Slide 28
Slide 28 text
ADOC Dimensions
Human Aspects This dimension focuses on culture, psychological safety,
dynamic learning, transformational leadership, The Three
Ways, happiness at work and diversity and inclusion.
Process and Frameworks This dimension focuses on agile, lean, ITSM, GRC, VSM,
Project to Product, SRE, DevSecOps, Design and Systems
thinking, Holacracy and Humanocracy.
Functional Composition This dimension focuses on collaboration, portfolio and
product management, change, architecture, build, test,
release, operate and support.
Intelligent Automation This dimension focuses on artifact and source control,
CICD, environment management, continuous compliance,
observability, AIOps and Value Stream Management.
Technology Ecosystems This dimension focuses on elastic infrastructure, containers,
microservices, APIs, serverless, DevOps toolchains, open
and innersource and secrets management.