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The dirty little secrets of building large, highly available, scalable HTTP APIs by @dschenkelman

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Christophers talk: Part 2

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Why? var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.send('Hello World!'); }); var server = app.listen(3000, function () { var host = server.address().address; var port = server.address().port; console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port); });

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enabled: true

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enabled: 1

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enabled: 1.0

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enabled: "false"

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No content

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JSON Schemas "enabled": { "type": "boolean" }

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Errors for developers { "statusCode": 400, "error": "Bad Request", "message": "Payload validation error: 'Expected type boolean but found type string' on property enabled (true if the rule is enabled, false otherwise).", "errorCode": "invalid_body" }

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ratify const ZSchemaErrors = require('z-schema-errors'); const errorReporters = ['headers', 'query', 'path', 'payload'].reduce((current, part) => { current[part] = ZSchemaErrors.init({/*...*/}); return current; }, {}); plugins.push({ register: require('ratify'), options: { errorReporters: errorReporters, /*...*/ } });

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Old API Explorer

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Auto-generate docs

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Leverage validation "enabled": { "type": "boolean", "description": "true if the connection is enabled, false (default) otherwise" }

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AuthN & AuthZ

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Token Exchange API Client API Server 1. Credentials 2. API Token 3. Requests

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Granular Security

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Decentralized Issuance

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Expiration Control

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JSON Web Token JWT

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Authenticate For all endpoints

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Authorize Per endpoint

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Route { method: 'GET', path: '/api/v2/clients/{id}', config: { auth: { strategy: 'jwt', scope: ['read:clients', 'read:client_keys'] }, } }

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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2nd half

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Stress tests

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Optimism unsigned long income;

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Ops Stress

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What to do…

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Rate Limiting

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Token Bucket

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limitd #port to listen on port: 9001 #db path db: /var/limitd/database #define the bucket types buckets: customers: size: 10 per_second: 10

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429 X-RateLimit-Limit Maximum amount X-RateLimit-Remaining How many there are left X-RateLimit-Reset When will bucket be full again

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patova plugins.push({ register: require('patova'), options: { event: 'onPostAuth', // when to perform the limit check type: 'tenant', // bucket address: env.LIMITD_SERVER, extractKey: function(request, reply, done){ const key = request.auth.credentials.__tenant; done(null, key); } } });

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Geo Redundancy

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Data Center Failure

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Natural Disasters

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Cloud Provider Failure

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Our Setup

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Our Setup App Instances MongoDB Elastic Search App Instances MongoDB Elastic Search MongoDB

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The switch

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feature-change const feature_change = require('feature-change'); var options = { expected: cb => mongo_search(mongo_opts, cb), actual: cb => es_search(es_opts, cb), logAction: (current_result, new_result) => { // invoked when there is a difference in the results // (useful for logging) } }; feature_change(options, (err, result) => { // this is the original callback you were using for mongo // err and result always come from mongo_search });

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Iron out differences

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Wrap up

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Shipping is important

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Remember: evolve

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Validation & Docs • • • (example of branded auto-generated docs) •

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AuthN & AuthZ • • • web-tokens-as-api-keys/ • web-token-api-keys/ •

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Rate limiting • • •

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BaaS • • cpuflamegraphs.html • • • DeveloperGuide/US_SetUpASLBApp.html

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Geo Redundancy • architecture-running-in-multiple-cloud-providers- and-r.html • • geographically-distributed-replica-set/

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Feature Changes • nothing/ • changes-at-auth0/ • change

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Thanks @dschenkelman npm i dschenkelman