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Scale your containers with Mesos! Docker Palo Alto Meetup Oct 2014 Timothy Chen @tnachen

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About me... Distributed Systems Engineer @ Mesosphere Open source: Apache Mesos PMC / Committer Apache Drill Committer Contribute to Apache Kafka, Spark and others

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We are Mesosphere

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 An introduction to the world of Mesosphere  Integrating Docker into Mesos  Demo!

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What does your production environment look like?

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Status quo is static partitioning and use of virtual machines

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Add some virtual machines

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Provision Hadoop

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Provision a web service

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Moar data, moar Hadoop

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Mesos let us treat a cluster of nodes...

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As one big computer

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 Not as individual machines  Not as VMs

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But as computational resources like cores, memory, disks, etc.

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Mesos is...  Open Source Apache project  Cluster Resource Manager  Scalable to 10,000s of nodes  Fault-tolerant, battle-tested  An SDK for distributed apps

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Mesos enables dynamic resource sharing – + Datacenter – + Rails – + Hadoop – + Chronos – + Cassandra – + Spark

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Mesos is another layer of abstraction Below a PaaS Above an IaaS

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An abstraction that let us deal with a pool of resources Instead of computers or VMs

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Making life easier for the data center operator  Multi-tenancy  Improved resource utilization  Resource Isolation  Fault-tolerance  Easy scaling

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The Mesos ecosystem is growing

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High Level View of Mesos Framework = scheduler + executor Schedulers get resource offers Executors run tasks

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We love containers

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Most modern applications are a web of containers

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Now what?

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 Integrating Docker into Mesos  An introduction to the world of Mesosphere  Demo!

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Mesos has multiple ways of achiving resource isolation Mesos Containerizer (LXC -> Cgroups) External Containerizer Docker Containerizer!

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Mesos Task integration Docker Container as a Task Docker Container as an Executor

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Docker Containerizer features Resize Docker Containers Report Usage Info Download and mount files into Container Log forwarding

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 Demo!  An introduction to the world of Mesosphere  Integrating Docker into Mesos

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Say hi to Marathon

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Marathon does it! Start, stop, scale, update apps Nice web interface, API Highly available, no SPoF Native Docker support Pluggable event bus Rolling deploy / restart Application health checks Artifact staging

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Run a Docker container h t t p - v P O S T h t t p : / / 1 0 . 0 . 8 5 . 9 7 : 8 0 8 0 / v 2 / a p p s @ a p p - r u b y . j s o n { " i d " : " b r i d g e d - w e b a p p " , " c m d " : " p y t h o n 3 - m h t t p . s e r v e r 8 0 8 0 " , " c p u s " : 0 . 5 , " m e m " : 6 4 . 0 , " i n s t a n c e s " : 1 , " c o n t a i n e r " : { " t y p e " : " D O C K E R " , " d o c k e r " : { " i m a g e " : " p y t h o n : 3 " , " n e t w o r k " : " B R I D G E " , " p o r t M a p p i n g s " : [ { " c o n t a i n e r P o r t " : 8 0 8 0 , " h o s t P o r t " : 0 , " p r o t o c o l " : " t c p " } ] } } }

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Scale! { " i n s t a n c e s " : 5 }

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Add a UNIQUE hostname constraint { " c o n s t r a i n t s " : [ [ " h o s t n a m e " , " U N I Q U E " ] ] }

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Mesos for all the containers

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Mesos for all the things

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Thanks! Come and talk to us Get Mesosphere packages: Kubernetes on Mesos: Read about Marathon: Try out Mesosphere on GCE: