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What’s new with Jakarta EE 10 And MicroPro fi le 6.1 And why you should matter?

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Antoine Sabot-Durand Java Champion Tech Lead at SCIAM Former CDI spec lead Former Micropro fi le Health & Fault Tolerance spec lead Follow me: @antoine_sd

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SCIAM / IT Consulting & More Based in France : Paris, Toulon Only strategic missions (Driven by challenge) Expert from everywhere: France, Iran, Tunisia Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Mauritius… More : Behavioral science Collective intelligence

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We are Hiring!

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Agenda About Jakarta EE 10 Introduction and history What’s new in EE 10 About Micropro fi le 6.1 Introduction and history Conclusion

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Eclipse Jakarta EE 10

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- Jakarta EE website « Jakarta EE is a set of vendor’s neutral, open speci fi cations that are used for developing modern, cloud compatible applications from the ground »

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What is Jakarta EE? Speci fi cations Documentation Speci fi cations Code & API Speci fi cations TCK

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline Initial work on Oak started in 1991. It became Green then Java, 1996: Java First public implementation.

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.2 is out ! This 1st version contains 10 speci fi

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 Java EE 5 introduces EJB 3.0 making heavy use of annotations and AOP

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 2009 Java EE 6 Java EE 6 introduces CDI 1.0, JPA 2.0 and JAX-RS 1.1 and Web Pro fi

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 2009 Java EE 6 2013 Java EE 7

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 2009 Java EE 6 2013 Java EE 7 2017 Java EE 8 Java EE 8 introduces CDI 2.0 => Jakarta EE 8 (move to Eclipse in 2018)

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 2009 Java EE 6 2013 Java EE 7 2017 Java EE 8 2019 Jakarta EE 8 Jakarta EE 8 is just migration to Jakarta packages Eclipse version of Java EE 8

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 2009 Java EE 6 2013 Java EE 7 2017 Java EE 8 2019 Jakarta EE 8 2020 Jakarta EE 9 Jakarta EE 9 fi

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J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE Timeline 1999 J2EE 1.2 2001 J2EE 1.3 2003 J2EE 1.4 2006 Java EE 5 2009 Java EE 6 2013 Java EE 7 2017 Java EE 8 2019 Jakarta EE 8 2022 Jakarta EE 10 2020 Jakarta EE 9

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Jakarta EE 10 in a (big) nutshell

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Jakarta EE 10 in a (big) nutshell Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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Jakarta EE 10 Web Pro fi le Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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Jakarta EE 10 Core Pro fi le Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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What’s new in Jakarta Security Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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What’s new in Jakarta Security OpenID Connect Updates to Lower Level SPIs Jakarta Authorization Jakarta Authentication Foundation for Future Work

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What’s new in Jakarta Security OpenID Connect Updates to Lower Level SPIs Jakarta Authorization Jakarta Authentication Foundation for Future Work

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OpenID Connect Authentication Mechanism @OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition( providerURI = "http://oidc-provider", clientId = "client", clientSecret = "secret", redirectURI = "${baseURL}/Callback", redirectToOriginalResource = true )

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What’s new in Jakarta Persistence Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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UUID as Basic Java Type @Entity public class Item { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.UUID) private java.util.UUID id; private String description; … }

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Java SE Bootstrap API public static void main(String[] args) { Application app = new MyApplication(); SeBootstrap.start(app); }

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What’s new in Jakarta RESTful WS Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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Multipart/form-data Support @GET @Produces(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) List getFiles(…) { List parts = new ArrayList<>(); … for(File f: dir.listFiles()) { parts.add(EntityPart.withFileName(f.getName) .content(new FileInputStream) .mediaType(“application/pdf”) .build(); } return parts; }

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What’s new with CDI lite Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0 New Not Updated Updated

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What is CDI Lite? Providing a lighter CDI footprint (CPU, memory, runtime size) Constrained environment Cloud environnement Main goal : providing a CDI subset able to provide the CDI magic at build time First candidates for this Lite approach Quarkus Micronaut Helidon

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What’s not in CDI Lite Decorators (could be done, but the effort is bigger than the usage) @Session and @Conversation scopes Specialization than requires a lot of re fl ection Beans Passivation The standard Portable extension but we provided a new build time compatible extension! Good news: as full is a lite super set, features could be moved to Lite later

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Build time compatible extension Most of the feature provided by portable extension are also available in build time compatible CDI Full support build time compatible extension You can’t use both in your dev As these extension are activated at build time, a new metadata API was introduced to replace what is done by re fl ection in full

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Build compatible extension example (enhancement) public class MyExtension implements BuildCompatibleExtension { @Enhancement(types = MyFooService.class) public void foo(ClassConfig clazz) { clazz.removeAnnotation(it ->; } @Enhancement(types = MyBarService.class) public void bar(ClassConfig clazz) { clazz.addAnnotation(MyQualifier.class); } }

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Build compatible extension example (synthesis) 1/2 // 2. bean creation function public class MyPojoCreator implements SyntheticBeanCreator { @Override public MyPojo create(Instance lookup, Parameters params) { String name = params.get("name", String.class); return new MyPojo("Hello " + name); } } // 3. bean disposal function public static class MyPojoDisposer implements SyntheticBeanDisposer { @Override public void dispose(MyPojo instance, Instance lookup, Parameters params) { System.out.println("disposing " +; } }

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Build compatible extension example (synthesis) 2/2 // 3. Extension public static class MyExtension implements BuildCompatibleExtension { @Synthesis public void synthesise(SyntheticComponents syn) { syn.addBean(MyPojo.class) .type(MyPojo.class) .withParam("name", "World") .createWith(MyPojoCreator.class) .disposeWith(MyPojoDisposer.class); }

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Jakarta EE Implementations

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Spring Is the worst Jakarta EE « implementation »!

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Jakarta EE 10 specs used in Spring Authorization 2.1 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 RESTful Web Services 3.1 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 2.1 CDI Lite 4.0 Interceptors 2.1 Dependency Injection 2.0 Servlet 6.0 Server Pages 3.1 Expression Language 5.0 Debugging Support 2.0 Standard Tag Libraries 3.0 Faces 4.0 WebSocket 2.1 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Persistence 3.1 Transactions 2.0 Managed Beans 2.0 CDI 4.0 Authentication 3.0 Concurrency 3.0 Security 3.0 Bean Validation 3.0

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MicroPro fi le 6.1

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-Micropro fi le Website « An open speci fi cations stack to optimize Enterprise Java for a microservices architecture by collaborating on common areas of interest with a goal of standardization. »

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MicroPro fi le Timeline MicroPro fi by Red Hat, IBM, Payara Tomitribe and the London Java Community Group

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2016 MP 1.0 Version 1.0 released during Java One on September 19th 2016

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 Version 1.1 : MicroPro fi

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2018 MP 2.0 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 Version 2.0 : upgrade to Java EE 8 Fault Tolerance, Health Check, JWT, Metrics, OpenAPI, OpenTracing, Rest Client

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2018 MP 2.0 2019 MP 3.0 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 Version 3.0 :Programming model enhancement

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2018 MP 2.0 2019 MP 3.0 2020 MP 4.0 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 Version 4.0 : Introducing standalone specs (Reactive messaging, reactive streams operators, context propagation, GraphQL)

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2018 MP 2.0 2019 MP 3.0 2020 MP 4.0 2021 MP 5.0 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 Version 5.0 : Long Running Action

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2018 MP 2.0 2019 MP 3.0 2020 MP 4.0 2021 MP 5.0 2022 MP 6.0 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 Version 6.0 : Jakarta EE 10 Core Pro fi

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MicroPro fi le Timeline 2018 MP 2.0 2019 MP 3.0 2020 MP 4.0 2021 MP 5.0 2022 MP 6.0 2017 MP 1.1 2016 MP 1.0 2023 MP 6.1

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Micropro fi le 6.1 Telemetry 1.1 Fault Tolerance 4.0 Con fi g 3.0 Health 4.0 Jakarta EE 10 Core Pro fi le Rest Client 3.0 JWT Auth. 2.1 Metrics 5.1 Open API 3.1 New Not Updated Updated Open Tracing 3.0 LRA 2.0 GraphQL 2.0 Context Propagation 1.3 Reactive messaging 3.0 Reactive Streams Operators 3.0 Micropro fi le 6.1 Standalone Outside umbrella

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Fault Tolerance Spec example 1

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Fault Tolerance Doc An easy-to-use and fl exible system for building resilient applications

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Fault Tolerance annotations 1/2 @Asynchronous: to transform a standard method in an asynchronous task. You can control the outcome by having the method returning a Futur @Timeout: to de fi ne a timeout duration on a given task (can be used on a method in the local thread or on an @Asynchronous task). @Retry: To retry an unsuccessful treatment a given number of time

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Fault Tolerance annotations 2/2 @Fallback: launch an alternative process if the annotated method fails with a given exceptions set @CircuitBreaker: Implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern (stop calling an unresponsive service, and strategy to reopen the circuit under the hood) @BulkHead: Limit the number a thread using given method and optionally de fi ne a writing queue

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Health Check Spec example 2

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MP Health Spec MicroPro fi le Health speci fi cation de fi nes a single container runtime mechanism for validating the availability and status of a service

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Health Interfaces, classes and format HeatlthCheck: an interface to provide a contract for creating a speci fi c HealthCheck HealthCheckReponse: a builder class used to create response for a check A JSon format sepc for the response A list of rules regarding url used for Rest HealthCheck

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Three Flavor of check @Liveness: is the service alive? @Startup: is the service already started (may not be ready)? @Readiness: is the service ready to serve request?

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Micropro fi le 6.0 contributors

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Micropro fi le implementations

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One of the biggest playground for enterprise Java Contribute to specs Jakarta EE and Micropro fi le community are very open : • or https://micropro fi Contribute to implementations Multiple places like Develop your home-brew stuff

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Thank You