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Mirror, mirror, on the wall: testing Conway’s Law in open source communities Lindsay Holmwood @auxesis

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"Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations." – Melvin Conway

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“How Do Committees Invent?” Datamation magazine, April, 1968.

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“the design which occurs first is almost never the best possible”

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“the prevailing system concept may need to change”

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“flexibility of organization is important to effective design”

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“a design effort should be organized according to the need for communication”

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law adage

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Two separate research traditions

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1. Computer science Conway’s law

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2. Management Org design & orgs as complex systems

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2. Management Product design & products as complex systems

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“In a complex system, the technical architecture and the division of labor will “mirror” one another in the sense that the network structure of one will correspond to the structure of the other.”

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What is mirroring?

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Two networks

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Organisational Technical Mirroring

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Why do we mirror?

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Problem solving

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Reduce cognitive overhead

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Who owns this system? ? ? ?

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Takes people to where the problems are

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Design choice to improve congruity

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Org design & orgs as complex systems

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Organization design: an information processing view Galbraith, 1974

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3 strategies for co-ordination

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1. Rules and programs Specified behaviours “See x, do y”

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2. Hierarchy Route problems to correct path + level

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3. Targets and goals People choose behaviours to meet targets

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As uncertainty increases, the amount of information that must be processed by decision makers increases

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Introduces bottlenecks (Jacobides et al., 2006; Pisano and Teece, 2007; Baldwin, 2015).

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The org can respond by reducing the need to process information

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The org can respond by increasing the capacity to process information

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The org can respond by Increase the capacity to process information devops

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Creation of lateral relations: Direct contact Liaison roles Task forces Teams Integrating roles Managerial linking roles Matrix organisation

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Creation of lateral relations Matrix organisation Teams

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The level of uncertainty determines the adopted strategy

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Product design & products as complex systems

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On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules D.L. Parnas, 1972

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Information hiding: interface or definition […] to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings

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Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms Henderson & Clark, 1990

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3 year study of semiconductor photolithographic alignment equipment industry

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field based study, high rate-of-change industry

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4 waves of innovation between 1962-1986

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4 waves of innovation new leader after each: Kulicke ↩︎ Kasper ↩︎ Perkin-Elmer ↩︎ GCA ↩︎ Nikon

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4 waves of innovation each incumbent could not course correct

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4 waves of innovation each incumbent invested heavily in new technology

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4 waves of innovation each incumbent structured organisation and communication based on product architecture

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4 waves of innovation What about this makes sense?

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Framework based on observations from the aviation and automotive industries

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Framework validated on semiconductor photolithographic alignment equipment industry

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Frameworks: 1. Problem solving 2. Innovation

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Problem solving: channels, filters, strategies

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Channels: Formal: A reports to B

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Channels: Informal: I talk to Sarah because Sarah knows about X

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Channels: A + B report to C: embodies architectural relationship

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Filters: Boost knowledge that’s important

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Filters: Discard knowledge that’s unimportant

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Strategies: How we use channels + filters to solve problems

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Architecture Embedded in channels, filters, strategies

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Henderson & Clark’s framework for defining innovation Based on Schumpeter, 1942

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4 waves of innovation What about this makes sense?

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Don’t mirror when exploring new opportunities

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Do mirror when exploiting
 existing opportunities

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Henderson & Clark’s framework for defining innovation Based on Schumpeter, 1942 Mirror Don’t

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 that mirror 
 perform poorly
 in unstable environments

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What we know about mirroring

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 that mirror 
 perform well
 in stable environments

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Partial mirroring is a viable strategy

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Partial mirroring: (think guild)

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Partial mirroring: Knowledge boundaries are drawn more broadly than operational boundaries

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knowledge boundaries operational boundaries

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It’s possible to break the mirror

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Break the mirror by introducing partitions

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Break the mirror by building relationships across technical boundaries

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What are the drawbacks?

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Limits opportunities

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Mirrored New architecture

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Architecture Embedded in channels, filters, strategies

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Introduces bottlenecks (Jacobides et al., 2006; Pisano and Teece, 2007; Baldwin, 2015).

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As uncertainty increases, the amount of information that must be processed by decision makers increases

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 that mirror 
 perform poorly
 in unstable environments

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4 waves of innovation each incumbent could not course correct

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4 waves of innovation each incumbent invested heavily in new technology

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4 waves of innovation each incumbent structured organisation and communication based on product architecture

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Open source projects that mirror do not perform as well

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What’s different about open source?

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3 different dynamics

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3. Formation of a “core-periphery” organizational structure

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2. Technical systems are very modular, have low cognitive complexity

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1. Transient groups of problem solvers, assembling for limited periods of time

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3. Formation of a “core-periphery” organizational structure

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Core Contributors to larger components, and system as a whole

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Periphery Contributors to smaller, localized components in the code base

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Exploring the impact of socio-technical core-periphery structures in open source software development Amrit and van Hillegersberg (2010)

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periphery semi- core

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“the ‘pattern of ties’ between actors in a network where the core is more densely interconnected than the periphery” Borgatti and Everett (1999)

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Three patterns

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1. a steady shift away from the core

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2. oscillatory shifts away and towards the core

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3. no perceptible shift away or towards the core

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“without new members aspiring to become core developers, the development of the Open Source project will stop the day the existing core members decide to leave the project” Nakakoji et al., (2002)

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Lesson: Ensure a flow of peripheral contributors moving up the ranks to core.

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2. Technical systems are very modular, have low cognitive complexity

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Hidden structure: Using network methods to map system architecture Baldwin, MacCormack, Rusnak (2014)

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1286 releases across 17 projects written in C, C++, C#

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Design Structure Matrices

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System architecture classifications

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67%core-periphery 25%borderline 0.5%multi-core 7%hierarchical

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Open Source projects have smaller cores than proprietary ones

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Smaller cores mean smaller cognitive overhead when making changes

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High modularity (low propagation cost)

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Modularity can be changed consciously, and improved through effort

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Modularity can fluctuate

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1. Transient groups of problem solvers, assembling for limited periods of time

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“temporary organizational ties can quickly be created at low cost to support highly interdependent collaboration”

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Temporal strong mirroring

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“flexibility of organization is important to effective design”

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“a design effort should be organized according to the need for communication”

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The Role of Participation Architecture in Growing Sponsored Open Source Communities West and O’Mahony (2008)

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examines 12 sponsored communities and contrasts them with prior research on autonomous communities

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Autonomous: founded by individuals and grown through grass roots communications

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Sponsored: founded by corporations and grown with more strategic direction

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A project’s participation architecture? Sum of design decisions

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Three dimensions when designing open source communities

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1. Intellectual property rights

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the allocation of rights to use the community’s output

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2. Model of community governance

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the amount of control sponsors relinquish to the community

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Lesson: Make all contributions from sponsor public by default

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Lesson: Introduce friction for private communication

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3. Development approach

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“a project’s technical architecture is one subset of a community’s participation architecture”

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More modular? Shallower learning curve.

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Helps people focus on specific modules, not the whole system

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Lesson: Invest heavily in making code modular

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Lesson: Invest heavily in good documentation

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Lesson: Public, well documented contribution process

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Participation in a community is determined by…

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1. The identified technical architecture

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2. The org structure that results from a community’s design decisions

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Two networks

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How do we apply this?

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In commercial environments

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Henderson & Clark’s framework for defining innovation Based on Schumpeter, 1942 Mirror Don’t

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When you should mirror

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When the environment is stable

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When you are exploiting
 existing opportunities

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When uncertainty is low

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When you should not mirror

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When the 
 environment is unstable

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When you are exploring new opportunities

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When uncertainty is high

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In Open Source communities

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Invest in “core-periphery” organizational structure

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Lesson: Public, well documented contribution process

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Lesson: Introduce friction for private communication

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Lesson: Ensure a flow of peripheral contributors moving up the ranks to core.

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Participation in a community is determined by…

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1. The identified technical architecture 2. The org structure that results from a community’s design decisions

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Don’t actively seek to mirror

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Temporal strong mirroring: “temporary organizational ties can quickly be created at low cost to support highly interdependent collaboration”

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“flexibility of organization is important to effective design”

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“a design effort should be organized according to the need for communication”

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Thank you! ❤ the talk? Let @auxesis know.

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Bibliography • “The mirroring hypothesis: theory, evidence, and exceptions” 
 Colfer, L. and Baldwin, C. (2016) • “Hidden structure: Using network methods to map system architecture” 
 Baldwin, C., MacCormack, A., and Rusnak, J. (2014) • “Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms” 
 Henderson, R. and Clark, K. (1990) • “Organization design: an information processing view” 
 Galbraith, J. (1974) • “On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules” 
 Parnas, D.L. (1972) • “The architecture of complexity” 
 Herbert, S. (1962)

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Bibliography • "The Role of Participation Architecture in Growing Sponsored Open Source Communities”
 West and O’Mahony (2008) • ”Hidden structure: Using network methods to map system architecture”
 Baldwin, MacCormack, Rusnak (2014) • "Models of Core/Periphery Structure”
 Borgatti and Everett (1999) • ”Evolution Patterns of Open-source Software Systems and Communities”
 Nakakoji, Yamamoto, Nishinaka, Kishida, Ye (2002) • “Exploring the impact of socio-technical core-periphery structures in open source software development”
 Amrit and van Hillegersberg (2010)

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Stock photos from Other images Fonts Junction from League of Movable Type Fanwood from League of Movable Type