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How We Changed The World With Open Source WordCamp Minneapolis 2017 Ed Finkler • @funkatron • @osmihelp

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Grumpy Funky

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May 2012

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June 18, 2012

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“I simply wanted to write and say that I have never been able to put into words how I feel as well as you all did.”

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“I find it jaw dropping how casual and straightforward you are about discussing this stuff. I don't talk about it with anyone.”

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“It really sucks to have a brain that wants to continually sabotage you and keeps you from reaching your potential. Just know there are millions, and I do mean millions of people, that understand what you go through.”

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February 15, 2013

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“Knowing I’m not alone.”

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“…if I can help them know they’re not alone, it’s worth it.”

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“If I can help people understand what it’s like for people who struggle with this, it’s worth it.”

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“In my community, the Open Source community, I think I can help. So I’m going to try.”

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Open Sourcing Mental Illness

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Fundraiser in Feb

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Goal $3,000 Time To Goal 19 hours Raised $5,480

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8 talks

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No fundraiser - Prompt

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14 talks

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“I see the problem; how do I fix it?”

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Mental Health In Tech Survey

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No content

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Fundraiser in June

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Goal $5,000 Time To Goal 2 hours Raised $14,975

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12 talks

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Handbooks and help

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Fundraiser in June

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Goal $10,000 Time To Goal 72 hours Raised $22,481

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14 talks

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Formed a non-profit corp in Indiana

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Granted 501(c)(3) status 3 weeks after filing

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E-books of handbooks New 2016 survey Took over OSMI Forums Created video presentation Inroads into mental health pros

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Goal $50,000 Raised $59,977

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Why “Open Source?”

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“Where’s the code?”

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Open source culture, open source community, is not about code

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It’s about learning and sharing together

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It’s about growing together

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It’s about open arms and open minds

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An open hand to help the next person pull themselves up

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Nothing I have ever done felt as good as helping other people

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Not without Grumpy

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We make the world we live in

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We have great power and influence in the lives around us

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What world will you make?

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Ed Finkler Founder Open Sourcing Mental Illness @OSMIhelp @funkatron