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HTML Optimization for Web Perfomance Frontend Conference Fukuoka 2019 Shogo SENSUI (@1000ch)

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Chromium Blog: Moving towards a faster web

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Shogo SENSUI (@1000ch) ● Software Engineer focusing on the web technology ● Engineering Manager and Tech Lead at Merpay, Inc. ● This is the second in Fukuoka. My first time was 2014.01.25

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Why HTML Optimization?

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HTML is the first step of rendering a page

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The origin of subresources Loading order affects rendering speed directly

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Independent of web page type Regardless of dynamic web application or not

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Easy to optimize relatively Mostly completing in HTML

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3 steps for HTML Optimization 1. Understanding Critical Rendering Path 2. Measuring Performance Metrics 3. Optimizing HTML

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Understanding Critical Rendering Path

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Browser Loading Process 1. Download HTML a. Parse HTML to construct DOM 2. Download subresources a. Parse CSS to construct CSSOM b. Parse and evaluate JavaScript synchronously c. Parse images, audios, videos, etc. 3. Create Render Tree using DOM and CSSOM a. Wait for DOM and CSSOM b. Layout nodes c. Paint nodes Construct DOM Tree Construct CSSOM Tree Create Render Tree Layout & Paint Execute JavaScript

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1st step. Load HTML ● Download HTML from requested URL ● Parse HTML to construct DOM tree ● HTML will be evaluated from the top Basic HTML structure

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2nd step. Load subresources ● Download subresources specified in HTML elements ○ ○ ○ <img> ○ <iframe> ○ etc… ● CSS will be downloaded and evaluated asynchronously ● JavaScript will be downloaded and evaluated synchronously ○ will affect DOM and CSSOM <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Basic HTML structure</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bar.css"> </head> <body> <img src="hero.jpg"> <script src="app.js">

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3rd step. Render pages ● Wait for DOM and CSSOM are completely parsed ● Create Render Tree using DOM and CSSOM ● Display page ○ Layout nodes ○ Paint nodes without CSSOM with CSSOM

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Measuring Performance Metrics

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Wait, Load and DOMContentLoaded events? ● They are not user-centralized performance metrics ● We want to score the real-user experience

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Which experience would you prefer?

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Time to Interactive Demo (Airbnb mobile web)

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User Centric Performance Metrics

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Speed Index ● Visual Progress Score of the page ● Introduced at WebPagetest ○ Speed Index - WebPagetest Documentation ○ Further information in Japanese: Speed IndexというWebパフォーマンスの指標 ● Slightly difficult to understand and calculate. We need simpler metrics!

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First Paint and First Contentful Paint ● First Paint: When anything on the first view is visible to the users ● First Contentful Paint: When any content on the first view is visible to the users

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Largest Contentful Paint ● Timing when the biggest content on the first view was painted ● These elements are considered ○ , in , ○ An element with a background image loaded via CSS url() ○ Block-level elements

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Long Tasks ● The process make the main thread busy ● Long Tasks will cause the UI to freeze ○ Delay time-to-interactive ○ Input latency

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Time to Interactive ● How long it takes a page to become fully interactive ● Use GoogleChromeLabs/tti-polyfill to measure ○ It requires Long Tasks API is supported

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PerformanceObserver API ● Enables you to measure the web application performance on the user’s device const po = new PerformanceObserver(list => { for (const entry of list.getEntries()) { // `entry` is a PerformanceEntry instance. console.log(entry.entryType); console.log(entry.startTime); console.log(entry.duration); } }); // Start observing the entry types you care about. po.observe({ entryTypes: ['resource', 'paint'] });

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To measure FP, FCP, LCP: const observer = new PerformanceObserver(list => { for (const entry of list.getEntries()) { ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Performance Metrics', eventAction:, eventValue: entry.startTime + entry.duration, nonInteraction: true }); } }); // Start observing the entry types, FP, FCP, LCP. observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['paint', 'largest-contentful-paint'] });

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To measure LongTasks: const observer = new PerformanceObserver(list => { for (const entry of list.getEntries()) { ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Performance Metrics', eventAction: 'longtask', eventValue: Math.round(entry.startTime + entry.duration), eventLabel: JSON.stringify(entry.attribution), }); } }); // Start observing the entry types, Long Task. observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['longtask'] });

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Performance Audit Tools

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Lighthouse ● Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web. ● Bundled on Chrome DevTools ● GoogleChrome/lighthouse to use from the command line ● GoogleChrome/lighthouse-ci to integrate with CI

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WebPageTest ● Measuring and analyzing the performance of web pages ● Open-sourced at GitHub. ● SpeedCurve - WebPageTest wrapper ● Calibre - WebPageTest wrapper ● The test result of ● The lighthouse test result of

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How to optimize HTML?

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All (sub-)resources should be minified

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Optimize CSS Loading 1. Put in a. To prefer loading CSS and constructing CSSOM b. Putting multiple s is OK! Because browser will load them asynchronously 2. Separate CSS files as possible a. Should NOT be concatenated

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Optimize JavaScript Loading 1. Put at the end of a. To prefer constricting HTML b. To prefer loading subresources 2. Add defer attribute to that loads 3rd party JavaScript a. To prefer rendering the current web page

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Basic HTML structure will be... Basic HTML structure

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Preload subresources ● Load subresources actively ● Specify preload attribute for ● Preload directive: as attribute to specify the kind of subresource ○ as=media: Audio, Video ○ as=script: Script file ○ as=style: CSS file ○ as=font: Font file ○ as=image: Image file ○ etc...

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Preload for module scripts ● Load module scripts actively ● Specify modulepreload attribute for ● Further information about modulepreload: ES Modulesを優先 的にロードするmodulepreload

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Native lazy-loading for and ● loading attribute to defer the loading of off-screen images and iframes ○ ○ ● Don’t have to use IntersectionObserver and to observe scroll and resize events. …

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Priority Hints for subresources ● importance attribute to suggest the resource priority ○ ○ ○ ○ <iframe> <!-- An image the browser assigns "High" priority, but we don't actually want that. --> <img src="in_viewport_but_not_important.svg" importance="low" alt="..."> <!-- We want to initiate an early fetch for a resource, but also deprioritize it --> <link rel="preload" href="/js/script.js" as="script" importance="low"> <script src="/js/app.js" defer importance="high">

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Resource Hints ● Load subresources speculatively ● DNS Prefetch ○ Resolves DNS ● Preconnect ○ Creates TCP connection ● Prefetch ○ Fetches resources ● Prefender ○ Renders HTML page

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quicklink ● Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time

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Conslusion 1. Understanding Critical Rendering Path a. Browsers wait for DOM and CSSOM are parsed before rendering 2. Measuring Web Performance Metrics a. Use WebPageTest and Lighthouse to audit the web page b. Audit the web page continuously 3. Optimizing HTML a. For initial loading b. For runtime c. Minimizing payload is the premise for both

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Further information? ● 基礎知識と実践的なノウハウを体系的 に解説し、Web パフォーマンスに関する 本質的な理解を促します ● 詳しくは を御 覧ください

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Thank for listening Ask me anything ❤ by @1000ch