Slide 24
Slide 24 text
u Waterfall/Iterative Development has been maligned, but comes from an era where there was more respect for
engineering, and more discipline in it. Understand dates and requirements and there is less stress.
u Monolithic architectures are more efficient, allow greater Object Oriented Design principles, allow better type checking
and debugging, are simpler and are easier to work on. They are also cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
u Scrum came from consultant-ware and uses religious-feeling intimiation to gain a foothold, if you don’t like it, you must
not be doing it right. Still, ”Hakuna Matata” vibes from lightweight agile gets people to care a little less about
scope/dates are well meaning, if not unrealistic.
u Microservices come from teams who have had trouble coordinating and who did not want top-down design dictations.
This is a natural and understandable part of the human experience, but needs to be checked somewhat or it risks
sabotaging better design opportunities and the development experience.
u Remember what worked from things from the past before discarding them. Allow Computer Science to be both science
(design) and formal engineering (time), not merely labor and timesheets.
u There’s something to learn from everything. Try to separate the labels from the true meanings of things to avoid
connotation clouding thought.