Open source behind the firewall
What government can learn from startups and the open source community
[email protected]
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1. How government works
2. How open source projects work
3. How gov. can work like open source
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How you work
is as important as
what you work on
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But first, I’d like to talk about
trash cans
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But first, I’d like to talk about
rubbish bins
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For any given problem,
there are always two solutions
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The easy way and
the government way
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When outputs can’t be measured,
government institutes process
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A lot of process.
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" on the DC Metro
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No content
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No content
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No content
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" on the London Underground
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No content
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No content
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Transparency solves for process
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How government typically works
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Few (if any) in-house developers
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Same procurement process for
aircraft carriers and websites
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Siloed IP, Siloed efforts
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Closed source, but still somehow,
too many cooks in the kitchen
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Program managers as
human issue trackers
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Non-purpose built tools
(Excel + Outlook)
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Ye Olde workflow
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Open Source ≠ Published Source
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How Open Source projects work
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If you remember one thing about
open source’s secret sauce…
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Prefer systems that naturally
capture and expose process
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Who made what change when
(without the human blocker)
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Open source is the story of
Wikipedia v. Encyclopedia Britannica
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Rarely in the same place
at the same time
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Rarely working on the same thing
at the same time
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Better results than
heavyweight alternatives
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The constraints of open source
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! Electronic
High fidelity mediums expose process
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# Transparent
Communicate decisions in realtime, and forever
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$ Asynchronous
Focus workflow on code, not meetings
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% Informal
Adopt cultures, not polices
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What makes a healthy
open source project?
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‣Code in the open
‣Shared, public issue tracker
‣Extensive test suite run on each proposed change
& Code
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‣Proposed improvements discussed in the open
‣Few synchronous meetings
(open and memorialized when necessary)
‣All stakeholders have opportunity to contribute
' Discussions
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What government can
learn from open source
(even if the code’s never public)
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Friction (n)
Time between “I want to contribute” and “I have”
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1. Minimize friction
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in Gov Speak
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Maximize the substance-process ratio
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( Scripts to rule them all
$ script/test
$ boxen giants
$ cd ~/github/giants
$ script/bootstrap
$ script/server
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2. Prefer cultural constraints to
administrative or technical constraints
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Non-blocking is better than blocking
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3. Optimize for
developer happiness
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You can have open source without
executive oversight
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You can have open source without
policy guidance
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You can’t have open source
without developers
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You can’t have open source
without code
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What does that look like practically?
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) Email
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At GitHub we use GitHub to build GitHub
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GitHub uses GitHub for
Blog posts
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“Meetings pull you from actual work
in order to talk about doing work”
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No content
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‣ We use 185 rooms at the moment.
‣ We generated 29,168 lines of text on February 4.
‣ Of that, Hubot accounted for 13,462 lines.
‣ 468 images were pasted in.
‣ We deployed various apps and services 544 times.
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Why chat?
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Chat is inherently asynchronous
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Tapping someone on the shoulder
is inherently being a jerk
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Scheduling a meeting is
inherently evil
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Chat has transcripts
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Chat exposes process
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* Meet Hubot
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+ Continuous Integration (CI)
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+ Continuous Integration (CI)
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, Build Status
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‣ ~1,500 test suits
‣ ~19,00 tests
‣ ~80,000 assertions
‣ x 2 environments (.com, Enterprise)
‣ Tests > 20 seconds are considered a failure
‣ ~ 90 seconds to complete
- On each push…
1. Transparency can save you
from the tyranny of process
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2. Prefer systems that inherently
capture and expose process
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3. Minimize friction
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Open source behind the firewall
What government can learn from startups and the open source community
[email protected]
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A typical deployment flow
Development Staging Production
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GitHub's 1 flow
Development Staging Production
Development Staging
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2 Branch Labs
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3 Queuing
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‣ Trash can — https://www.flickr.com/photos/dcmetroblogger/
‣ Rubbish Bin - http://anonw.com/2013/02/08/more-bins-are-