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September 10, 2019 | NestJS Paris | Sylvain Pontoreau NestJS & Event Store

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Formerly Microsoft In ❤ with Co-organizer Who I am? @spontoreau

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Paris TypeScript @ParisTypeScript

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Domain Driven Design • DDD is not a Framework nor a Methodology… • … it's an approach to dealing with complexity • DDD focusing: • The domain representation • The domain logic • Technical aspects are secondary • Just a part that enforcing the domain

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Opposite of Data Driven Development Data Driven Development Domain Driven Design != Data structure Entity Relationship CRUD Behavior Bounded Context Event

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Query Just a read operation Command Data validation Business logic Persistence CQRS

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CQRS GetBookById Query CreateBook Command GetAllBook Query DeleteBook Command … … Dispatcher Read DB Dispatcher QueryHandler CommandHandler Write DB Validation Plugin Monitoring Plugin Telemetry Plugin … Eventual consistency

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Event Sourcing & CQRS

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CQRS & Event Sourcing GetBookById Query CreateBook Command GetAllBook Query DeleteBook Command … … Dispatcher Read DB Dispatcher QueryHandler CommandHandler Event Store Projection Projection AggregateRoot State Events

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Our focus in this talk GetBookById Query CreateBook Command GetAllBook Query DeleteBook Command … … Dispatcher Read DB Dispatcher QueryHandler CommandHandler Event Store Projection Projection AggregateRoot State Events

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NestJS, Commands, Aggregates & Events Command Bus EventBus EventPublisher Repository CommandHandler Controller/Service Aggregate Execute Comand Execute Handler Get Aggregate Merge Aggregate Apply events Execute behaviors IEventPublisher Publish events DefaultPubSub Default implementation EventHandler EventStore Publisher

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Custom EventPublisher & MessageSource import { IEvent } from './event.interface'; export interface IEventPublisher { publish(event: T); } import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { IEvent } from './event.interface'; export interface IMessageSource { bridgeEventsTo< T extends Ievent >(subject: Subject); } • IEventPublisher • MessageSource export class UserModule implements OnModuleInit { constructor( private readonly eventBus: EventBus, private readonly eventStorePublisher: EventStorePublisher ) {} onModuleInit() { this.eventBus.publisher = this.eventStorePublisher; } } • Module

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Which database for storing events? Choose what you want! Please try me!!!

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Event Store, the stream database

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Resources • CQRS & Event Sourcing • CQRS pattern: • Event Sourcing pattern: • Tackle business complexity in a Microservice with DDD and CQRS: us/dotnet/standard/microservices-architecture/microservice-ddd-cqrs-patterns/ • NestJS CQRS module: • Event Store website: • Talk’s sample: • node-eventstore-client NPM package: • gereventstore-pomise NPM package : • Jérôme Rouaix presentation on CQRS & ES: • Arnaud Lemaire talk on CQRS, ES and DDD: • Greg Young, A decade of DDD, CQRS and ES:

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Thank you!