Higher-Order Functions for
By Graham Hutton
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• Abstract & Introduction
• Build a parser, one fn at a time
• Moving beyond toy parsers
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In combinator parsing, the text of parsers resembles BNF
notation. We present the basic method, and a number of
extensions. We address the special problems presented by
whitespace, and parsers with separate lexical and syntactic
phases. In particular, a combining form for handling the
“offside rule” is given. Other extensions to the basic
method include an “into” combining form with many useful
applications, and a simple means by which combinator
parsers can produce more informative error messages.
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• Combinators that resemble BNF notation
• Whitespace handling through "Offside
• "Into" combining form for advanced parsing
• Strategy for better error messages
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Primitive Parsers
• Take input
• Process one character
• Return results and unused input
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• Combine primitives
• Define building blocks
• Return results and unused input
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Lexical analysis and syntax
• Combine the combinators
• Define lexical elements
• Return results and unused input
rule: 'a' followed by 'b'
input: "abcdef"
output: [(('a','b'),"cdef")]
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rule: 'a' followed by 'b'
input: "abcdef"
output: [(('a','b'),"cdef")]
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Language choice
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Lazy Functional Languages
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Author's choice
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An obvious choice.
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Another obvious choice.
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to so $ for learning
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Functional, but not lazy.
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Haskell %
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Simple when stick to fundamental FP
• Higher order functions
• Immutability
• Recursive problem solving
• Algebraic types
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Let's build a parser,
one fn at a time
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type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]
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Types help with abstraction
• We'll be dealing with parsers and combinators
• Parsers are functions, they accept input and
return results
• Combinators accept parsers and return
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A parser is a function that
accepts an input and returns
parsed results and the
unused input for each result
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Parser is a function type that
accepts a list of type a
and returns all possible results
as a list of tuples of type (b, [a])
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(Parser Char Number)
input: "42 it is!" !-- a is a [Char]
output: [(42, " it is!")] !-- b is a Number
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type Parser a b = [a] !-> [(b, [a])]
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Primitive Parsers
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succeed !:: b !-> Parser a b
succeed v inp = [(v, inp)]
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Always succeeds
Returns "v" for all inputs
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failure !:: Parser a b
failure inp = []
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Always fails
Returns "[]" for all inputs
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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true
| otherwise = failure []
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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true
| otherwise = failure []
Guard Clauses, if you want to Google
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literal !:: Eq a !=> a !-> Parser a a
literal x = satisfy (!== x)
satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser a a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p x = succeed x xs !-- if p(x) is true
| otherwise = failure []
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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser (Pos a) a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p a = succeed a xs !-- if p(a) is true
| otherwise = failure []
where (a, (r, c)) = x
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satisfy !:: (a !-> Bool) !-> Parser (Pos a) a
satisfy p [] = failure []
satisfy p (x:xs)
| p a = succeed a xs !-- if p(a) is true
| otherwise = failure []
where (a, (r, c)) = x
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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
where inpON = takeWhile (onside (head inp)) inp
inpOFF = drop (length inpON) inp
(a, (r, c)) (b, (r', c')) =
r' !>= r !&& c' !>= c
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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
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offside !:: Parser (Pos a) b !-> Parser (Pos a) b
offside p inp = [(v, inpOFF) | (v, []) !<- (p inpON)]
!-- only allow a kind of tag
kind !:: Tag !-> Parser (Pos Token) [Char]
kind t = (satisfy ((!== t).fst)) `using` snd
— only allow a given symbol
lit !:: [Char] !-> Parser (Pos Token) [Char]
lit xs = (literal (Symbol, xs)) `using` snd