in Javascript
JLP Talks
Image by: Nina Geometrieva
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Hi!, I’m
Frontend Engineer @ Sale Stock
Pretty active in React Native
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Why Javascript?
Image by: Nina Geometrieva
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Image by: Nina Geometrieva
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• Use the same vocabulary for the same type of variable
• Use explanatory variables
• Avoid Mental Mapping
• Use searchable names
• Don't add unneeded context
• Use meaningful and pronounceable variable names
• Use default arguments instead of short circuiting or conditionals
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Use the same vocabulary for
the same type of variable Use explanatory variables
Avoid Mental Mapping
❎ ✅
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Image by: Nina Geometrieva
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• Favor functional programming over imperative programming
• Avoid Side Effects
• Don't write to global functions
• Function arguments (2 or fewer ideally)
• Functions should do one thing
• Function names should say what they do
• Functions should only be one level of abstraction
• Remove duplicate code
• Set default objects with Object.assign
• Don't use flags as function parameters
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Imperative Programming vs
Functional Programming
• Functional programming is declarative:
application state flows through pure functions
• Imperative: object oriented programming,
where application state is usually shared and
colocated with methods in objects.
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Imperative Programming vs
Functional Programming
• Imperative programs describe the specific steps
used to achieve the desired results — the flow
control: How to do things.
• Declarative programs abstract the flow control
process, and instead spend lines of code
describing the data flow: What to do.
The how gets abstracted away.
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Image by: Nina Geometrieva
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What is Functional Programming?
The process of building software by
composing pure functions,
avoiding shared state, mutable
data, and side-effects.
• Eric Elliot on Medium
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Pure Function
• Given the same inputs, always returns
the same output
• Has no side-effects
f(x) = x + 1
f(1) = 2
g(x) = x + 2
g(f(1)) = 4
f(props) = rendered view
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No Shared State,
Immutable, & No
Side Effects
Image by: Nina Geometrieva