Slide 1

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Slide 2

Slide 2 text

Features : Two Way Data-Binding Templates MVC Dependency Injection Directives Testing

Slide 3

Slide 3 text

Hello World Text

Slide 4

Slide 4 text


Slide 5

Slide 5 text

Startup 1. Browser parses HTML to DOM

Slide 6

Slide 6 text

Startup 2. angular.js is loaded

Slide 7

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Startup 3. waiting for DOMContentLoaded event

Slide 8

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Startup 4. Angular looks for ng-app directive

Slide 9

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Startup 5. cofiguring $injector

Slide 10

Slide 10 text

Startup 6. creating $compile and $rootScope

Slide 11

Slide 11 text

Startup 7. compiling DOM and linking with scope

Slide 12

Slide 12 text

Startup 8. ng-init assigns 'World' to name model

Slide 13

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Startup 9. {{name}} interpolates expression

Slide 14

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Runtime 1. event calls scope.$apply(stimulusFn)

Slide 15

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Runtime 2. executing stimulusFn

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Runtime 3. entering $digest loop

Slide 17

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Runtime 4. scheduling work via $evalAsync

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Runtime 5. calling $watch

Slide 19

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Runtime 6. browser re-renders DOM

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Hello World #2 Text

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Slide 21 text

View DOM, not string

Slide 22

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View Demo Text

Slide 23

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Model Any data: primitive, array, object

Slide 24

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Controller Demo Text

Slide 25

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Scope Glues Controller and View

Slide 26

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Scope Demo Text

Slide 27

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Directives Demo Text

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Filters Demo Text

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Dependency Injection $injector

Slide 30

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DI : Creating Module $injector

Slide 31

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DI : Types Instantiation $injector

Slide 32

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DI Demo Text

Slide 33

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Testing Demo Text

Slide 34

Slide 34 text

Thank you !