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Motivated by following sessions
▷ 1. Automated performance testing in preproduction with CI and OSS tools - Billy Hoffman
▷ 2. Optimize Prime: More pixels than meets the eye - Henri-R Brisard (Freelance)
▷ 3. Third parties: Friend or foe? (and how to deal with them) - Kristian Skoeld (MeasureWorks)
▷ 4. Perceived performance: The only kind that really matters - Eli Fitch (Social Tables)
▷ 5. The browser hacker's guide to instantly loading everything - Addy Osmani (Google)
▷ 6. Reliably measuring responsiveness in the wild - Shubhie Panicker (Google), Nic Jansma
▷ 7. Creating a scalable, secure, offline-first, dynamic (static) website with React and serverless
architecture - David Wells (Serverless)
▷ 8. Caches all the way down - Yoav Weiss (Akamai)
▷ 9. Blink and you’ll miss it: Building a progressive web app with HTTP/2 - Dean Hume (Settled)
▷ 10. Reverse engineering Amazon and the Guardian - David Fox (LookZook)