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Bryan Van de Ven @bryvdv, @BokehPlots SciPy LA 2016 Bokeh Today

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No JavaScript Bokeh? Interactive visualization, widgets, and tools For the browser, with or without a server Versatile and high-level graphics Streaming, dynamic, large data

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No JavaScript No JavaScript Bokeh? Interactive visualization, widgets, and tools For the browser, with or without a server Versatile and high-level graphics Streaming, dynamic, large data

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What’s new?

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New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies What’s new?

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New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies What’s new? Custom User Extensions

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New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies What’s new? Custom User Extensions Code cleanup, Expanded CI testing

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New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies WebGL for lines and markers What’s new? Custom User Extensions Code cleanup, Expanded CI testing

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New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies WebGL for lines and markers What’s new? GeoJSON and Tile Renderers Custom User Extensions Code cleanup, Expanded CI testing

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Stabilized and Expanded Charts API New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies WebGL for lines and markers What’s new? GeoJSON and Tile Renderers Custom User Extensions Code cleanup, Expanded CI testing

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Stabilized and Expanded Charts API New Annotations • spans, bars, polys, hover policies WebGL for lines and markers What’s new? Python→JS compilation for CustomJS callbacks GeoJSON and Tile Renderers Custom User Extensions Code cleanup, Expanded CI testing

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New Bokeh Server What’s new?

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New Bokeh Server What’s new? • More robust and performant • tornado and websocket protocol

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New Bokeh Server What’s new? • More robust and performant • tornado and websocket protocol • Simpler to use and deploy • simple python scripts, no special classes

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New Bokeh Server What’s new? • More robust and performant • tornado and websocket protocol • Simpler to use and deploy • simple python scripts, no special classes • Extensive User Guide Documentation

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New Bokeh Server What’s new? • More robust and performant • tornado and websocket protocol • Simpler to use and deploy • simple python scripts, no special classes • Extensive User Guide Documentation • Hosted examples at

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Data Shader What’s new?

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Data Shader What’s new? • New project in the Bokeh GH org •

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Data Shader What’s new? • New project in the Bokeh GH org • • Visualize millions and billions of points • simple python scripts, no special classes

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Data Shader What’s new? • New project in the Bokeh GH org • • Visualize millions and billions of points • simple python scripts, no special classes • Efficient visual queries

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Data Shader What’s new? • New project in the Bokeh GH org • • Visualize millions and billions of points • simple python scripts, no special classes • Efficient visual queries • Webinar:

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2014 Timeline

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2015 Timeline

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2016 Timeline

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Community Makes the Dream Work Damian Luke Bryan Fabio Mateusz Havoc Almar Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Kevin

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Community Makes the Dream Work New faces too: Damian Luke Bryan Fabio Mateusz Havoc Almar Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Kevin

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Community Makes the Dream Work New faces too: Damian Luke Bryan Fabio Mateusz Havoc Almar Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Kevin !!!

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Community Makes the Dream Work New faces too: Damian Luke Bryan Fabio Mateusz Havoc Almar Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Kevin !!! Special Thanks: @merqurio, @justacec, @clairetang6, @dennisobrien

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Community Makes the Dream Work New faces too: Damian Luke Bryan Fabio Mateusz Havoc Almar Peter Maggie Sarah Brendan Kevin !!! Special Thanks: @merqurio, @justacec, @clairetang6, @dennisobrien

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Simple apps for data science Server

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Concentrate on your work Server

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Concentrate on your work Completely written in Python, no HTML or CSS or “webapp” coding Server

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Concentrate on your work Completely written in Python, no HTML or CSS or “webapp” coding Server Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks

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Concentrate on your work Completely written in Python, no HTML or CSS or “webapp” coding Server Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks Useful for exploratory analysis or sharing and deploying

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Concentrate on your work Completely written in Python, no HTML or CSS or “webapp” coding Utilizes only out-of the box features of Bokeh 0.11.1 Server Simple python scripts, no special classes of frameworks Useful for exploratory analysis or sharing and deploying

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Streaming Time Series Streaming

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Streaming Time Series Streaming

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Efficient data, Efficient code Streaming

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Efficient data, Efficient code Plotting commands, application code, simulation, everything < 100 LOC Streaming

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Efficient data, Efficient code Plotting commands, application code, simulation, everything < 100 LOC Performance enhancements (only send latest data points) Streaming

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Efficient data, Efficient code Plotting commands, application code, simulation, everything < 100 LOC Performance enhancements (only send latest data points) Further features and improvements planned Streaming

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front, Python in the back Customize

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front, Python in the back Customize

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Scratch Your Own Itch Customize

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Scratch Your Own Itch Customize Extend any aspect of Bokeh with custom models

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Scratch Your Own Itch Customize Extend any aspect of Bokeh with custom models Lowers the bar for trying out new ideas

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Scratch Your Own Itch Customize Extend any aspect of Bokeh with custom models Users don’t have to wait on core team schedule Lowers the bar for trying out new ideas

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Scratch Your Own Itch Customize Extend any aspect of Bokeh with custom models Users don’t have to wait on core team schedule The future: Atom-style user extension repository Lowers the bar for trying out new ideas

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“Billions and billions…” Datashader

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Pipelines for visual queries Datashader

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Pipelines for visual queries Datashader Bokeh passes data directly into the browser, where users can interact with it

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Pipelines for visual queries Datashader Bokeh passes data directly into the browser, where users can interact with it For very large datasets (hundreds of millions or billions of points), passing all the data into the browser is not feasible

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Pipelines for visual queries Datashader Bokeh passes data directly into the browser, where users can interact with it Datashader renders into an off-screen buffer and can handle arbitrarily large datasets without downsampling For very large datasets (hundreds of millions or billions of points), passing all the data into the browser is not feasible

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Pipelines for visual queries Datashader Bokeh passes data directly into the browser, where users can interact with it Datashader renders into an off-screen buffer and can handle arbitrarily large datasets without downsampling Powered by Dask and Numba For very large datasets (hundreds of millions or billions of points), passing all the data into the browser is not feasible

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Speaking of Dask Dask

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Speaking of Dask Dask

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Speaking of Dask Dask Comes with a Bokeh app for monitoring performance of distributed array tasks

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Speaking of Dask Dask Comes with a Bokeh app for monitoring performance of distributed array tasks CPU and memory and communications use across the cluster over time

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Speaking of Dask Dask Comes with a Bokeh app for monitoring performance of distributed array tasks “Invaluable for understanding and optimizing distributed computing performance.” CPU and memory and communications use across the cluster over time

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Speaking of Dask Dask Comes with a Bokeh app for monitoring performance of distributed array tasks “Invaluable for understanding and optimizing distributed computing performance.” “It's not something for which I need to go out and find a web developer to help me with.” CPU and memory and communications use across the cluster over time

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Not just for Python RBokeh Plays well with R ecosystem: HTMLwidget, RMarkdown…

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• Arrows, Labels, Colorbars 0.12

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• Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements 0.12

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• Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements • New high-level Chord chart 0.12

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• Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements • New high-level Chord chart • New JS / TypeScript API 0.12

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Real Soon Now BokehJS on its own

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Real Soon Now BokehJS on its own Author in TypeScript or JavaScript Direct port of bokeh.plotting Available on NPM New high-level BokehJS Charts API

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• Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements • New high-level Chord chart • New JS / TypeScript API • Foundational layout improvements • Custom server templates 0.12

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• Computed data source columns • Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements • New high-level Chord chart • New JS / TypeScript API • Foundational layout improvements • Custom server templates 0.12

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• Computed data source columns • Lots of bug fixes • Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements • New high-level Chord chart • New JS / TypeScript API • Foundational layout improvements • Custom server templates 0.12

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• Computed data source columns • Lots of bug fixes • and then… • Arrows, Labels, Colorbars • Legend and Hover improvements • New high-level Chord chart • New JS / TypeScript API • Foundational layout improvements • Custom server templates 0.12

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• API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) 1.0

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• API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass 1.0

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• API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance 1.0

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• API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target 1.0

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1.0 (and beyond) • API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target

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1.0 (and beyond) • API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target • NumFOCUS fiscal sponshorship

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1.0 (and beyond) • API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target • NumFOCUS fiscal sponshorship • LaTeX labels, Networks/Graphs

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1.0 (and beyond) • API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target • NumFOCUS fiscal sponshorship • LaTeX labels, Networks/Graphs • Scriptable animations and transitions

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1.0 (and beyond) • API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target • NumFOCUS fiscal sponshorship • LaTeX labels, Networks/Graphs • Scriptable animations and transitions • Bokeh “develop” mode

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1.0 (and beyond) • API guarantees (Semantic Versioning) • Visual / Design pass • BEP for project governance • July 2016 target • NumFOCUS fiscal sponshorship • LaTeX labels, Networks/Graphs • Scriptable animations and transitions • Bokeh “develop” mode • SVG output

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Call To Action Install Bokeh and Data Shader and provide feedback • BSD license for everything (JS, Python, server) • •

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