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Combinator Parsing By Swanand Pagnis

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Higher-Order Functions for Parsing By Graham Hutton

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• Abstract & Introduction • Build a parser, one fn at a time • Moving beyond toy parsers

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In combinator parsing, the text of parsers resembles BNF notation. We present the basic method, and a number of extensions. We address the special problems presented by whitespace, and parsers with separate lexical and syntactic phases. In particular, a combining form for handling the “offside rule” is given. Other extensions to the basic method include an “into” combining form with many useful applications, and a simple means by which combinator parsers can produce more informative error messages.

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• Combinators that resemble BNF notation • Whitespace handling through "Offside Rule" • "Into" combining form for advanced parsing • Strategy for better error messages

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Primitive Parsers • Take input • Process one character • Return results and unused input

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Combinators • Combine primitives • Define building blocks • Return results and unused input

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Lexical analysis and syntax • Combine the combinators • Define lexical elements • Return results and unused input

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input: "from:swiggy to:me" output: [("f", "rom:swiggy to:me")]

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input: "42 !=> ans" output: [("4", "2 !=> ans")]

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rule: 'a' followed by 'b' input: "abcdef" output: [(('a','b'),"cdef")]

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rule: 'a' followed by 'b' input: "abcdef" output: [(('a','b'),"cdef")] Combinator

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Language choice

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Suggested: Lazy Functional Languages

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Miranda: Author's choice

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Haskell: An obvious choice.

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Racket: Another obvious choice.

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Ruby: to so $ for learning

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OCaml: Functional, but not lazy.

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Haskell %

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Simple when stick to fundamental FP • Higher order functions • Immutability • Recursive problem solving • Algebraic types

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Let's build a parser, one fn at a time

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type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]

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Types help with abstraction • We'll be dealing with parsers and combinators • Parsers are functions, they accept input and return results • Combinators accept parsers and return parsers

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A parser is a function that accepts an input and returns parsed results and the unused input for each result

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Parser is a function type that accepts a list of type a and returns all possible results as a list of tuples of type (b, [a])

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(Parser Char Number) input: "42 it is!" !-- a is a [Char] output: [(42, " it is!")] !-- b is a Number

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type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]

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Primitive Parsers

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succeed !:: b !-> Parser a b succeed v inp = [(v, inp)]

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Always succeeds Returns "v" for all inputs

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failure !:: Parser a b failure inp = []

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Always fails Returns "[]" for all inputs

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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a satisfy p [] = failure [] satisfy p (x:xs) | p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true | otherwise = failure []

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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a satisfy p [] = failure [] satisfy p (x:xs) | p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true | otherwise = failure [] Guard Clauses, if you want to Google

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literal !:: Eq a !=> a !-> Parser a a literal x = satisfy (!== x)

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match_3 = (literal '3') match_3 "345" !-- !=> [('3',"45")] match_3 "456" !-- !=> []

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succeed failure satisfy literal

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match_3_or_4 = match_3 `alt` match_4 match_3_or_4 "345" !-- !=> [('3',"45")] match_3_or_4 "456" !-- !=> [('4',"56")]

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alt !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a b !-> Parser a b (p1 `alt` p2) inp = p1 inp !++ p2 inp

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(p1 `alt` p2) inp = p1 inp !++ p2 inp List concatenation

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(match_3 `and_then` match_4) "345" # !=> [(('3','4'),"5")]

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No content

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and_then !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a (b, c) (p1 `and_then` p2) inp = [ ((v1, v2), out2) | (v1, out1) !<- p1 inp, (v2, out2) !<- p2 out1 ]

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and_then !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a (b, c) (p1 `and_then` p2) inp = [ ((v1, v2), out2) | (v1, out1) !<- p1 inp, (v2, out2) !<- p2 out1 ] List comprehensions

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(v11, out11) (v12, out12) (v13, out13) … (v21, out21) (v22, out22) … (v31, out31) (v32, out32) … p1 p2

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((v11, v21), out21) ((v11, v22), out22) …

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(match_3 `and_then` match_4) "345" # !=> [(('3','4'),"5")]

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Manipulating values

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match_3 = (literal '3') match_3 "345" !-- !=> [('3',"45")] match_3 "456" !-- !=> []

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(number "42") "42 !=> answer" # !=> [(42, " answer")]

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(keyword "for") "for i in 1!..42" # !=> [(:for, " i in 1!..42")]

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using !:: Parser a b !-> (b !-> c) !-> Parser a c (p `using` f) inp = [(f v, out) | (v, out) !<- p inp ]

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((string "3") `using` float) "3" # !=> [(3.0, "")]

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Levelling up

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many !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a [b] many p = ((p `and_then` many p) `using` cons) `alt` (succeed [])

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0 or many

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(many (literal 'a')) "aab" !=> [("aa","b"),("a","ab"),("","aab")]

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(many (literal 'a')) "xyz" !=> [("","xyz")]

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some !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a [b] some p = ((p `and_then` many p) `using` cons)

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1 or many

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(some (literal 'a')) "aab" !=> [("aa","b"),("a","ab")]

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(some (literal 'a')) "xyz" !=> []

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positive_integer = some (satisfy Data.Char.isDigit) negative_integer = ((literal '-') `and_then` positive_integer) `using` cons positive_decimal = (positive_integer `and_then` (((literal '.') `and_then` positive_integer) `using` cons)) `using` join negative_decimal = ((literal '-') `and_then` positive_decimal) `using` cons

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number !:: Parser Char [Char] number = negative_decimal `alt` positive_decimal `alt` negative_integer `alt` positive_integer

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word !:: Parser Char [Char] word = some (satisfy isLetter)

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string !:: (Eq a) !=> [a] !-> Parser a [a] string [] = succeed [] string (x:xs) = (literal x `and_then` string xs) `using` cons

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(string "begin") "begin end" # !=> [("begin"," end")]

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xthen !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a c p1 `xthen` p2 = (p1 `and_then` p2) `using` snd

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thenx !:: Parser a b !-> Parser a c !-> Parser a b p1 `thenx` p2 = (p1 `and_then` p2) `using` fst

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ret !:: Parser a b !-> c !-> Parser a c p `ret` v = p `using` (const v)

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succeed, failure, satisfy, literal, alt, and_then, using, string, many, some, string, word, number, xthen, thenx, ret

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Expression Parser & Evaluator

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data Expr = Const Double | Expr `Add` Expr | Expr `Sub` Expr | Expr `Mul` Expr | Expr `Div` Expr

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(Const 3) `Mul` ((Const 6) `Add` (Const 1))) # !=> "3*(6+1)"

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parse "3*(6+1)" # !=> (Const 3) `Mul` ((Const 6) `Add` (Const 1)))

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(Const 3) Mul ((Const 6) `Add` (Const 1))) # !=> 21

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BNF Notation expn !::= expn + expn | expn − expn | expn ∗ expn | expn / expn | digit+ | (expn)

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Improving a little: expn !::= term + term | term − term | term term !::= factor ∗ factor | factor / factor | factor factor !::= digit+ | (expn)

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Parsers that resemble BNF

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addition = ((term `and_then` ((literal '+') `xthen` term)) `using` plus)

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subtraction = ((term `and_then` ((literal '-') `xthen` term)) `using` minus)

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multiplication = ((factor `and_then` ((literal '*') `xthen` factor)) `using` times)

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division = ((factor `and_then` ((literal '/') `xthen` factor)) `using` divide)

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parenthesised_expression = ((nibble (literal '(')) `xthen` ((nibble expn) `thenx`(nibble (literal ')'))))

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value xs = Const (numval xs) plus (x,y) = x `Add` y minus (x,y) = x `Sub` y times (x,y) = x `Mul` y divide (x,y) = x `Div` y

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expn = addition `alt` subtraction `alt` term

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term = multiplication `alt` division `alt` factor

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factor = (number `using` value) `alt` parenthesised_expn

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expn "12*(5+(7-2))" # !=> [ (Const 12.0 `Mul` (Const 5.0 `Add` (Const 7.0 `Sub` Const 2.0)),""), … ]

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value xs = Const (numval xs) plus (x,y) = x `Add` y minus (x,y) = x `Sub` y times (x,y) = x `Mul` y divide (x,y) = x `Div` y

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value = numval plus (x,y) = x + y minus (x,y) = x - y times (x,y) = x * y divide (x,y) = x / y

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expn "12*(5+(7-2))" # !=> [(120.0,""), (12.0,"*(5+(7-2))"), (1.0,"2*(5+(7-2))")]

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expn "(12+1)*(5+(7-2))" # !=> [(130.0,""), (13.0,"*(5+(7-2))")]

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Moving beyond toy parsers

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Whitespace? (

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white = (literal " ") `alt` (literal "\t") `alt` (literal "\n")

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white = many (any literal " \t\n")

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any p = foldr (alt.p) fail

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any p [x1,x2,!!...,xn] = (p x1) `alt` (p x2) `alt` !!... `alt` (p xn)

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white = many (any literal " \t\n")

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nibble p = white `xthen` (p `thenx` white)

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The parser (nibble p) has the same behaviour as parser p, except that it eats up any white- space in the input string before or afterwards

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(nibble (literal 'a')) " a " # !=> [('a',""),('a'," "),('a'," ")]

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symbol = nibble.string

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symbol "$fold" " $fold " # !=> [("$fold", ""), ("$fold", " ")]

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The Offside Rule

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w = x + y where x = 10 y = 15 - 5 z = w * 2

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w = x + y where x = 10 y = 15 - 5 z = w * 2

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When obeying the offside rule, every token must lie either directly below, or to the right of its first token

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i.e. A weak indentation policy

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The Offside Combinator

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type Pos a = (a, (Integer, Integer))

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prelex "3 + \n 2 * (4 + 5)" # !=> [('3',(0,0)), ('+',(0,2)), ('2',(1,2)), ('*',(1,4)), … ]

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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a satisfy p [] = failure [] satisfy p (x:xs) | p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true | otherwise = failure []

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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser (Pos a) a satisfy p [] = failure [] satisfy p (x:xs) | p a = succeed a xs !-- if p(a) is true | otherwise = failure [] where (a, (r, c)) = x

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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser (Pos a) a satisfy p [] = failure [] satisfy p (x:xs) | p a = succeed a xs !-- if p(a) is true | otherwise = failure [] where (a, (r, c)) = x

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)] where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp onside (a, (r, c)) (b, (r', c')) = r' !>= r !&& c' !>= c

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]

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(nibble (literal 'a')) " a " # !=> [('a',""),('a'," "),('a'," ")]

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)] where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)] where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp

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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)] where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp onside (a, (r, c)) (b, (r', c')) = r' !>= r !&& c' !>= c

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(3 + 2 * (4 + 5)) + (8 * 10) (3 + 2 * (4 + 5)) + (8 * 10)

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(offside expn) (prelex inp_1) # !=> [(21.0,[('+',(2,0)),('(',(2,2)),('8',(2,3)),('*', (2,5)),('1',(2,7)),('0',(2,8)),(')',(2,9))])] (offside expn) (prelex inp_2) # !=> [(101.0,[])]

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Quick recap before we

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∅ !|> succeed, fail !|> satisfy, literal !|> alt, and_then, using !|> many, some !|> string, thenx, xthen, return !|> expression parser & evaluator !|> any, nibble, symbol !|> prelex, offside

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Practical parsers

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Syntactical analysis Lexical analysis Parse trees

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type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])] type Pos a = (a, (Integer, Integer))

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data Tag = Ident | Number | Symbol | Junk deriving (Show, Eq) type Token = (Tag, [Char])

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(Symbol, "if") (Number, "123")

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Parse the string with parser p, & apply token t to the result

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(p `tok` t) inp = [ (((t, xs), (r, c)), out) | (xs, out) !<- p inp] where (x, (r,c)) = head inp

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(p `tok` t) inp = [ ((,),) | (xs, out) !<- p inp] where (x, (r,c)) = head inp

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(p `tok` t) inp = [ (((t, xs), (r, c)), out) | (xs, out) !<- p inp] where (x, (r,c)) = head inp

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((string "where") `tok` Symbol) inp # !=> ((Symbol,"where"), (r, c))

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many ((p1 `tok` t1) `alt` (p2 `tok` t2) `alt` !!... `alt` (pn `tok` tn))

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[(p1, t1), (p2, t2), …, (pn, tn)]

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lex = many.(foldr op failure) where (p, t) `op` xs = (p `tok` t) `alt` xs

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No content

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lex = many.(foldr op failure) where (p, t) `op` xs = (p `tok` t) `alt` xs

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# Rightmost computation cn = (pn `tok` tn) `alt` failure

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# Followed by (pn-1 `tok` tn-1) `alt` cn

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many ((p1 `tok` t1) `alt` (p2 `tok` t2) `alt` !!... `alt` (pn `tok` tn))

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lexer = lex [ ((some (any_of literal " \n\t")), Junk), ((string "where"), Symbol), (word, Ident), (number, Number), ((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]

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lexer = lex [ ((some (any_of literal " \n\t")), Junk), ((string "where"), Symbol), (word, Ident), (number, Number), ((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]

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lexer = lex [ ((some (any_of literal " \n\t")), Junk), ((string "where"), Symbol), (word, Ident), (number, Number), ((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]

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head (lexer (prelex "where x = 10")) # !=> ([((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)), ((Ident,"x"),(0,6)), ((Symbol,"="),(0,8)), ((Number,"10"),(0,10)) ],[])

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(head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10" # !=> ([((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)), ((Ident,"x"),(0,6)), ((Symbol,"="),(0,8)), ((Number,"10"),(0,10)) ],[])

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(head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10" # !=> ([((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)), ((Ident,"x"),(0,6)), ((Symbol,"="),(0,8)), ((Number,"10"),(0,10)) ],[]) Function composition

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length ((lexer.prelex) "where x = 10") # !=> 198

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Conflicts? Ambiguity?

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In this case, "where" is a source of conflict. It can be a symbol, or identifier.

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lexer = lex [ {- 1 -} ((some (any_of literal " \n\t")), Junk), {- 2 -} ((string "where"), Symbol), {- 3 -} (word, Ident), {- 4 -} (number, Number), {- 5 -} ((any_of string ["(",")","="]), Symbol)]

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Higher priority, higher precedence

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Removing Junk

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strip !:: [(Pos Token)] !-> [(Pos Token)] strip = filter ((!!= Junk).fst.fst)

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((!!= Junk).fst.fst) ((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)) # !=> True ((!!= Junk).fst.fst) ((Junk,"where"),(0,0)) # !=> False

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(fst.head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10" # !=> [((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)), ((Junk," "),(0,5)), ((Ident,"x"),(0,6)), ((Junk," "),(0,7)), ((Symbol,"="),(0,8)), ((Junk," "),(0,9)), ((Number,"10"),(0,10))]

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(strip.fst.head.lexer.prelex) "where x = 10" # !=> [((Symbol,"where"),(0,0)), ((Ident,"x"),(0,6)), ((Symbol,"="),(0,8)), ((Number,"10"),(0,10))]

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Syntax Analysis

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characters !|> lexical analysis !|> tokens

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tokens !|> syntax analysis !|> parse trees

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5 Script

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5 Definition

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5 Body

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5 Expression

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5 Definition

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5 Primitives

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data Script = Script [Def] data Def = Def Var [Var] Expn data Expn = Var Var | Num Double | Expn `Apply` Expn | Expn `Where` [Def] type Var = [Char]

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prog = (many defn) `using` Script

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defn = ( (some (kind Ident)) `and_then` ((lit "=") `xthen` (offside body))) `using` defnFN

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body = ( expr `and_then` (((lit "where") `xthen` (some defn)) `opt` [])) `using` bodyFN

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expr = (some prim) `using` (foldl1 Apply)

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prim = ((kind Ident) `using` Var) `alt` ((kind Number) `using` numFN) `alt` ((lit "(") `xthen` (expr `thenx` (lit ")")))

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!-- only allow a kind of tag kind !:: Tag !-> Parser (Pos Token) [Char] kind t = (satisfy ((!== t).fst)) `using` snd — only allow a given symbol lit !:: [Char] !-> Parser (Pos Token) [Char] lit xs = (literal (Symbol, xs)) `using` snd

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prog = (many defn) `using` Script

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defn = ( (some (kind Ident)) `and_then` ((lit "=") `xthen` (offside body))) `using` defnFN

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body = ( expr `and_then` (((lit "where") `xthen` (some defn)) `opt` [])) `using` bodyFN

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expr = (some prim) `using` (foldl1 Apply)

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prim = ((kind Ident) `using` Var) `alt` ((kind Number) `using` numFN) `alt` ((lit "(") `xthen` (expr `thenx` (lit ")")))

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data Script = Script [Def] data Def = Def Var [Var] Expn data Expn = Var Var | Num Double | Expn `Apply` Expn | Expn `Where` [Def] type Var = [Char]

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Orange functions are for transforming values.

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Use data constructors to generate parse trees

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Use evaluation functions to evaluate and generate a value

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f x y = add a b where a = 25 b = sub x y answer = mult (f 3 7) 5

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Script [ Def "f" ["x","y"] ( ((Var "add" `Apply` Var "a") `Apply` Var "b") `Where` [ Def "a" [] (Num 25.0), Def "b" [] ((Var "sub" `Apply` Var "x") `Apply` Var "y")]), Def "answer" [] ( (Var "mult" `Apply` ( (Var "f" `Apply` Num 3.0) `Apply` Num 7.0)) `Apply` Num 5.0)]

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Strategy for writing parsers

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1. Identify components i.e. Lexical elements

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lexer = lex [ ((some (any_of literal " \n\t")), Junk), ((string "where"), Symbol), (word, Ident), (number, Number), ((any_of string ["(", ")", "="]), Symbol)]

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2. Structure these elements a.k.a. syntax

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defn = ((some (kind Ident)) `and_then` ((lit "=") `xthen` (offside body))) `using` defnFN body = (expr `and_then` (((lit "where") `xthen` (some defn)) `opt` [])) `using` bodyFN expr = (some prim) `using` (foldl1 Apply) prim = ((kind Ident) `using` Var) `alt` ((kind Number) `using` numFN) `alt` ((lit "(") `xthen` (expr `thenx` (lit ")")))

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3. BNF notation is very helpful

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4. TDD in the absence of types

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Where to, next?

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Monadic Parsers Graham Hutton, Eric Meijer

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Introduction to FP Philip Wadler

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The Dragon Book If your interest is in compilers

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Haskell: Parsec, MegaParsec. ✨ OCaml: Angstrom. ✨ Ruby: rparsec, or roll you own Elixir: Combine, ExParsec Python: Parsec. ✨

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Thank you!

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Twitter: @_swanand GitHub: @swanandp