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 Architecting a Bank
 from scratch Matt Heath, Monzo

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Hi, I’m Matt @mattheath

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LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS WE ARE HERE A UK banking licence is authorised by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and FCA1, allowing deposit- taking and balance sheet lending. Once granted, it allows firms to passport across Europe, accessing This is followed by a “mobilisation” phase during which final capital is raised and IT systems are completed, before launching to the public. We received a UK banking licence in August 2016! FEB 2015 JAN 2016 JAN 2017 MAR FEB FEB APR MAR MAR APR MAY JUN JUL MAY APR JUN MAY JUL JUN AUG JUL SEP AUG NOV SEP DEC NOV DEC PRE APPLICATION APPLICATION MOBILISATION LAUNCH LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS 50K MAX DEPOSIT WE ARE HERE A UK banking licence is authorised by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and FCA1, allowing deposit- taking and balance sheet lending. Once granted, it allows firms to passport across Europe, accessing This is followed by a “mobilisation” phase during which final capital is raised and IT systems are completed, before launching to the public. We received a UK banking licence in August 2016! JAN 2016 JAN 2017 MAR FEB FEB APR MAR MAR APR MAY JUN JUL MAY APR JUN MAY JUL JUN AUG JUL SEP AUG NOV SEP DEC NOV DEC E APPLICATION APPLICATION MOBILISATION LAUNCH LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS WE ARE HERE AUG
 2017 JAN
 2016 Feb
 2015 APR
 2017 A UK banking licence is authorised by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and FCA1, allowing deposit- taking and balance sheet lending. Once granted, it allows firms to passport across Europe, accessing This is followed by a “mobilisation” phase during which final capital is raised and IT systems are completed, before launching to the public. We received a UK banking licence in August 2016! FEB 2015 JAN 2016 JAN 2017 MAR FEB FEB APR MAR MAR APR MAY APR JUN MAY JUL JUN AUG JUL SEP AUG NOV SEP DEC NOV DEC PRE APPLICATION APPLICATION MOBILISATION LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS WE ARE HERE

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A UK banking licence is authorised by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and FCA1, allowing deposit- taking and balance sheet lending. Once granted, it allows firms to passport across Europe, accessing This is followed by a “mobilisation” phase during which final capital is raised and IT systems are completed, before launching to the public. We received a UK banking licence in August 2016! FEB 2015 JAN 2016 JAN 2017 MAR FEB FEB APR MAR MAR APR MAY JUN JUL MAY APR JUN MAY JUL JUN AUG JUL SEP AUG NOV SEP DEC NOV DEC PRE APPLICATION APPLICATION MOBILISATION LAUNCH LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS 50K MAX DEPOSIT WE ARE HERE A UK banking licence is authorised by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and FCA1, allowing deposit- taking and balance sheet lending. Once granted, it allows firms to passport across Europe, accessing This is followed by a “mobilisation” phase during which final capital is raised and IT systems are completed, before launching to the public. We received a UK banking licence in August 2016! JAN 2016 JAN 2017 MAR FEB FEB APR MAR MAR APR MAY JUN JUL MAY APR JUN MAY JUL JUN AUG JUL SEP AUG NOV SEP DEC NOV DEC E APPLICATION APPLICATION MOBILISATION LAUNCH LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS WE ARE HERE AUG
 2017 JAN
 2016 Feb
 2015 APR
 LAUNCH LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS WE ARE HERE A UK banking licence is authorised by the PRA and regulated by the PRA and FCA1, allowing deposit- taking and balance sheet lending. Once granted, it allows firms to passport across Europe, accessing This is followed by a “mobilisation” phase during which final capital is raised and IT systems are completed, before launching to the public. We received a UK banking licence in August 2016! FEB 2015 JAN 2016 JAN 2017 MAR FEB FEB APR MAR MAR APR MAY APR JUN MAY JUL JUN AUG JUL SEP AUG NOV SEP DEC NOV DEC PRE APPLICATION APPLICATION MOBILISATION LICENCE WITH RESTRICTIONS WE ARE HERE

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Nov 2015 Nov 2017 CUSTOMER

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Henrik Kniberg

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James Leah Matt

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James Leah Matt

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James Leah Matt

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monoliths traditional dev

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Application Database

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Application Database

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Application Databases

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Application Databases Search

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Application Databases Search Caching

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Application Databases Search Caching CAT GIFS

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Application Databases Search Caching CAT GIFS

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Payment API Ledger

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Payment API Ledger Postgres

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Transactions Payment API Ledger

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Transactions Payment API Ledger Accounts

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Payment API Transactions Ledger Accounts Cassandra Postgres

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Payment API Transactions Ledger Accounts Cassandra Postgres ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Henrik Kniberg

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Payment API Transactions Ledger Accounts Cassandra Postgres

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Card API Payment API Transactions Ledger Accounts Cassandra Postgres

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Feb 2015 services Nov 2017 350

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server server

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server server server server server server

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server server server server server server ?

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pod container container container

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pod transaction service

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pod web server config volume

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pod volume

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pods replica set

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replica set pods deployment

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pods replica set deployment

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pods replica set deployment change

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deployment change old pods old replica set

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deployment change old pods old replica set new replica set

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deployment change old pods old replica set new replica set new pod

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deployment change old pods old replica set new replica set new pod

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deployment change old replica set new pods new replica set

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deployment change new replica set new pods

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deployment replica set pods

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pods service

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pods service kubedns

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pods service routing - static cluster IP managed replicas resource allocations rollout strategies liveness checks anti-affinity, etc kubedns

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server server server server server server

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server server server server server server Kubernetes

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server server server server server kubelet

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kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet

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kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet Kubernetes Master

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kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet kubelet Kubernetes Master etcd

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+ = ❤

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kubernetes service service service service service service service service service service

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Service Service

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Service Service RabbitMQ

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Service Service RabbitMQ

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Service Service Transport

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Service Service Transport Service Service

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Service Service Transport Service Service Client library Server library

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Service Discovery Load Balancing Timeouts Failure Detection Retries Rate Limiting Circuit Breaking Connection Pooling Context Propagation Metrics and Tracing Request Cancellation

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Service Service Service Service

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Service Service Service Service HTTP HTTP

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Service Service Service Service Kubernetes

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Service Discovery Load Balancing Timeouts Failure Detection Retries Rate Limiting Circuit Breaking Connection Pooling Context Propagation Metrics and Tracing Request Cancellation

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Service Discovery Load Balancing Timeouts Failure Detection Retries Rate Limiting Circuit Breaking Connection Pooling Context Propagation Metrics and Tracing Request Cancellation

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Service Service Service Service ?

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Service Service Service Service linkerd

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Service linkerd

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Service linkerd service

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Service Service Service Service linkerd service

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Service Service Service Service linkerd

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Service Service Service Service linkerd

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Service Service Service Service linkerd

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Service Service Service Service linkerd

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Services Cassandra Load Balancer API

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 RabbitMQ API Cassandra Load Balancer

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 RabbitMQ API Cassandra Load Balancer Proxy

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Cassandra Load Balancer Mesos
 RabbitMQ API Proxy

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Cassandra Load Balancer Mesos
 RabbitMQ API Proxy Kubernetes
 HTTP & LinkerD

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Cassandra Load Balancer Mesos
 RabbitMQ API Proxy Kubernetes
 HTTP & LinkerD

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Cassandra Load Balancer Proxy Kubernetes
 HTTP & LinkerD

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Cassandra Load Balancer Kubernetes
 HTTP & LinkerD

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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 eu-west-1 colocation
 dc 1 colocation
 dc 2

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 eu-west-1 colocation
 dc 1 colocation
 dc 2

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 eu-west-1 colocation
 dc 1 colocation
 dc 2

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 eu-west-1 colocation
 dc 1 colocation

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 eu-west-1 colocation
 dc 1 colocation
 dc 2 BGP BGP

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 eu-west-1 colocation
 dc 1 colocation
 dc 2

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pods service routing - static cluster IP non-static IP
 /24 range assigned per node

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third parties colocation “connectivity” pod services HA VPN
 Appliance VPN client Kubernetes

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third parties colocation “connectivity” pod service HA VPN
 Appliance Kubernetes Wireguard
 interface service pod GUE 
 forwarder routing table
 routes specific
 IP range to local
 gue0 interface GUE 
 listener routing table
 routes packets
 to local wg0
 interface *lots of stuff omitted for brevity, this is a lot more complicated than the diagram implies

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 eu-west-1 Yay abstraction!

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API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns API card-api card-processing cards transactions balance transaction-enrichment merchant feed-generator feed apns

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