@deeeeet, @foostan at SRE NEXT 2022
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Embedded SRE at Mercari
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Taichi Nakashima
@deeeet / @tcnksm
Engineering head of Developer Productivity Engineering
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Product A Team
Mercari SRE Merpay SRE
Service A
Product B Team
Service B
Product C Team
Service C
Work closely or embedded
Platform Team
Infrastructure organization
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SRE vs. Platform Engineering
● SRE: Production operation, ROAD(*)
● Platform Engineering: Developer productivity & experience
(*) Response, Observability, Availability, and Delivery
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● Support product teams to improve service reliability
● Spread SRE practices across the organization
● Enable Platform toolings
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Product A Team
Mercari SRE
Product B Team
① Assignment
② Work
③ Rotation
Embedding System
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The Works
● Search Infra Team
● Monolith API Team
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Mercari Search Architecture
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Service C
Service B
Service E
Service A
Mercari and Merpay Microservices
Google Kubernetes Engine
On premise
Service D
Physical machines
Monolith Cloud Migration
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The Works
● SRE伝道師としてMicroservices SRE チームが取り組んでいる事例
● Kubernetes HPA External Metrics の事例紹介
● MicroservicesSREのEmbedded先でのお仕事
● Elasticsearch運用ノウハウ
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The Works
● SRE伝道師としてMicroservices SRE チームが取り組んでいる事例
● Kubernetes HPA External Metrics の事例紹介
● MicroservicesSREのEmbedded先でのお仕事
● Elasticsearch運用ノウハウ
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● Embedded to the division, instead of the team
● Transforming SRE knowledge into the toolings
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Merpay SRE Teamが目指すもの
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JP Development Engineering Mgmt
Merpay SRE Team
foostan / Kosuke Adachi