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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Christopher Hertel Consultant & Trainer @ SensioLabs Symfony User Group Berlin Christian Flothmann Software Developer @ SensioLabs Symfony Core & Docs Member

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Our Use Case

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Simple Product CRUD

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Forms

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Domain

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Product Name Category Price Category Name Parent Price Amount Taxrate Currency Category

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Standard Forms 1. Solution

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Implementation

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Controller src/Controller/ProductController.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType @xabbuh && @el_stoffel src/Form/ProductType.php

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel class Product { private $id; /** * @Assert\Length(min=3) */ private $name; /** * @Assert\NotNull */ private $category; /** * @Assert\GreaterThan(0) */ private $priceAmount; /** * @Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual(0) */ private $priceTax; /** * @Assert\Currency */ private $priceCurrency; public function getId(): ?int { Model @xabbuh && @el_stoffel src/Entity/Product.php

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel * @Assert\Currency */ private $priceCurrency; public function getId(): ?int { return $this->id; } public function getName(): ?string { return $this->name; } public function setName(?string $name): void { $this->name = $name; } public function getCategory(): ?Category { return $this->category; } public function setCategory(?Category $category): void { $this->category = $category; } public function getPriceAmount(): ?int { return $this->priceAmount; } public function setPriceAmount(?int $priceAmount): void { $this->priceAmount = $priceAmount; } Model @xabbuh && @el_stoffel src/Entity/Product.php

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Data Flow

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HTML Form POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[priceAmount]: 0.59 product[priceTax]: 7 product[priceCurrency]: EUR HTTP Request Form Submit @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[priceAmount]: 0.59 product[priceTax]: 7 product[priceCurrency]: EUR HTTP Request HttpFoundation Front Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Controller FormType Request Handler @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Code

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Symfony Front Controller HttpFoundation Form Validator Glue Code Controller FormType Domain Product Category Price

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType Model HTTP Request Front Controller Controller Form Glue Code Domain Symfony Model

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Anemic Domain Model

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Anemic Domain Model focus on data structured easy to implement and to maintain contains little or no logic no guarantee to be valid or consistent

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Rich Domain Model

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Rich Domain Model combines data and logic valid by design easy to test defined state transitions

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Anemic vs. Rich Model

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel "how not to agree about software design" - sp00m on stackoverflow - @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Anemic Models Prototyping Ease of use Easily generated Rich Models Clean Code Testability Truly OOP Your Choice!

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Let's use Rich Domain Models with Symfony Forms

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel class Product { private $id; private $name; private $category; private $price; public function __construct(string $name, Category $category, Price $price) { $this->validateName($name); $this->name = $name; $this->category = $category; $this->price = $price; } public function getId(): int { return $this->id; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function rename(string $name): void { $this->validateName($name); Model src/Entity/Product.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel public function getId(): int { return $this->id; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function rename(string $name): void { $this->validateName($name); $this->name = $name; } public function getCategory(): Category { return $this->category; } public function moveToCategory(Category $category): void { $this->category = $category; } public function getPrice(): Price { return $this->price; } public function costs(Price $price): void { $this->price = $price; } Model src/Entity/Product.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel $this->name = $name; } public function getCategory(): Category { return $this->category; } public function moveToCategory(Category $category): void { $this->category = $category; } public function getPrice(): Price { return $this->price; } public function costs(Price $price): void { $this->price = $price; } private function validateName(string $name): void { if (strlen($name) < 3) { throw ProductException::invalidName($name); } } } Model src/Entity/Product.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Model src/Entity/Price.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Model src/Entity/Category.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel 2. Solution Easy: Data ransfer bject T O s

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Implementation

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel final class Product { public $id; /** * @Assert\Length(min=3) */ public $name; /** * @Assert\NotNull */ public $category; /** * @Assert\GreaterThan(0) */ public $priceAmount; /** * @Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual(0) */ public $priceTax; /** * @Assert\Currency */ public $priceCurrency; public static function fromEntity(ProductEntity $product = null): self DTO src/Form/DTO/Product.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel /** * @Assert\Currency */ public $priceCurrency; public static function fromEntity(ProductEntity $product = null): self { $self = new self(); if (null === $product) { return $self; } $self->id = $product->getId(); $self->name = $product->getName(); $self->category = $product->getCategory(); $self->priceAmount = $product->getPrice()->getAmount(); $self->priceTax = $product->getPrice()->getTax(); $self->priceCurrency = $product->getPrice()->getCurrency(); return $self; } public function toEntity(ProductEntity $product = null): ProductEntity { $price = new Price((int) $this->priceAmount, $this->priceTax, $this- >priceCurrency); DTO src/Form/DTO/Product.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel $self->category = $product->getCategory(); $self->priceAmount = $product->getPrice()->getAmount(); $self->priceTax = $product->getPrice()->getTax(); $self->priceCurrency = $product->getPrice()->getCurrency(); return $self; } public function toEntity(ProductEntity $product = null): ProductEntity { $price = new Price((int) $this->priceAmount, $this->priceTax, $this->priceCurrency); if (null === $product) { return new ProductEntity($this->name, $this->category, $price); } if ($product->getName() !== $this->name) { $product->rename($this->name); } if ($product->getCategory() !== $this->category) { $product->moveToCategory($this->category); } if (!$price->equals($product->getPrice())) { $product->costs($price); } return $product; } } DTO src/Form/DTO/Product.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Controller src/Controller/ProductController.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Data Flow

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HTML Formular POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[priceAmount]: 0.59 product[priceTax]: 7 product[priceCurrency]: EUR HTTP Request Form Submit @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[priceAmount]: 0.59 product[priceTax]: 7 product[priceCurrency]: EUR HTTP Request HttpFoundation Front Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Controller FormType Request Handler ProductDto ProductDto:: @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Code

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Symfony Front Controller HttpFoundation Form Validator Glue Code Controller FormType DTO Domain Product Category Price

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType HTTP Request Front Controller Controller Form Glue Code Domain Symfony DTO Model Model DTO

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel DTO Solution enables us to use Rich Domain Models easy to implement and maintain additional Glue Code redundant validation rules

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Hard: DataMapper 3. Solution

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Implementation

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Controller src/Controller/ProductController.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel same as first solution

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Data Flow

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HTML Formular Form Submit POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[price][amount]: 0.59 product[price][tax]: 7 product[price][currency]: EUR HTTP Request @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Front Controller POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[price][amount]: 0.59 product[price][tax]: 7 product[price][currency]: EUR HTTP Request HttpFoundation @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Request Handler Controller FormType DataMapper @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Code

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Symfony Front Controller HttpFoundation Form Validator Glue Code Controller FormType DataMapper Domain Product Category Price

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Form Type Model HTTP Request Front Controller Controller Form Glue Code Domain Symfony Model Data Mapper Data Mapper

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel DataMapper Solution enables us to use Rich Domain Models requires advanced knowledge about Forms additional Glue Code hard to test

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Still not satisfied?

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel We feel you …

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Introducing …

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel New: RichModelFormsBundle 4. Solution

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel sensiolabs-de/rich-model-forms-bundle Disclaimer: Still Experimental

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Installation

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel composer require \ sensiolabs-de/rich-model-forms-bundle

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Features

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Different read/write property paths

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Different read/write property paths

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Exception Handling

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Exception Handling

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Mandatory Constructor Arguments

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Mandatory Constructor Arguments

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Immutable Value Object

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Immutable Value Object

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Implementation

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Controller src/Controller/ProductController.php still same as first solution @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType src/Form/ProductType.php @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Data Flow

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HTML Formular Form Submit POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[price][amount]: 0.59 product[price][tax]: 7 product[price][currency]: EUR HTTP Request

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel POST /product HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 133 Cache-Control: max-age=0 [...] Accept-Language: en;q=0.9 product[name]: rocket product[category]: 18 product[price][amount]: 0.59 product[price][tax]: 7 product[price][currency]: EUR HTTP Request HttpFoundation Front Controller

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel HttpFoundation Controller Controller @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Request Handler Controller FormType RichModelFormsBundle @xabbuh && @el_stoffel

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Code

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Symfony Front Controller HttpFoundation Form New Bundle Glue Code Controller FormType Domain Model

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel FormType Model HTTP Request Front Controller Controller Form Glue Code Domain Symfony Model

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel RichModelFormsBundle to the rescue! generalizes the previous approach additional form config options tailored for rich model form needs released, but still in development

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Final Disclaimer not feature complete covers common use cases we discovered needs input for more use cases no, not yet in production

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Your turn! Help us make it stable!

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel DTOs New Bundle DataMapper hard to implement hard to test additional glue code easy to implement duplicated validation additional glue code no glue code needed experimental future core feature? Using Symfony Forms with Rich Domain Models

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@xabbuh && @el_stoffel Thank you! Questions?