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Solution Architect Tsukagoshi Keisuke 2018/9/2

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Who am I ? ba c @ B A Mobile / DevOps / Serverless / Microservices O W S = J S

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Proposal .MJDR8)' +052$9>FHOX= WCXE8 #-41>FHOX/85! 4.-41U:VH

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Amazon Pinpoint

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# • iOS12 2.+4%.2081 • 58*8'7)8,371$ 26(/&- • Amazon Pinpoint # • Amazon Pinpoint • AWS $!" Advanced $

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iOS($!) • ($!) (%-,.% 40% • ($!) .(-,.% 2% • '.#&*"($!) 8% • DL 1(+ 21% • 90 (+ 71%

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iOS12 ;FE push * • L_cZ* • [SRcPQ`SU<* @TXSK@L_cZ • @( • H^cTG6:9- ?*&GMbTac _;4E • 9>0;+ • NIbUCWVc$G JY?79;@* • Siri@* • Siri3/]cO3=@* ?79@2 "7/ *@&G)5 • ,>* • .2D@'! >=@,%> G/1 C8A\cU;B #?

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iOS12 push Siri manage-screen-time/

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Provisional Authorization • • •

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(+,0514-.% '% • Provisional Authorization #/-*2' "$% % • 35)5 /-*2 '%#% 14-. '%(+,05 &!

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Amazon Pinpoint

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Amazon Pinpoint

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Amazon Pinpoint 8>137#B: =B(B $*.9B 6B-4>"+;1 ,B) 0<5? (Mobile Push / SMS / E-mail) /"@%3;1,B) =B(B ,&;3 .B'2!A& 1 2 3

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Pinpoint 2 2 2 2 • N R b D • b B AWaA S EAC C B 2

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Pinpoint ke T 01 D T 01 ic / n : variables

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O S a :{ u i e A e rn m a 27 1 O s } 1 a 1

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O S a :{ u i e A e rn m a 27 1 O s } 1 a 1

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• • Mobile Push • Email • SMS • ( ) • • Standard • A/B test

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O S a :{ u i e A e rn m a 27 1 O s } 1 a 1

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• • • A • O • A • • • S • • 1 • 0

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O S a :{ u i e A e rn m a 27 1 O s } 1 a 1

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• • Standard • Silent • • {{Attribute.Name}} • OpenAction • Open App • Go to URL • Open deep link

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O S a :{ u i e A e rn m a 27 1 O s } 1 a 1

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• • • • Once/Hourly/Daily/ Weekly/Monthly • • Quiet Time

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(1) 1. Delivery metrics 1. Open rate 2. Delivery rate 3. Users messaged 2. Campaign session heat map 3. Campaign metrics 1. Sent 2. Delivered 3. Directly opened

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(A/B ) • Delivery rate • Open rate

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2 2 1 1 : 8 2 0 1 8 " 2 2 1 9 9 2 1 E 9 2

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AWS Lambda 48" • #ISMV8 • Lambda>12#ISMV> 0<-4+3,< • WebOJDT%Facebook Messenger 65'6#+ • 6QJGYE8 • !7 Lambda *; DB >/7QJGYE>=< • DynamoDB7WCQXL8RKVKYH>=2),%Lambda *;0<-438?FFQ>Push0<65& • @SXPYXNJA • #7 Lambda >NJA0<-4+3,< • .47Lambda$3DB>/2! NUB> /%!/2:( 789!0<

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• 5 .: • 4 • 4 • • M • • 21 ,2 0 , 3

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on SP t cp / g : At SP a i A A t a / / t g 2 l l u3

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Amazon Pinpoint 1 -A4 F4 Wy rlnvh • g ce / A ay rlnvPW f yu h f K / A o sM d t h f • /. vMn b - mM 1 -A4 hjy _ / A n kj v oMwh f : A D 3HD 3 3 A A 32 A 3 D A C F A4 D AD A : wm z v p y oMwh f K 1 -A4 F4 Wp y jy h S f iW f hN

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)( import AWSPinpoint @UIApplicationMainclass AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var pinpoint: AWSPinpoint? func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool { pinpoint = AWSPinpoint.init( configuration:AWSPinpointConfiguration. defaultPinpointConfigurationWithLaunchOptions(launchOptions)) return true }

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)( func application(application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData) { pinpoint!.notificationManager. interceptDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken(deviceToken) (snip) func application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification u serInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) { pinpoint!.notificationManager.interceptDidReceiveRemoteNotification( userInfo, fetchCompletionHandler: completionHandler) (snip)

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)( let pinpointAnalyticsClient = pinpointClient.analyticsClient let event = pinpointAnalyticsClient.createEvent(withEventType: "SearchButtonClick") event.addAttribute(" ", forKey: "Keyword") // event.addMetric(NSNumber(value: 123, forKey: "SomeMetric") pinpointAnalyticsClient.record(event) pinpointAnalyticsClient.submitEvents() )( let pinpointTargetingClient = pinpointClient.targetingClient pinpointTargetingClient.addAttribute(["Pinpoint"], forKey: "FavoriteServices") pinpointTargetingClient.updateEndpointProfile()

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Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Streams • •

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3G 3 3 3 3 3G ) D 3G 3 3G B 3G E .A B D AF 3G D 3B 3A 3G , 3 3 SI QM KRPH 3G , B B 3 F B 3G , B B A 3 B 3G , B B ( A B

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O M P V l / 3 / O • S MM V l C A n • / NbMD AJ / 3 / K lNt C • e N V i W S No A V t N N tp Pinpoint

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AI sentiment-analysis-and-engagement/

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Amazon Pinpoint on-amazon-sagemaker/

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Happy coding with Pinpoint! Amazon Pinpoint Amazon Pinpoint