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We make websites

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Lots of stuff Bootstrap Foundation normalize.css fitvid.js Modernizr d3 jQuery Underscore / Lo-dash Backbone Angular JS Effeckt.css Masonry Font Awesome Compass H5BP jQuery UI Easing form gallery modal / popup tooltip base CSS helper JS

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How do you get it? Download git  clone Saved locally, copy files

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Where do you put it? lib/ lib/vendor/ assets/js/vendor,   assets/css/vendor,   assets/*/vendor

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How you keep track of it? Centralized server In git, commit to repo git-submodules

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Lots of stuff Bootstrap Foundation normalize.css fitvid.js Modernizr d3 jQuery Underscore / Lo-dash Backbone Angular JS Effeckt.css Masonry Font Awesome Compass H5BP jQuery UI Easing form gallery modal / popup tooltip base CSS helper JS

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No content

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Messy Desk Not enough space to do work Slow down creative process Hard to collaborate Spend time cleaning desk

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Package Management

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Lots of stuff Bootstrap Foundation normalize.css fitvid.js Modernizr d3 jQuery Underscore / Lo-dash Backbone Angular JS Effeckt.css Masonry Font Awesome Compass H5BP jQuery UI Easing form gallery modal / popup tooltip base CSS helper JS

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Package Management

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Problem Package management Solution Bower Reason Why use Bower Results How I’ve done so far

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What is Bower?

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Bower A package manager for the web

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What is Bower? Command-line utility Built on Node JS

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Install packages bower  install  jquery

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Install a version bower  install  jquery#1.x

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Search packages bower  search  normalize

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bower.json Manifest file Use same installation on another machine Collaboration

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bower.json bower  init

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bower.json "dependencies":  {      "jquery":  "1.x",      "normalize-­‐css":  "~2.1.3"   }

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bower  install  bootstrap

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Installing dependencies Bower will install the package and its dependencies !"#  bootstrap#3.0.0      !""  jquery#2.0.3

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Dependencies Powerful feature Build packages on top of one another No longer have to depend on big frameworks

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Lots of other great features --offline: Offline mode Read the docs:

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What Bower does Easily gets packages Keeps them organized Manages dependencies

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Problem Solution Reason Results Package management Bower Why use Bower How I’ve done so far

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Why Bower?

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Package managers Volo git-submodules Jam Component Browserify (npm) Ender

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Bower is special Unopinionated Provides no direct way to consume packages Core part of its philosophy

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Consuming packages , SASS or preprocessor RequireJS Grunt Your own build script

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bower  list  -­‐-­‐paths {      "bootstrap":  [          "bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/            bootstrap.js",          "bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/            bootstrap.css"      ],      "jquery":  "bower_components/jquery/jquery.js",      "normalize-­‐css":  "bower_components/normalize-­‐        css/normalize.css"   }

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Unopinionated Choosing on behalf of anyone else Don’t lock your users into a methodology

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Using Bower Twitter: Flight Google: Yeoman, Angular jQuery

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Problem Solution Reason Results Package management Bower Unopinionated How I’ve done so far

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Isotope Masonry

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Same problem with unloaded images

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Masonry ! Isotope !

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Masonry ! Isotope ! images
 Loaded images
 Loaded images

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Masonry ! Isotope ! images
 Loaded images
 Loaded images

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Maintaining one project in three places

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Now with Bower No more committing other projects into yours Keep them separated Bower allows easily add them as dependencies

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Front-end development with dependencies

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Developing with dependencies Removing duplicated code jquery-bridget get-size get-style-property doc-ready eventie EventEmitter

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Each dependency Its own repository Its own issue tracker Its own tests Finer granularity over bigger projects

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For example: masonry#417

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masonry#417 Issue reported in Masonry Actual problem with getSize

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getSize Fix cut new release (v1.1.5) Masonry bower update deploy

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Masonry ! getSize Isotope ! Dragga- billy ...

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Encapsulation Literal naïve definition: Make capsules Breaking down something large into smaller pieces, easier to swallow

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Encapsulation Like DRY, a principle of good programming Take and apply it project-level

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Encapsulation A new avenue of thinking No longer had to keep mental model of entire library in my head Focus on small libraries with single purpose

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Growing up Growing out of relying on monolithic frameworks Empowering developers to make and distribute their own purpose- built components

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packery-­‐docs#1.0.0   $""  classie#1.0.0   $"#  doc-­‐ready#1.0.2   %  !""  eventie#1.0.3   $"#  draggabilly#1.0.6   %  $""  classie#1.0.0   %  $""  eventEmitter#4.2.4   %  $""  eventie#1.0.3   %  $"#  get-­‐size#1.1.4   %  %  !""  get-­‐style-­‐property#1.0.2   %  !""  get-­‐style-­‐property#1.0.2   $""  eventie#1.0.3   $""  get-­‐style-­‐property#1.0.2   $""  jquery#1.10.2   $""  jquery-­‐ui-­‐draggable#1.10.3   $""  normalize-­‐css#2.1.3   !"#  packery#1.1.2  

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Problem Solution Reason Results Package management Bower Unopinionated Grow

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How? How do you hook up Grunt tasks to Bower? How do you split a project into multiple files? How do you make JS work with both RequireJS and ? How do you create concatenated source files, for easy ing?

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Why use Bower and not ______? Because Bower is unopinionated.

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Why use Bower at all? Because building with dependencies is how we will grow.

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Thank you! I have stickers. Get in my van. – @desandro