Give yourself 1 point for each thing
you have done during PyCon US
you see features from Python 3.11+ in presentation slide
submit a PR to an open source Python project
take a selfie at the PSF booth
say thanks to an open source maintainer
give a lightning talk
wear a swag from sponsor
contemplate the Zen of Python in the quiet room
volunteer at the conference
host / attend an open space
you see f-string with uppercased F in presentation slide
introduced yourself to a first time attendee
tell someone that you follow them on social media
high five a conference staff/volunteer
submit a PR to fix a typo
your social media post contains typo and #PyConUS hashtag
become a new PSF member
learned something new from a lightning talk
write a thank you note to someone at the conference
you see a typo in presentation slide
do an #IceCreamSelfie
propose a new PEP
have a PR merged
got someone else to volunteer at PyCon US
agree to speak at a local meetup
become a new voting member of PSF
Bonus: 5 points each
#PyConUSChallenge @
[email protected]