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WELCOME BACK #PyConUS @[email protected] Mariatta PyCon US 2023 Conference Chair @[email protected]

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#PyConUS April 19 Tutorials Language Summit April 20 Sponsor Workshops Tutorials Typing Summit Education Summit Web Assembly Summit Newcomer Orientation Opening Reception April 21 Keynote: Ned Batchelder Talks Charlas Maintainer Summit Packaging Summit Lightning Talks Startup Row Open Spaces PyCon Active April 22 Keynote: James Powell Talks &Charlas Python Steering Council D&I Panel Mentored Sprint Lighting Talks PyLadies Auction Startup Row Open Spaces PyCon Active April 23 Keynotes: Margaret Mitchell & Carol Willing Talks PyLadies Luncheon Job Fair Posters Lightning talks Open Spaces CSA & PSF Update Guido van Rossum Sprinters April 24-27 Sprints PyCon US @[email protected]

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Keynotes #PyConUS Today Closing Keynote @[email protected]

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Special Guests #PyConUS Today @[email protected]

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Special Guests #PyConUS Diversity & Inclusion Panel @[email protected] Deb Nicholson Community Service Awards Python Software Foundation Updates (Today)

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Lightning Talks #PyConUS April 21 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM April 22 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM April 23 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM @[email protected]

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April 21-22 Sponsor Booths Community Booths Startup Rows #PyConUS Expo Hall April 21-23 Breakfast Lunch @[email protected] April 23 Job Fair Posters (until 3 PM)

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 UNTIL 3 PM @[email protected]

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#PyConUS 1 point today ⭐⭐⭐⭐ write a thank you note to someone at the conference ⭐⭐⭐⭐ @[email protected]

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#PyConUS T-SHIRT pickup Lower concourse: outside Expo Hall CDE April 21 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM April 22 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM April 23 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Leftovers will be for sale Today: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Sprintros @[email protected] April 24-27 Sprints! Sprintros 5 PM today

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#PyConUS Health & Safety Thanks for masking @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Code of conduct [email protected] Room 150 A @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Volunteering 7 session runners still needed Sign up PyCon US Dashboard > Volunteer (login first) @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have done during PyCon US you see features from Python 3.11+ in presentation slide submit a PR to an open source Python project take a selfie at the PSF booth say thanks to an open source maintainer give a lightning talk wear a swag from sponsor contemplate the Zen of Python in the quiet room volunteer at the conference host / attend an open space you see f-string with uppercased F in presentation slide introduced yourself to a first time attendee tell someone that you follow them on social media high five a conference staff/volunteer submit a PR to fix a typo your social media post contains typo and #PyConUS hashtag become a new PSF member learned something new from a lightning talk write a thank you note to someone at the conference you see a typo in presentation slide do an #IceCreamSelfie propose a new PEP have a PR merged got someone else to volunteer at PyCon US agree to speak at a local meetup become a new voting member of PSF Bonus: 5 points each #PyConUSChallenge @[email protected]

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#PyConUS #PyConUSChallenge @[email protected]

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#PyConUS #PyConUSChallenge @[email protected] #IceCreamSelfie Picture of Trey Hunner and Melanie Arbor holing up vegan ice cream from Monkey Wrench

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