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10 Years of iPhone A Developer's Perspective

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“When the Mac first came out, Newsweek asked me what I (thought) of it. I said: Well, it’s the first personal computer worth criticizing."

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"So at the end of the presentation, Steve came up to me and said: Is the iPhone worth criticizing? And I said: Make the screen five inches by eight inches, and you’ll rule the world.”

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WWDC 2007

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Web Apps

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iPhone • 128 MB RAM • 4 to 16 GB • 32-bit CPU • 412 MHz • 2.0 MP rear camera

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… the iPhone didn't support 3G, it didn't support multitasking, it didn't support 3rd party apps, you couldn't copy or paste text, you couldn't attach arbitrary files to emails, it didn't support MMS, it didn't support Exchange push email, it didn't have a customizable home screen…

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Official SDK Announcement

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AAPL 12.25 Revenue 24 iPods 52 Macs 7 iPhone 1.1

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iPhone SDK

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WWDC 2008 Sold out in two months (first time!)

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"…in the first 95 days, 250,000 people downloaded the iPhone SDK. 25,000 developers applied, and 4,000 were admitted in the program."

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iPhone OS 2.0 1/2 • Interface Builder was a separate application from Xcode 3 • No Instruments • No ARC: retain, release and autorelease were our friends! • No IBOutletCollection • No Storyboards • No Auto Layout

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iPhone OS 2.0 2/2 • No Gesture recognizers • No Map views • No Unit testing (OCUnit / SenTest did not work with iPhone apps back then) • No Nitro JS engine • No Pull-to-refresh

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[UIImage imageNamed:]

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iPhone 3G • Same specs as first iPhone • 3G • GPS

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F***ing NDA

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Dow Jones Crash

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iPhone Conference in Geneva

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AAPL 12.25 19.34 Revenue 24 32 iPods 52 54 Macs 7 9 iPhone 1.1 11.6

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 12.7 M 13'000 Apps in the App Store

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WWDC 2009 Sold out in one month

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New Frameworks • MapKit.framework • CoreData.framework • ExternalAccessory.framework • GameKit.framework • MessageUI.framework • StoreKit.framework

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iPhone 3GS • 256 MB RAM • 600 MHz CPU • 3 MP rear camera with video • Up to 32 MB storage

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Officially supported until February 14th, 2014

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AAPL 12.25 19.34 12.88 Revenue 24 32 36.5 iPods 52 54 54 Macs 7 9 10.3 iPhone 1.1 11.6 20.7

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 33.4 M 100'000 Apps in the App Store

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iPhone OS 3.2 • Gesture Recognizers • Universal Apps

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"Thoughts About Flash"

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Clause 3.3.1

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WWDC 2010 Sold out in 8 days

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iPhone OS ➡ iOS

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New, New, New • Xcode 4 • ARC • Objective-C Blocks • Grand Central Dispatch • Core Text • Multitasking • Retina Displays (@2x) • iAd

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New Frameworks: • CoreMotion.framework • AssetsLibrary.framework • CoreTelephony.framework • CoreText.framework • EventKit.framework • EventKitUI.framework • MobileCoreServices.framework • QuickLook.framework • iAd.framework

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New Features: • FaceTime • App folders • Retina display • Support for iPad • Game Center

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iPhone 4 • A4 SoC • 32-bit CPU • 1 GHz • 512 MB RAM • Up to 32 MB storage • 0.3 MP front camera • 5 MP back camera

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Supported until iOS 7.1.2 June 30, 2014

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Open Source • ASIHTTPRequest • JSONKit • InAppSettingsKit

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"App" Word of the Year

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300'000 activations/day

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AAPL 12.25 19.34 12.88 27.44 Revenue 24 32 36.5 65.2 iPods 52 54 54 50 Macs 7 9 10.3 13.6 iPhone 1.1 11.6 20.7 40 iPad 7.5

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 73.5 M 300'000 Apps in the App Store

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Mac App Store

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WWDC 2011 Sold out in 12 hours

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iOS 5 1/2 • Siri (only on the iPhone 4S) • The new Notification Center • iMessages • Newsstand • Reminders • Twitter integration

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iOS 5 2/2 • Music application (formerly the "iPod" application) • Users can use the volume button to take pictures • Rich text formatting in mail messages • New basic photo editing features in Photos • Safari Reader mode • iCloud (replacing Mobile Me)

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New Frameworks • Accounts.framework • CoreBluetooth.framework • CoreImage.framework • GLKit.framework • NewsstandKit.framework • Twitter.framework

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iAd 500'000 ➡ 300'000

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HP shuts off WebOS

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iPhone 4S • No tethering • Apple A5 SoC • 32-bit CPU 1 GHz • 0.3 MP front camera • 8 MP rear camera • Up to 64 GB storage

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Steve Jobs

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AAPL 12.25 19.34 12.88 27.44 48.47 Revenue 24 32 36.5 65.2 108.3 iPods 52 54 54 50 42 Macs 7 9 10.3 13.6 16.7 iPhone 1.1 11.6 20.7 40 72 iPad 7.5 32

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 146 M Cumulated iPad sales: 40 M 500'000 Apps in the App Store

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iAd 300'000 ➡ 100'000

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WWDC 2012 Sold out in 1h 43m

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iOS 6 • Maps • Passbook • Social network integration • FaceTime through cellular

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New Frameworks • AdSupport.framework • MediaToolbox.framework • PassKit.framework • Social.framework

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iPhone 5 • New screen size • Dual core 32-bit CPU • 1.3 GHz • 1 GB RAM • 1.2 MP front camera • 8 MP rear camera • Up to 64 GB storage • LTE (aka "4G")

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Oldest device still supported (until iOS 10.3.1)

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Retina MacBook Pro

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30-pin Apple Dock ➡ Lightning Connector

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2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AAPL 65.21 Revenue 156.5 iPods 35 Macs 18 iPhone 125 iPad 58

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 271 M Cumulated iPad sales: 98 M 700'000 Apps in the App Store

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WWDC 2013 Sold out in 71s

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iOS 7 • New "flat" UI idiom • New notification center • New apps • New, new, new…

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New Frameworks • GameController.framework • JavaScriptCore.framework • MultipeerConnectivity.framework • SafariServices.framework • SpriteKit.framework

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New, New, New 1/2 • The new NSURLSession family of classes • Support for iBeacons • The new [NSData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:] method, • The new @import syntax for importing modules or frameworks • The CMStepCounter class for counting steps • The MKGeodesicPolyline class

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New, New, New 2/2 • The default hiding of MAC addresses by the operating system for privacy purposes • The support for reading QR codes through AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode • Smile detection through CIFaceFeature • Text-to-speech through AVSpeechUtterance • The new Text Kit built upon Core Text • Dynamic Type

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Helvetica ➡ Helvetica Neue

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iAd 100'000 ➡ 50

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iPhone 5S • 64-bit dual core CPU • 1 GB RAM • Apple M7 Motion Sensor • Up to 64 GB storage • Touch ID • Gold!

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iPhone 5C • Same as the iPhone 5 • Cheaper • Up to 32 GB storage • 32-bit CPU at 1 GHz

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iPad Air

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78% devices running iOS 7 December

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2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AAPL 65.21 65.07 Revenue 156.5 171 iPods 35 26 Macs 18 16.5 iPhone 125 150 iPad 58 71

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 421 M Cumulated iPad sales: 169 M 1'000'000 Apps in the App Store

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static OSStatus SSLVerifySignedServerKeyExchange(SSLContext *ctx, bool isRsa, SSLBuffer signedParams, uint8_t *signature, UInt16 signatureLen) { OSStatus err; ... if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &serverRandom)) != 0) goto fail; if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0) goto fail; goto fail; if ((err =, &hashOut)) != 0) goto fail; ... fail: SSLFreeBuffer(&signedHashes); SSLFreeBuffer(&hashCtx); return err; } Source: Wikipedia

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WWDC 2014 Lottery System

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iOS 8 Biggest Release

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New Frameworks 1/3 • AVKit.framework • Accelerate.framework • AudioToolbox.framework • CloudKit.framework • CoreAudioKit.framework • CoreAuthentication.framework

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New Frameworks 2/3 • HealthKit.framework • HomeKit.framework • LocalAuthentication.framework • Metal.framework • NetworkExtension.framework • NotificationCenter.framework

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New Frameworks 3/3 • Photos.framework • PhotosUI.framework • PushKit.framework • SceneKit.framework • WebKit.framework

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iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus • Bigger screen sizes • Apple A8 SoC • Dual core 64-bit CPU • 1.4 GHz • Up to 128 GB of storage • 1 GB of RAM • 8 MP rear camera capable of 1080 HD video

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65% of devices running iOS 8 December

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2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AAPL 65.21 65.07 71.51 Revenue 156.5 171 183 iPods 35 26 14 Macs 18 16.5 19 iPhone 125 150 169 iPad 58 71 67

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 590 M Cumulated iPad sales: 237 M 1.3 M Apps in the App Store

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Swift, Swift, Swift

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WWDC 2015 Lottery, remember?

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Swift ➡ Open Source

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Helvetica Neue ➡ San Francisco

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iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus • Apple A9 SoC • Dual-core 64-bit CPUs • 1.85 GHz • 2 GB RAM • Up to 128 GB storage • 12 MP rear camera ➡ 4K video • 3D Touch

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iPad Pro • 12" screen • Apple A9X SoC • Dual-core 64-bit CPU • 2.26 GHz • Up to 128 GB storage • 4 GB RAM • 8 MP rear camera

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75% of devices running iOS 9 December

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2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AAPL 65.21 65.07 71.51 117.16 Revenue 156.5 171 183 234 Macs 18 16.5 19 20.5 iPhone 125 150 169 231 iPad 58 71 67 54

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 821 M Cumulated iPad sales: 291 M 1.8 M Apps in the App Store

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Apple shuts off iAd

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1 Billion

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iPhone SE 9.7" iPad Pro

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Swift 3 Xcode 8

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New Features 1/2 • Customize notifications • iMessage apps • Siri framework • Custom content in Maps • CallKit framework for VoIP apps • SFSpeechRecognizer

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New Features 2/2 • True Tone display • Core Spotlight and CSSearchQuery class • Copy-pasting between devices • New app extensions: Call Directory, Intents, Intents UI, Messages, Notification Content, Notification Service, and Sticker Pack. • New Photo capture API: AVCapturePhotoOutput

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Apple Pay

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iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus • Apple A10 Fusion SoC • Quad-core 64-bit CPUs • 2.34 GHz • 2 or 3 GB of RAM • Up to 256 GB of storage • 12 MP rear camera capable of 4K video • 7 MP front camera

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No headphone jack

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Mozilla shuts off Firefox OS

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75% of devices running iOS 10 December

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2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AAPL 65.21 65.07 71.51 117.16 97.34 Revenue 156.5 171 183 234 215 Macs 18 16.5 19 20.5 18.5 iPhone 125 150 169 231 212 iPad 58 71 67 54 45.5

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Cumulated iPhone sales: 1.03 B Cumulated iPad sales: 337.5 M 2.1 M Apps in the App Store (1 M for iPad)

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iOS 10.3.1

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iOS 10 installed in 90% of devices

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Oldest device supported: iPhone 5 (2012)

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App Store Blues

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"You also need to acknowledge that you’ve marked your work as being essentially worthless, and that it’ll be discarded just as quickly. Your most vocal supporters will turn on you the minute you ask for more money (remember the extra levels for Monument Valley?)."

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WWDC 2017 No more in San Francisco

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Swift 4? (no ABI !) iOS 11? watchOS 4? tvOS 11? macOS 10.13?

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AAPL ➡ 146 USD 1.16 B iPhones sold 360 M iPads sold

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1.5 Billion iOS Devices Sold (not counting iPod touch devices!)

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What is next?

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Thanks @akosma