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The Unenviable Tutorial

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Who? • Daniel Lindsley • Author of several decently-used Python/ Django libraries • ...which pride themselves on good docs * I believe docs make all the difference in initial adoption of software. * Things that are terrible but have good docs make better traction than good software without.

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What makes the Tutorial “Unenviable”? * Why would you describe a tutorial this way? Why such a strong word? * I really believe the tutorial has the worst job in any collection of docs.

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Unenviable Qualities • The first doc everyone sees * And because people are people, they’re going to make snap judgements based off just the tutorial. It’s going to happen.

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Unenviable Qualities • The first doc everyone sees • Commonly the first doc written * Even worse, it’s likely the first documentation you’re going to write & the first to get out of date (because you likely NEVER refer to it yourself). * Software evolves fast, sometimes out-pacing your ability to document.

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Unenviable Qualities • The first doc everyone sees • Commonly the first doc written • Must pull users in to be effective * It’s also a form of marketing material. * You have to tell them why it’s important, what features it has & why it’ll make their life easier.

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Unenviable Qualities • The first doc everyone sees • Commonly the first doc written • Must pull users in to be effective • Sets the standard * You’re teaching people what you think good usage of your code looks like. * Be warned that some people may be very green & your code may shape how they write things in the future.

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Unenviable Qualities • The first doc everyone sees • Commonly the first doc written • Must pull users in to be effective • Sets the standard • Sets the tone * This is a bit more nebulous, but effectively, you’re setting expectations. * About how conversational the docs will be. * About how the other documentation should look/read.

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Unenviable Qualities • The first doc everyone sees • Commonly the first doc written • Must pull users in to be effective • Sets the standard • Sets the tone • Describe enough but not too much * Back to marketing - You gotta sell them on using it. * But if you drown them, no one lives to tell the tale.

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In short, it must be everything to everyone. * At least initially anyway. * Holycrapughmonumentaltask.

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What not to do... * Let’s start simple & talk about what the tutorial shouldn’t be. * You see this in other projects all the time. * It can be very obvious/painful when you see it in others.

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What not to do... • R.A.D. - README as Docs * READMEs ARE NOT ENOUGH! * Unless your software is stupidly simple & narrow, it’s not enough. * READMEs include other things a tutorial shouldn’t (author, license, changelog, etc).

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What not to do... • R.A.D. - README as Docs • Show off every single feature * This is what API docs that cover method by method are for. Don’t do this.

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What not to do... • R.A.D. - README as Docs • Show off every single feature • Immediately deep-dive into the specialty portions of the tech * Your software solves a problem. * Chances are the user doesn’t want to know the intricacies, otherwise they’d’ve built their own library.

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What not to do... • R.A.D. - README as Docs • Show off every single feature • Immediately deep-dive into the specialty portions of the tech • Write just for the advanced user * You’re the advanced user. You know more about the software than anyone else. * Hence, you’re already out of the audience for the document. * It’s easy to miss things or gloss over things that need more explanation. * Be vigilant.

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* So, with the bad stuff in mind, how to do we go about building the tutorial the right way?

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Considerations for the Tutorial * Let’s start with what we should be thinking about. * Then later we’ll dive into how to approach/organize it.

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Considerations • Both the novice & pros will land there * Remember, this is the first doc *everyone* will see, regardless of skill level or familiarity.

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Considerations • Both the novice & pros will land there • It must prove the software’s worth * It’s not just showing examples, you have to describe why it’s worthwhile. * Example: an API framework that can serialize the data into any format requested. Easy to build a single serialization format yourself, much more complex to be flexible.

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Considerations • Both the novice & pros will land there • It must prove the software’s worth • “Lunch hour”-able * The idea is that someone can work through your whole tutorial alone within an hour & have something functional. * High power-to-weight ratio.

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Considerations • Both the novice & pros will land there • It must prove the software’s worth • “Lunch hour”-able • Leave them wanting more * The point of the tutorial is to be an introduction, to familiarize the user with the core concepts & the usage. * Keeping yourself in check & establishing a good breaking point is difficult.

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* With those things in mind, ...

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How to construct the Tutorial * The next phase is to actually start building the tutorial. * What follows are the things I try to keep in mind while actually writing the doc. * I’m not going to tell you what to write.

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1. Pick the easiest- to-bite-off features K. I. S. SillyPants * This is a great way to show off the “porcelain”, the conveniences, the easiest way to get things done. * Highest power-to-weight ratio APIs

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2. Start simple Minimum Viable... * Hate that term, so jump quickly through this & the next slide.

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2. Start simple Minimum Viable... * JUMP!

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2. Start simple Minimum Viable... Enough to get something working fast * It’s gotta be simple, or as simple as possible to start with. * Again, this tends to be the high-level APIs, the ones that make lots of assumptions & cover the 80% cases well.

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3. Small iterations Build on what you’ve already taught them. * Your examples should shoot for a dozen or so lines (dynamic languages anyhow). * Show ways to expand on what they’ve already learned, how to change options or behavior to be slightly more advanced.

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4. Friendly prose Speak simply & clearly. Expand on new/difficult concepts. * Write the docs the way you’d want to read someone else’s docs. * Stuffy language, excessive terminology/jargon & “distant” writing are ways you turn off the user. * A conversational tone can go a long way.

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5. Write for the newbie But make it easy for the advanced user to skim yet absorb. * Assume as little as you can, within reason, about your audience. * Personal story - “I just started with language X yesterday & am trying to use...” * Advanced users will land here frequently as well, so while you shouldn’t write for them alone, making it easy for them to extract just what they need is crucial.

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6. Know when to stop At some point, in-depth guides & API docs should take over. * It’s enough to get them running. * A good indicator is when you start to stray from the 80% case. * Other guides can more exhaustively cover the advanced bits.

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Common pitfalls * Let’s talk about some pitfalls I’ve encountered, both in other people’s tutorials as well as my own docs.

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Common pitfalls • Making assumptions * We’ve already covered this a bit, but it bites me all the time. * A good coping device is to have someone who doesn’t even work in tech read through & see what doesn’t make enough sense for them.

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Common pitfalls • Making assumptions • Diving too deep too quickly * If you force too much on them too quickly & without enough explanation, people are going to gloss over. * The negative reaction may mean they look for other libraries or tell others bad/incorrect things about your software. (Anecdote - Happens with Tastypie all the time re: models.)

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Common pitfalls • Making assumptions • Diving too deep too quickly • Not showing enough (!) * The flip side of that coin is not showing enough. * Go too shallow & it may look like your software can’t do what the user needs. * Most users won’t source-dive to start with, so make sure you talk about what it can do.

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Common pitfalls • Making assumptions • Diving too deep too quickly • Not showing enough (!) • All examples, no explanatory prose * If all you show are just a bunch of examples, you’re left with a disjointed doc that has no flow & will leave some users confused. * Anecdote - I’m guilty. Happened to me with a microframework (itty) of mine. * Some people just want to see how it’s used, others need the “why”.

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Common pitfalls • Making assumptions • Diving too deep too quickly • Not showing enough (!) • All examples, no explanatory prose • Leaving the user hanging at the end * Once you’ve shown them how to get started, give them a headstart on places they’re likely to need next. * A lost user will struggle & subsequently generate both a lot more support requests as well as be grumpier about the experience.

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Now what‽

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Now what‽ • Now it’s time for the guides * If you started with the tutorial, now’s the time to start writing the deeper dive portions, where you focus on a certain part of the tech or on a certain concept. * Think of them as advanced forms of the tutorial.

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Now what‽ • Now it’s time for the guides • Links, links everywhere! * Unless you’re printing on paper, you have no excuse not to have links everywhere. * This is a great way to demonstrate capability & lead the user to what they need without bloating the tutorial.

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Now what‽ • Now it’s time for the guides • Links, links everywhere! • Peer-review: Run it past friends/coworkers * Self-explanatory. * The more eyes the better. * Try walking through yourself with NewbieGlasses™ on.

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Now what‽ • Now it’s time for the guides • Links, links everywhere! • Peer-review: Run it past friends/coworkers • Make sure help channels are available * Make sure either your tutorial or README (preferably both) give the user ways to get help from others, ways to report bugs & ways to talk about the software. * This draws them into the broader community.

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Thanks! @daniellindsley * FIN