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Getting Started with HoloSDK 3D Expression on Flat Display

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3D Expression Based on Head Tracking This is a very famous work by Johnny Lee, posted in 2007.

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Examples of Devices Used for Head Tracking Recently, Kinect and Vive trackers are the most popular methods. But not everyone has the equipment for tracking.

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Holo-SDK 3D expression is possible with a webcam without special equipment.

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Today’s Goal Realizes expressions that pop out of the screen and expressions that seem to have space behind them.

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Download Sample Data

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Launch Unity Hub Unity Hub

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Creating a Project (1/6) ①Project ②▼ next to NEW

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Creating a Project (2/6) 2019.4.13 or Later This document is based on the use of 2019.4.x

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Creating a Project (3/6) ①3D ②Project Name

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Creating a Project (4/6) Select a Directory

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Creating a Project (5/6) CREATE

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Creating a Project(6/6) Unity Editor will be shown

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Overview of the Unity Editor Scene Tab Area for placing objects. List of objects List of folders and files in the project

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Installing Holo-SDK (1/6) Open the HoloSDK folder under the C drive. C¥:HoloSDK

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Installing Holo-SDK (2/6) Make sure HoloUnitySDK is in the folder.

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Installing Holo-SDK (3/6) Click Assets Folder

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Installing Holo-SDK (4/6) HoloUnitySDK

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Installing Holo-SDK (5/6) Drag & drop the HoloUnitySDK into the Assets folder

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Installing Holo-SDK (6/6) HoloUnitySDK will be shown

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Get the Object to Display (1/7) Click Window

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Get the Object to Display (2/7) Asset Store

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Get the Object to Display (3/7) Search Free Aircraft

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Get the Object to Display (4/7) Click this icon

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Get the Object to Display (5/7) Download & Import

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Get the Object to Display (6/7) Import

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Get the Object to Display (7/7) Understone folder will be shown

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Development with HoloSDK (1/5) Click Scene tab

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Development with HoloSDK (2/5) Delete Main Camera

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Development with HoloSDK (3/5) Assets → HoloUnitySDK → HoloPrefabs

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Development with HoloSDK (4/5) HoloUnitySDK

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Development with HoloSDK (5/5) Drag & drop HoloUnitySDK into Hierarchy

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Adjusting the Viewpoint of Scene (1/4) Something will appear

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Adjusting the Viewpoint of Scene (2/4) Open HoloUnitySDK

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Adjusting the Viewpoint of Scene (3/4) Double click HoloStage

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Appendix: Identity of the Added Board  This is the background area displayed on the screen.  Depending on the setting, it may looks black, but it can be displayed in the actual color later.  CG is placed between the virtual camera and this board to create the content.

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Adjusting the Viewpoint of Scene (4/4) Alt + Drag to rotate view The orientation of the center axis of the board should be this Position of the viewpoint (virtual camera)

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Add a Display Object to the Scene Assets → Understone → Free Aircraft Pack → Prefabs

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Add a Display Object to the Scene Open HoloStage

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Add a Display Object to the Scene Find HoloObjects

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Add a Display Object to the Scene aircraft-A-A

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Add a Display Object to the Scene Drag & drop aircraft-A-A into HoloObjects

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Add a Display Object to the Scene Aircraft should be added as a child of HoloObjects

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Adjust Position/Rotation/Size Make the object small and easy to see (explained in the next page).

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Adjust Position/Rotation/Size aircraft-A-A Poisition: 0 0 -20 Rotation:0 220 0 Scale: 5 5 5

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Adding Other Objects (1/6) Cloud-A

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Adding Other Objects (2/6) Drag & dropCloud-A into HoloObjects

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Adding Other Objects (3/6) Cloud-A Poisition: -20 15 0 Rotation:0 0 0 Scale: 1.5 1.5 1.5

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Adding Other Objects (4/6) Click Cloud-A

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Adding Other Objects (5/6) Ctrl + D to duplicate cloud

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Adding Other Objects (6/6) Cloud-A (1) Poisition: 28 -9 0 Rotation:0 0 0 Scale: 1 1 1

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Modify Brightness (1/4) Window

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Modify Brightness (2/4) Rendering Lighting Setting

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Modify Brightness (3/4) Auto Generate

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Modify Brightness (4/4) 明るくなる

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Ctrl + S to save the scene

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Run Click play button

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Run No camera rendering

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Run Click play button again to stop

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Detail of the Camera of HoloSDK HoloCamera

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Detail of the Camera of HoloSDK Key ID is empty

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To use the camera, you need to create a license and obtain an ID.

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Launch a text editor to note down information about the license.

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Access to Official Site or Search Holo SDK in google

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Obtaining Key ID (1/9) Manage License

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Obtaining Key ID (2/9) If you already have id, shown like this

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Obtaining Key ID (3/9) If you don’t have id...

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Obtaining Key ID (4/9) Buy more license

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Obtaining Key ID (5/9) GENERATE FREE

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Obtaining Key ID (6/9) Edit

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Obtaining Key ID (7/9) Company Name Product Name

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Write down the company name and product name in a text editor.

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Obtaining Key ID (8/9) Add

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Obtaining Key ID (9/9) Key ID

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Copy and paste the Key ID into a text editor as well.

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Applying Key ID (1/5) HoloCamera Paste Key ID

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Applying Key ID (2/5) Edit

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Applying Key ID (3/5) Project Settings

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Applying Key ID (4/5) Company Name Product Name Applying Key ID

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Applying Key ID (5/5) Close

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Save the current scene (1/3) File Save As...

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Save the current scene (2/3) Input the name (Sample1) Save

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Save the current scene (3/3) Assets Icon of this scen will appear

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Next Step Realize the expression as if there is a space behind the screen.

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Duplicate the Current Scene (1/3) Ctrl + D to duplicate this scene

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Duplicate the Current Scene (2/3) Double click new scene

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Duplicate the Current Scene (3/3) As long as it's the newer scene name, it's OK.

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Importing Room Objects Double click VirtualBox.unitypackage

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Importing Room Objects Import

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Use the Room Object (1/8) Virtual Box

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Use the Room Object (2/8) Virtual Box

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Use the Room Object (3/8) Open HoloUnitySDK Open HoloStage

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Use the Room Object (4/8) Dragn & drop VirtualBox into HoloObjects

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Use the Room Object (5/8) Virtual Box Poisition: 0 0 0 Rotation:0 0 0 Scale: 120 80 50 ※スケールのzの値(=部屋の奥行)は任意

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Use the Room Object (6/8) HoloScreen Turn off the check of Mesh Renderer

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Use the Room Object (7/8) The front plate disappears.

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Use the Room Object (8/8) Change the position of airplanes and clouds as you want

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Build File

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Build Build Settings

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Build Architectureを x86_64に変更

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Build Build

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Build New Folder

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Build Rename the new folder

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Build Select a foloder

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Build ARFukuoka.exe

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