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Navigation in a hybrid app

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• Who am I • @hotchemi • Engineering manager at Quipper • Quipper is betting on React Native! • quipper/react-native-td • coming soon…?

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• Navigation • Biggest challenge isn’t it? • No official cross-platform component and so many 3rd party libraries • Need a seamless integration between native and RN in a hybrid app

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Native Native and RN RN Native

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• React Navigation • Basically great! • But the transitions between screens are not quite the same as native one • Can’t handle events like viewDidAppear • react-native-router-flux is the same…

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• React Native Navigation • Loving it! • We’re using it in 100% RN app • VC/Fragment based transition • There’s no API to mix with native code…

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• airbnb/native-navigation • Well designed for a hybrid app • Still unstable • iOS module is written in Swift3.1… • somehow caused an error… • impossible to use on top of UITabBarController?

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Our solution… Create our own native module

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• JS

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• Android

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• iOS

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• Dynamic rooting

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• Dynamic rooting

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No content

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• ToDo • Native view events? • Use EventEmitter • Deep link? • CustomTransition? • Polish API and make it open