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Grokking Coroutines @danlew42

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“Essentially, coroutines are light-weight threads.” ~Kotlin Documentation

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suspend fun requestRandomUrl() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } suspend fun downloadImage(url: Url) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } fun displayImage(image: Image) myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) }

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sequence { var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { yield(cur) val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } }

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–The Design of Everyday Things “A good conceptual model allows us to predict the effects of our actions. Without a good model we operate by rote, blindly; we do operations as we were told to do them; we can’t fully appreciate why, what effects to expect, or what to do if things go wrong.”

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What are coroutines?

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Subroutines fun sumSquaredValues(values: List): Int { return values.sumBy { value -> square(value) } } fun square(value: Int): Int = value * value

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Routine Subroutine

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Coroutine Coroutine

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val iterator = sequence.iterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { val next = println(next) } sequence { var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { yield(cur) val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } } Consumer Producer

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val iterator = sequence.iterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { val next = println(next) } sequence { var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { yield(cur) val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } } Consumer Producer

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class Fibonacci { var cur = 1 var next = 1 fun next(): Int { val toReturn = cur val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp return toReturn } } sequence { var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { yield(cur) val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } } Versus

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Multiple Suspend Points sequence { yield(1) // first Fibonacci number var cur = 1 var next = 1 while (true) { yield(next) // next Fibonacci number val tmp = cur + next cur = next next = tmp } }

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Why use coroutines?

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Why use coroutines? • Another tool for writing good code • Two ways to use tool: • Generators • Concurrency

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Blocking Functions fun main() { print(calculateMeaningOfLife()) } fun calculateMeaningOfLife(): Int { // Calculates for 7.5 million years, then... return 42 }

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Non-Blocking Function suspend fun calculateMeaningOfLife(): Int { delay(7.5 million years) return 42 }

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Blocking vs. Nonblocking Blocking Blocked During I/O Non-Blocking Waiting During I/O Doing other work

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Two Tasks, One Thread suspend fun task(name: String, delay: Long) { joinAll( async { doSomething("First", 10) }, async { doSomething("Second", 5) } ) } suspend fun doSomething(name: String, delay: Long) { println("$name START (${Thread.currentThread().name})") delay(delay) println("$name END (${Thread.currentThread().name})") } First START (main) Second START (main) Second END (main) First END (main)

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Threads == preemptive multitasking Coroutines == cooperative multitasking

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Coroutines *are* like light- weight threads!

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Kotlin Coroutine Basics

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Not Basic suspend fun requestRandomUrl() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } suspend fun downloadImage(url: Url) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } fun displayImage(image: Image) myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) }

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kotlin.coroutines (stdlib) kotlinx.coroutines (library)

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kotlin.coroutines (stdlib) kotlinx.coroutines (library)

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Suspend Keyword

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How the !@#$ do you start a coroutine?

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fun (suspend () -> T).startCoroutine(completion: Continuation) suspend fun mySuspendingFunction() fun main() { ::mySuspendingFunction.startCoroutine( Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) { } ) }

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fun (suspend () -> T).startCoroutine(completion: Continuation) suspend fun mySuspendingFunction() fun main() { ::mySuspendingFunction.startCoroutine( Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) { } ) }

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Continuations public interface Continuation { public val context: CoroutineContext public fun resumeWith(result: Result) } class Result constructor( val value: Any? )

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Continuations public interface Continuation { public val context: CoroutineContext public fun resumeWith(result: Result) } class Result constructor( val value: Any? )

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Continuations public interface Continuation { public val context: CoroutineContext public fun resumeWith(result: Result) } class Result constructor( val value: T?, val exception: Throwable )

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Continuations public interface Continuation { public val context: CoroutineContext } fun Continuation.resume(value: T) fun Continuation.resumeWithException(exception: Throwable)

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Coroutines - Under the Hood suspend fun fizzBuzz(): String | | compiles to… V fun fizzBuzz(continuation: Continuation): Any?

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Coroutines - Under the Hood suspend fun fizzBuzz(): String | | compiles to… V fun fizzBuzz(continuation: Continuation): Any?

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They’re Just Callbacks! Coroutines Callbacks

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Callback Hell requestRandomUrl { url -> downloadImage(url) { image -> displayImage(image) } } myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) } Vs

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Context public interface Continuation { public val context: CoroutineContext public fun resumeWith(result: Result) }

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Context public interface Continuation { public val context: CoroutineContext public fun resumeWith(result: Result) }

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Coroutine Basics • suspend keyword • Continuations • CoroutineContexts • …And a couple other minor things not worth mentioning here

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Kotlin Coroutine Library

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startCoroutine Is Ugly suspend fun mySuspendingFunction() fun main() { ::mySuspendingFunction.startCoroutine( Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) { } ) }

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What We Want suspend fun requestRandomUrl() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } suspend fun downloadImage(url: Url) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } fun displayImage(image: Image) myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) }

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Starting a Coroutine suspend fun requestRandomUrl() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } suspend fun downloadImage(url: Url) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } fun displayImage(image: Image) myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) }

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Launch Patterns myScope.launch { doSomething() } myScope.launch { val result = doSomething() callback(result) }

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Launch Patterns myScope.launch { doSomething() } myScope.launch { val result = doSomething() callback(result) }

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CoroutineScope myScope.launch { doSomething() } myScope.launch { val result = doSomething() callback(result) }

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launch { task1() } launch { task2() } launch { task3() }

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val job1 = launch { task1() } val job2 = launch { task2() } val job3 = launch { task3() } ... job1.cancel() job2.cancel() job3.cancel()

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val job1 = launch { task1() } val job2 = launch { task2() } val job3 = launch { task3() } ... job1.cancel() job2.cancel() job3.cancel()

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val job = Job() val myScope = CoroutineScope(job) ... myScope.launch { task1() } myScope.launch { task2() } myScope.launch { task3() } ... job.cancel()

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val job = Job() val myScope = CoroutineScope(job) ... myScope.launch { task1() } myScope.launch { task2() } myScope.launch { task3() } ... job.cancel()

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val job = Job() val myScope = CoroutineScope(job) ... myScope.launch { task1() } myScope.launch { task2() } myScope.launch { task3() } ... job.cancel()

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class MyActivity : Activity() { private val job = Job() private val myScope = CoroutineScope(job) /* ...Launch coroutines to your heart's desire... */ override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() job.cancel() } }

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Structured Concurrency • Concurrency with boundaries • Forces you to do the right thing • Explainer: go-statement-considered-harmful/

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What about threads? • Don’t want to run everything on a single thread • Writing everything non-blocking is exhausting • Can’t take advantage of multiple cores • Sometimes illegal! • Remember CoroutineContext? • Store whatever you want • Idea: store the thread!

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Threading suspend fun requestRandomUrl() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } suspend fun downloadImage(url: Url) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } fun displayImage(image: Image) myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) }

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Threading suspend fun requestRandomUrl() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } suspend fun downloadImage(url: Url) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { … } fun displayImage(image: Image) myScope.launch { val url = requestRandomUrl() val image = downloadImage(url) displayImage(image) }

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Clarifying Threading • Metaphor: Coroutines are like light-weight threads • Feature: Kotlin coroutines let you choose thread for coroutines

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Review • Coroutines are suspending functions • Suspending functions are useful for concurrency • Kotlin stdlib provides coroutine support • Kotlin coroutine library adds practical functions for coroutines

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What Now?

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But Wait, There’s More! • Compatibility - How do you use asynchronous non-coroutine code with coroutines? • Composition - How do you concurrently execute multiple suspending functions? • Cancellation - How do coroutines actually stop? • Exception handling - What happens when something goes wrong? • Flow - How can coroutines return multiple values asynchronously? • Channels - How do coroutines communicate between threads safely? • Actors - ???

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More Info • Links: • Roman Elizarov: • Android + Coroutines: • Structured concurrency: concurrency-or-go-statement-considered-harmful/

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