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Developer Productivity Tips for Mac with Matthew McCullough and Tim Berglund

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a more productive developer

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trial and error and trial and success

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UNIX roots

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The Platform ✓POSIX compliant ✓Ruby, Bash, and Zsh scripts work out of the box ✓Application-imposed common shortcuts

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Keyboard hacks

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expand snippets system-wide

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customize shortcuts system- wide

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emacs hotkeys system-wide

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⌃+a Go to beginning of line ⌃+e Go to end of line

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⌃+u Delete from cursor to beginning of line ⌃+k Delete from cursor to end of line

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⌃+w Erase word to left ⌃+t Transpose characters around cursor

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⌥⌃+f Move forward a word ⌥⌃+b Move backwards a word

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modifier Keys

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Safari keyboard Link Selection

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Terminal tips

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iTerm 2

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multi-monitor compatible full screen

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multi-tab profiles

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preservable window layouts

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enhanced terminal prompts

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$ echo "This is devoid of any useful info" $

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[scripts (master)⚡]> echo "This is more informative"

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╭─mccm06 at Detronia in ~/Downloads ╰─○ echo "This is much more informative" ╭─mccm06 at Detronia in ~/GitHubProjects ╰─○

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Source Control assistants

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the hub gem

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command line for GitHub

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uses the GitHub API

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$ hub clone dotfiles Cloning into 'dotfiles'... remote: Counting objects: 560, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (292/292), done. remote: Total 560 (delta 288), reused 517 (delta 256) Receiving objects: 100% (560/560), 214.32 KiB | 316 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (288/288), done.

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file Formats

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the Markdown format

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Gruber, daring fireball

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GitHub Flavored Markdown

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the Asciidoc format

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show gradle nao

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the DocBook format

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leveraging the Pandoc toolchain

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Package management

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rsync-based package manager

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Git-based package manager

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searching with Spotlight

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search criteria constraints

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name: objects with this phrase in their file name

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kind: objects of this type

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date: objects modified on this date

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date:today objects modified today

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date:>1/1/08 objects modified after 1/1/08

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modified:3/7/08-3/10/08 objects modified between these two dates

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created:=6/1/08 objects created on this date

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AND join two rules together

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OR optionally join two rules together

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NOT exclude a second condition

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search result behaviors

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⌘⌥ show path to file

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⌘ open containing folder in Finder

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moving with Finder

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moving files without cut

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⌘C copies file to pasteboard

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⌘⌥ V moves file from pasteboard

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viewing with QuickLook

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QuickLook Extensions

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for Java files

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for ZIP files

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for Markdown files

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for XML files

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QuickLook from the CLI

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$ ql

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$ qlmanage -p "$@" >& /dev/null &

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saving to the Cloud

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saving to CloudApp

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$ cloudapp Uploaded to 1B0T0t2e0V3c.

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saving to Gists

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Tweeting with T

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$ t update "Chirp from the CLI"

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$ t update "At the @OReillyMedia studio in Sebastopol with the @tlberglund, ready to record some more videos with Kirk and crew." Tweet posted by @matthewmccull. Run `t delete status 369592150104633344` to delete.

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$ t update X

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Web Service helpers

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curl for URLs

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curl -I

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wget for files

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Pasteboard command line

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curl | pbcopy

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pbpaste | gist

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Shell tune-ups

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dotfiles on GitHub

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search for "dotfiles" repositories

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Display control

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GUI component

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command line

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$ caffeinate

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$ caffeinate -t 144000 &

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$ caffeinate

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layout windows with Slate

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arrange windows

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size windows

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switch windows

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text based configuration file

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bind e:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift ${showHintsLeftHand} bind right:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2 bind left:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift push left bar-resize:screenSizeX/2 bind up:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift push up bar-resize:screenSizeY/2 bind down:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift push down bar-resize:screenSizeY/2

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bind g:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${centered} bind o:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${fullscreen} bind h:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${leftHalf} bind j:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${bottomHalf} bind k:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${topHalf} bind l:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${rightHalf} bind u:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${topLeftQuarter} bind i:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${topRightQuarter} bind n:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${bottomLeftQuarter} bind m:cmd;alt;ctrl;shift move ${bottomRightQuarter}

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AppleScript automation

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script Finder sleep

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osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to sleep'

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Automator apps

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reformat to JPEG

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Command Line GUI launches

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open -a "TextMate"

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Frecency directory navigation

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Quick directory toggles

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cd -

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Proxy icon for files and folders

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Drag to copy a file

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Drag to copy a file path

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show Hidden files and folders

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defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

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type to change folders

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os Screen Change

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fn⌘ F1 = Mirror screen ⌃⌥⌘ 8 = Invert colors

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keyboard based Screen Navigation

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⌃Shift+ F2 = Select menu bar

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The Big Ideas of Boxen

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the Pre-Reqs

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the Setup

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the Boxen web app

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the Boxen repo

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Running Boxen

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Adding packages

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Adding applications

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Adding puppet modules

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Curating settings

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in Sum...

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spotlight filters

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Developer Productivity Tips for Mac with Matthew McCullough and Tim Berglund

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Credits ✓ "Keyboard" designed by Luboš Volkov, ✓ "Computer" designed by Edward Boatman, ✓ "Code" designed by Dmitry Baranovskiy, ✓ "Written Document" designed by Thomas Le Bas, ✓ "Package" designed by Arthur Schmitt, ✓ "Magnifying Glass" designed by Edward Boatman, ✓ "Checklist" designed by Michael Young, ✓ "Eye" designed by Volodin Anton, ✓ "Cloud" designed by Dmitry Baranovskiy, ✓ "HTML Code" designed by, ✓ "Clipboard" by Seth Taylor, ✓ "Console" designed by Austin Andrews, ✓ "Exit Full Screen" designed by Olyn LeRoy, ✓ "Apple Core" designed by Richard Zeid, ✓ "Robot" designed by Kenneth Appiah, ✓ "Rocket" designed by Jean-Philippe Cabaroc, ✓ "Compass" designed by Márcio Duarte, ✓ "Light Switch" designed by Alexandria Eddings, ✓ "Linked Files" designed by Iconoci, ✓ "Hidden" designed by Rémy Médard, ✓ "Folder" designed by Cris Dobbins, ✓ "Map Marker" designed by Edward Boatman, ✓ "Box Trolley" designed by Michael Zenaty, ✓ "Coordination" designed by OCHA AVMU,