Alexander Beletsky
Ph.D, Software Engineer, Lead Architect at blogfoster GmbH
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Full Stack
Less specialization, more generalization.
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Back End
REST API’s, Databases, Sockets, AWS, Message Queues etc..
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Front End
JavaScript, ES6, HTML/CSS, React.js / Redux, Webpack etc…
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Full Stack Culture
One Developer
One Feature
One Release
Being able to produce the features, not just a code pieces.
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Embrace Full Stack
It’s cheeper, faster more productive and fun
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XP Practices
How to do right things.
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The codebase is in deployable state. Always.
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master develop branches
• No direct commits
• Always green
• Accepts merges from
`develop` branch
• Always reflects the current
• No direct commits
• Always green
• Merges from
• Always reflects the current
staging env
• Anytime could be merged to
`master` and deployed
• Work happens here
• Rebased from `develop`
• Could be red, but not for a long
• Source for pull requests to
`develop` branch
• Should take care of breaking
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Code Review &
Pair Programming
Early problem detection and knowledge sharing.
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.. just start the discussion
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The Good Code
Review possible if:
• Reviewer has better qualification
• Reviewer fully understands user story
• Reviewer is able to test the story
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The First Rule
of Code Review
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The First Rule
of Code Review
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Test Driven
A program that has not been tested does not work.
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The Good TDD
possible if:
• Team has high qualification & experience
• Team shares the same technical values and discipline
• Team cares about quality of their output
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Behavior driven development is the way of testing, where focus is
placed into behavior of whole system, not implementation
details of particular function.
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Works great
for REST API testing
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Embrace XP
It’s time-proven, scalable, for predictable results
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XP Practices,
work only for
team of responsible professionals..
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How to do right things with Agile approach.
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Product & Sprint
The overview of what need to be done.
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Resource Planning
Estimate the available resources for a sprint.
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Planning Poker
Estimate each story from a product backlog.
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Commit to the Plan
Everyone have to be confident and commit to the plan.
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Execute it
2 weeks sprint. Features which are ready immediately deployed.
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Demo Day &
Reflect what’s been archived in 2 weeks.
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Embrace Agile
It’s iterative, easy to understand, lightweight
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Business &
We are on the same boat.
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Clear Business
Goals (OKR’s)
Objective-Key-Results brings a transparency for a whole
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Regular "all-hands"
Because you have to understand what guys from other
department do.
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Regular company
based retrospective
Based on OKR’s or not, successes and failures all have to be
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It has to be fun :)
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Build the Culture
Culture is very important, even for early-days startup. Good
culture in tech teams would make you feel being a part of
something important, take your job seriously and grow as
professional together with company.