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Ruby Performance The Last Mile

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Charles Oliver Nutter @headius

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I've spent ten years building

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I love Ruby

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I want Ruby to succeed

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I believe JRuby is the way

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Do you want performance today?

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Do you want concurrency today?

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Do you know JRuby?

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What you love from Ruby • Latest Ruby language features • Mostly-same Ruby standard library • Pure-Ruby gems work great • Native gems with JRuby support • It walks like Ruby, talks like Ruby • It is Ruby!

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With the power of the JVM • Fast JIT to native code • Fully parallel threading • Leading-edge garbage collectors • Access to Java, Scala, Clojure, ... • But it's still Ruby!

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Do you know Jay?

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Matz's Keynote

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By 2020

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But what about today?

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What do you optimize for? • Easy to develop with: short time until first deploy • Fast startup: good response cycle at command line • Straight-line performance, many operations per second • Parallelism: utilize many cores to get more done

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State of the Art: Production-quality Rubies

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Production Quality? • Support for 99%+ of Ruby language features • Important parts of standard library • Runs typical Ruby applications and libraries • Healthy extension ecosystem • CRuby, JRuby are the only real options right now

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CRuby (MRI) • Up until 1.9, AST interpreter • YARV bytecode VM introduced for 1.9.0 • GC and performance improvements through 2.x series • Ruby 2.3 is latest, released in December • Future work on JIT, GC, happening now

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JRuby • Many redesigns since creation in 2001 • AST interpreter until 2007 • Simple AST-to-bytecode JIT until JRuby 9000 • Optimizing compiler with JIT for 9k • JRuby 9.0.5 is current, 9.1 in a couple weeks • Next-gen Truffle runtime in the works

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Lies, damn lies, and benchmarks

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CRuby: red/black tree 0 2 4 6 8 1.8.7 1.9.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

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CRuby: red/black tree 0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5 1.8.7 1.9.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

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JRuby: red/black tree 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5 JRuby 9.1 CRuby 2.3

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JRuby: red/black tree 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5 JRuby 9.1 CRuby 2.3

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JRuby: red/black tree 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 JRuby 9.1 CRuby 2.3 4x FASTER

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Ruby Code

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Ruby Code Parser JRuby AST

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r JRuby AST Compiler JRuby IR

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er JRuby IR JIT JVM Bytecode

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What can we do with this?

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Block Pass-through def foo(&b)
 def bar

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Block Pass-through loop {
 puts Benchmark.measure {
 i = 0
 while i < 1_000_000
 foo { }; foo { }; foo { }; foo { }; foo { }

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Block Passing 0 0.55 1.1 1.65 2.2 CRuby 2.3 JRuby 1.7.24 JRuby 9.1

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define_method define_method :add do |a, b|
 a + b

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define_method 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 CRuby 2.3 JRuby 1.7.24 JRuby 9.1

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Postfix rescue foo rescue nil

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csv.rb Converters Converters = {
 integer: lambda { |f|
 Integer(f.encode(ConverterEncoding)) rescue f
 float: lambda { |f|
 Float(f.encode(ConverterEncoding)) rescue f

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Postfix rescue 0 3.5 7 10.5 14 CRuby 2.3 JRuby 9.1

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0 3.5 7 10.5 14 CRuby 2.3 JRuby 9.1 Postfix rescue

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CRuby starts up the fastest

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JRuby runs the fastest

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And we're getting faster

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Concurrency? Parallelism? • Parallelism happens on the harder, e.g. multi-core • Concurrency happens in the software, e.g. Thread API • You can have concurrency without parallelism • You can have both with JRuby

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Parallelism in Ruby • On CRuby, usually process-level • Ruby threads prevented from running in parallel • Extensions, IO can opt to release lock • On JRuby, usually thread-level • Ruby thread == JVM thread == OS thread • Single-process, shared memory

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A Mailing Queue • A simple example of concurrency • For each job, construct an email to send • Some computation added to make processing heavier • "Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Tutorial" practical-primer

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require "./lib/mailer"
 require "benchmark"
 puts Benchmark.measure{
 (ARGV[0] || 10_000).times do |i|
 Mailer.deliver do
 from "eki_#{i}"
 to "jill_#{i}"
 subject "Threading and Forking (#{i})"
 body "Some content"

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POOL_SIZE = (ARGV[0] || 10).to_i
 jobs =
 (ARGV[1] || 10_000).to_i.times{|i| jobs.push i}
 workers = (POOL_SIZE) do do
 while x = jobs.pop(true)
 Mailer.deliver do
 rescue ThreadError

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CRuby: mailer * 1000 Time in Seconds 0 37.5 75 112.5 150 synchronous 4 threads 4 forks

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JRuby: mailer * 1000 0 7 14 21 28 Synchronous 4 Threads

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JRuby vs MRI Times Improvement 0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.4 CRuby Forks JRuby Threads 3.37x 3.09x

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But Threads are bad, right?

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Most users will never

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You'll deploy one Rails server for your entire site

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You'll cut your instances ten times

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Or maybe 100 times

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Libraries and frameworks will for you

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And on JRuby, you'll have more efficient apps

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So we're done?

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Move to JRuby

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Now your app is fast!

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It is possible to write efficient Ruby code

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But it's very easy to write inefficient Ruby code

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Great Features, Hidden Costs • Blocks are expensive to create, slower than method calls • case/when is an O(n) cascade of calls • Singleton classes/methods are costly and hurt method cache • Literal arrays, hashes, strings have to be constructed, GCed • Flow-control exceptions can be very expensive and hard to find

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What happens if your code does not run fast enough?

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You need to know your app

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You need good tools

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And the JVM has great tools

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CRuby Tooling • Basic GC stats built in • Simple profilers in standard library • Some third-party tools • stackprof, ruby-prof, perftools.rb, ...

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JVM tooling is JRuby tooling

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JVM Tooling • Wide range of GCs: parallel, concurrent, realtime, pauseless • Built-in tools for analyzing GC, JIT, thread, IO, heap • Built-in remote monitoring via JMX • Dozens of tools out there for profiling, management, and more

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VisualVM • Graphical console into your application • Monitor GC, threads, CPU usage • Sampled or full profiling with GUI browser • Live memory dumping, heap inspection • Ships with every OpenJDK install

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Java Mission Control • Extremely low-overhead application recording • Analyze results offline in JMC • GC, CPU, heap events, IO operation all browsable • Commercial feature, free for development use

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More on GC • JVM GCs are incredibly tunable with sensible defaults • Tools like and JClarity give you a deeper view • These are the best GCs and the best tools in the world

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Finding Bottlenecks

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Profiling Tools • Command line options: --profile, --sample • JVM command-line profilers like prof • Many graphical sampling/complete profiling options • Flame graphs, stack profilers, you name it!

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...and this is just the beginning

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Wrapping Up

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Ruby is alive and well

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CRuby continues to improve

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Ruby 3 is very exciting

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JRuby is performance today

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JRuby is concurrency today

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JRuby has tools today

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JRuby makes you happier!

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Thank You! Charles Oliver Nutter [email protected] @headius