Slide 44
Slide 44 text
Eulerian finite volume method 1)
• Automatic and quick mesh generation
• Robust computation for large deformation
Building-cube method 2)
• Hierarchical Cartesian mesh method
• High parallel efficiency 3)
―A scaling of 91.1% was obtained for a
computation of 27,648 nodes of Fugaku.
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2) Nakahashi K et al., Building-cube method for flow problems with broadband characteristic length,
Compt Fluid Dynamics, 2002;Springer:77-81.
3) Ando K, et al., Digital transformation of droplet/aerosol infection risk assessment realized on “Fugaku”
for the fight against COVID-19, Int J High Perform Compt Appl. 2022; 36(5-6):568-586.