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Lauri Mähönen Bisnode Uusien myyntimahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen ja aktivointi. Ohjemistoyrittäjät 26.3.2020 Data to drive you forward

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Tapahtumat Cost per lead 1.500€ Ulkoiset ns kylmäsoitot rivitasolla Cost per lead 15€ Ulkoinen asiakaskohtaamisten buukkaus Cost per lead 150€ Nettiliidit/kaupat Cost per sales >5€ B2B myyntimahdollisuuden kustannus Referenssit ja suosittelijuus Cost per opportunity 0€

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Bisnode lyhyesti Faktoja meistä Toimintaa 19 maassa Pääkonttorimme sijainti Tukholma Noin 2,100 työntekijää Liikevaihto 2019 377 mSEK 150,000 asiakasta Ruotsi

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Click icon to add full background picture or drag & drop Use this layout for light photos. Logo will appear in black. 1. If the logo disappears – Right click outside the slide area and choose “Reset slide” 2. If text boxes disappears – Right click the picture and choose “Send to Back” 9 trendiä jotka vaikuttavat Bisnoden asiakkaisiin Digital Automation Compliance Digitaalinen kasvu Datamäärän kasvu Platform ajattelu AI and Machine Learning Eettisyys & Cyber Security Uudet liiketoimintamallit PSD2 ja Open Banking

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Tarjoomamme: Dataohjautuvuutta liiketoimintaasi Optimoimalla riskiä ja markkinoinnin vaikutusta Löydä uusia asiakkaita Paranna konversiota Kasvata lisämyyntiä Kehitä asiakas- uskollisuutta Analysoi riskejä A.I

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Bisnode arvoketju Tietolähteet Bisnode Data alustat Analytiikka • MDM • Automaattinen päätöksenteko Tarjooma • 550 tietolähdettä • 300m yritystä • 120m kuluttajaa • Suurin D&B partner • 100 analyytikkoa • Ainutlaatuinen sisältö Ihmiset Yritykset Autot Kiinteistöt Risk& Credit Marketing Business Information Mastering data Bisnode ID Scorings Ennuste- luokitukset

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• Teemme asiakassuunnitelmat määräväliajoin • Laadimme ns. WhiteSpace analyysit lisä/ristiinmyyntimahdollisuuksista • Organisaatiomme eri tekijät tunnistavat kohtaamisissa uusia mahdollisuuskia • Ja monta muuta tapaa… Uusien myyntimahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen Perinteinen tapa?

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Whitespace Opportunity identification INDUSTRY ACCOUNT Data Quality B2C Data Quality B2B Credit B2C Credit B2B Vehicle information Real Estate Compliance Market B2C Nordic customer x Denmark Sweden Finland Norway SOLUTION/PRODUCT MARKET A D C B A D C B A D C B A D C B Market B2B D&B Masterdata/Compl. D&B OnBoard App D&B SPM D&B Ana Credit D&B Global Fraud Solution implemented Under way (opportunity) Can not sell White space A - Traditional Products B – Vitality products C – D – Local solutions

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Tekoäly myyntimahdollisuuksien rakentajana

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Enrich Corporate Data with Bisnode‘s products and the WWW, listed Data, Social Data, News … Run Machine Learning & A.I., NLP, MLAAS, RPA etc. Creation…transform Big Data into Smart Data.... Leads, Churn, Risk, ... of the Magic Moment! Bisnode Data Machine Learning Big Data Artificial Intelligence NLP Cluster analyses to process data Using public information Unlimited computing power from the Cloud & A.I. Bisnode has a diversified team of Data experts, Engineers, Consultants and Scientists A digital movement in the making Multiple Value Creation

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Traditional Sources Data Bank Financial reporting Payment patterns Balance sheet BtoC lists-Phone Lists Reactive Research /telephone Gerichte Foundation data Address database Crawler/Internet Press Corporate interludes UPIK Project Trade register Bad payer register Insolvency register Financial reporting IE Incubator Benfits Patent Data Job Postings Web Advertising & E-Invoicing Commercial Signals Match Audit Modelling Concept News Data Impulse Data International Web Crawling Initiative Google Adwords Contact Finder & URL Finder Ping Check Movers Database Intelligence Engine New Sources Data Bank Creating a 360⁰ view Multiple Data Sources

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Efficiency through relevance and immediate value creation Boxing The Market Market potential How many companies can be reached out? Sales potential How big is the universe? How many companies can be reached out? Lead potential Show development New product group Market potential Sales available market Target market

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Customer Bisnode Single Touchpoint Data Delivery Collect Feedback Generate Next Iteration Platform Tangible co-creation

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Evolution and innovation is based on data Intelligent acceleration data competition innovation customers Value Marketing Compliance & Risk Sustainability Lead Churn Cluster Lookalikes Trend predictions Sustainability Index CSR SDG Reach your Sustainability Goals Automate risk & credit Compliance / GDPR Fraud & collections SBI Reputational risk!

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Click icon to add full background picture or drag & drop Use this layout for dark and medium dark photos. Logo will appear in white. 1. If the logo disappears – Right click outside the slide area and choose “Reset slide” 2. If text boxes disappears – Right click the picture and choose “Send to Back” Käytännön esimerkki myyntimahdollisuuksien tunnistamisesta (CLP)

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Corporate Loan Prediction Predicting when and which loan/cash needs a company will have CLP has a defined set of triggers and business KPI’s for bottom-line measurement Applies to SME and large corporates with both local and/or global focus Predict the momentum when the cash need occurs Predict which type of finance solution can be offered

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CLP (SHORT) • Lead generation for short- term loans, i.e. Working capital CLP (LONG) • Lead generation for long-term borrowing needs, i.e. Capex loans & expansion projects Corporate Loan Prediction Identifying qualified and relevant sales & marketing leads ü Timely understand the need ( & risk) of your customer or prospect ü Predict with certainty the type of loan ü Be the first in the market to present cash / loan solutions #innovatedata

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Why we developed CLP? Your growth: Today. Tomorrow. Continuously. New leads 80% higher quality Creating a 360⁰ view of business with unique insights Immediate tangible results! Value creation at scale! Through co-creation with our customers we developed the CLP to support corporate banker answer the questions: • Where is my growth going to come from? • How do I grow now and tomorrow? • How do I setup my growth engine? Which teams use CLP? 37% Marketing 75% Sales 25% Management 12% Operations #innovatedata

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Click icon to add full background picture or drag & drop Use this layout for dark and medium dark photos. Logo will appear in white. 1. If the logo disappears – Right click outside the slide area and choose “Reset slide” 2. If text boxes disappears – Right click the picture and choose “Send to Back” Tunnistettujen myyntimahdollisuuksien aktivointi

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In a buyer’s journey, customers spend: • 17% of their time talking to vendors, i.e. some 5-6% of the time talking to you. • 22% talking internally, between colleagues. • 27% of the time during a buyer’s journey, customers search for information online. How to get attention in customer buying process? 5-6% of buyer’s journey is spent talking to you Source: Gartner, The New B2B Buying Journey

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A B2B Buyer’s Journey is Long and Involves Many People 9 month Vendor’s sales team’s experience Customer’s experice 21 month Source: Gartner

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Do You Reach All Decision Makers? How many people have you met? How many people know what you stand for? How many people influence the decision?

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Customer attention It’s a Challenge to Maintain Customer’s Interest Over Time Loss of priority Vulnerable to competition COLD CALL MEETING EVENT MEETING PROPOSAL Marketing effect

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Three Types of Account Based Marketing MAJOR ACCOUNTS One-2-One ABM CLUSTERS OF NAMED ACCOUNTS One-2-Few ABM NAMED ACCOUNTS AT SCALE One-2-Many 1ST tier 2ND tier Highly-customized programs for individual accounts. Leveraging technology to tailor marketing campaigns for named accounts at scale. Investm ent and ROI per account. Source: ITSMA Lightly-customized programs for clusters of accounts with similar issues and needs. 3RD tier

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Marketing & Communications Events Website PR Content production Marketing automation systems Advertising AdWords Digital display Traditional display Social media Competition you’ll meet when talking to clients Demand- base Terminus Albacross Jabmo Madison Logic Direct competitors

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Where B2B CMO’s Tend to Spend Their Money Marketing & Communications Events Website PR Content production Advertising AdWords Digital display Traditional display Social media Demandbase Terminus Albacross Jabmo Madison Logic Direct competitors Marketing automation systems

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Traditional advertising Select the media Account Based Advertising Select the account(s) How Account Based Advertising Differs How to influence their decision?

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Click icon to add full background picture or drag & drop Use this layout for dark and medium dark photos. Logo will appear in white. 1. If the logo disappears – Right click outside the slide area and choose “Reset slide” 2. If text boxes disappears – Right click the picture and choose “Send to Back” Käytännön esimerkki myyntimahdollisuuksien aktivoinnista (SIEMENS PLM SOFTWARE)

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About Siemens PLM Software • Siemens PLM Software is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing operations management (MOM) software. Its Smart Innovation Portfolio helps manufacturers optimize their Digital Enterprise and realise innovation. The business challenge • Siemens is a huge global brand, but the various units within it often struggle to be recognised by the appropriate client base with their specific propositions. Much of the addressable market for Siemens PLM Software had been entirely unaware of the solution on offer.

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The opportunity • Within Siemens PLM key target industry, paid search is hard to implement effectively, not least because it is hard to define what customers actually search for. Four key target accounts had been worked on for 12-18 months Results • All four accounts become MQLs and SQLs, and marketing pipeline generated came to £2.9million. • Internal recognition as Best Global Campaign within Siemens PLM Software worldwide, winning the Wilson Award September 2016 for the Oil & Gas Campaign • The tight dialogue between marketing and sales was fundamental in achieving the revenue target.

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Lauri Mähönen Uusien myyntimahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen ja aktivointi. Ohjemistoyrittäjät 26.3.2020 Data to drive you forward