manage (create, update, delete) content on a separate WordPress site or another site 
 within a multisite network

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Use Cases: Break your content free 
 from WordPress Display and manage your content in a mobile application ! Integrate your content with other 
 application platforms ! Integrate other application platforms with your WordPress site

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Where can we learn more?

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Resources JSON REST API Plugin: ! OAuth1 Authentication Plugin:
 Basic Authentication Plugin: ! API Console: JSON REST API

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Resources JS Client: ! PHP Client: 
 WP-CLI Client: JSON REST API Clients

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Resources More about REST: whatisrest.html ! Postman HTTP Chrome Plugin: ! Paw HTTP App for OSX: REST Information and Tools

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Have questions? Rachel Baker @rachelbaker Ryan McCue @rmccue