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8 Reasons to be excited about Ionic 2 Hybrid Apps Berlin - October 2015 Christian Justus

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Christian Justus 3 years of exclusive hybrid app development Co-founder of Hybrid Heroes Worked with Ionic since Beta 4 Built over a dozen Ionic apps myself @krik

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Facts and Figures 1M Apps created 200k monthly npm installs 20k GitHub stars 100k Forum posts 13k StackOverflow posts 3000+ Slack members

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Status Quo The challenges in developing Ionic apps ... AngularJS − Easy to get started but hard to master − Released in 2009, couldn‘t keep up with evolving web technologies as good as younger frameworks Workflows − The amount of frontend tooling has gotten out of hand − Native packaging is error-prone

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#1 Its Stack is state-of-the-art

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#2 It includes batteries Best-practice configuration for all tooling, abstracted by Ionic CLI Bindings for a range of native interfaces Deployment and packaging via

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#3 It’s surprisingly simple ES6 TypeScript to reduce boilerplate − Dependecy injection − Annotations CSS attribute selectors for styles Class selectors for custom styles

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#4 It’s picking up where it left The same awesome components we loved in Ionic 1 A few extra ones − Segment Button − Search Bar (Others are still missing) − Virtual Scrolling − Popovers

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#5 It’s beautiful Ionic 2 is more platform- agnostic than before, comes with − Material Design − More native-like UX and UI − Light/Dark Default Themes

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#6 It‘s a joy to customize CSS attribute selectors go well with custom styles and naming conventions Dynamic color palettes Grouped animations based on Web Animations API (polyfilled on IOS)

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#7 It handles your crazy screen flow New stack-based navigation can handle any navigation flow, eg. infinitely drilling into tree structure Url-based routing is available via Angular 2 Router

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#8 It’s incredibly fast* *Angular 2 is supposed to deliver great performance. Real- world performance of Ionic 2 alpha is not there yet Performance is on the Roadmap

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Get Started!

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