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Introduction to 
 JCA and MDB HASUNUMA Kenji GlassFish Users Group Japan [email protected] Twitter: @khasunuma

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What's JCA? • JCA (Java Connector Architecture) brings integration between systems • JCA is also base of Java EE servers • Almost Java EE developer have been used JCA

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JCA Overview External System 
 (e.g. EIS) Java EE Resource Adapter (.rar) Web app. (.war) Outbound Inbound Java Connector 
 Architecture (JCA)

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Contracts (1/2) since JCA 1.0 (J2EE 1.3) • Connection management (Connection pooling) • Transaction management (w/JTA) • Security management (w/JAAS)

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Contracts (2/2) since JCA 1.5 (J2EE 1.4) • Life cycle management • Work management • Transaction inflow management • Message inflow management

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Application Architecture ConnectionFactory EJB Connection External System getConnection JNDI lookup Outbound Inbound I/F

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Application c.f. JMS ConnectionFactory EJB Connection JMS broker getConnection JNDI lookup Outbound Inbound JMS

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Application c.f. JDBC DataSource EJB Connection RDBMS getConnection JNDI lookup SQL JDBC

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Programming w/JCA • Many cases, JCA resource adapter is provided by each systems • Recently JCA is mainly used to manage message inflow • In JCA 1.7 (Java EE 7/8), properties are set by annotations

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Outbound @ConnectionFactoryDefinition( name = "java:comp/env/OutboundConnectionFactory", interfacename = com.example.jca.OutboundConnectionFactory, resourceAdapter = "some-rar", ... ) @Stateless public class ExampleMessageSender { @Resource(lookup = "java.comp/env/OutboundConnectionFactory") OutboundConnectionFactory factory; public void send(...) { try (OutboundConnection conn = factory.createConnection()) { ... } catch (Exception e) { ... } } }

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Attention • Session Bean SHOULD NOT be used to listen messages • SHOULD use Message Driven Bean (MDB) to listen messages

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What's MDB? • EJB specified for listening messages • Have a callback method and handle inbound messages provided by JCA • MDB adapts both async and sync communication

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Inbound @MessageDriven( activationConfig = { @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = ..., propertyValue = ...), ... } ) public class ExampleMessageListener implements MessageListener { public void onMessage(Message message) { ... } } Callback method invoked by the Resource Adapter

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Use case: Payara Micro • Payara Micro connects other systems on cloud via JCA adapters; • Apache Kafka • MQTT (Mosquitto, etc.) • Amazon SQS • Microsoft Azure Service Bus

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Why MQ? • System/service requirements are different each other • Now various systems/services are integrated on cloud platforms • MQ (i.g. Async) often resolves impedance matching between each systems/services

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JCA is ... • JCA (Java Connector Architecture) brings integration between systems • JCA is also base of Java EE servers, e.g. JMS, JDBC • Almost Java EE developer have been used JCA as JDBC data source

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Introduction to JCA and MDB HASUNUMA Kenji GlassFish Users Group Japan [email protected] Twitter: @khasunuma