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Delight users Stéphanie Walter — @WalterStephanie Through CSS Animation Techniques

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Apple, Google paving the path of a new animation area

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UX ❤ Animations How and where animations can guide users

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By making state change more natural Animations grab user’s attention The human eye is attracted to moving things

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Codepen save button animates when you forget to save Drawing attention to critical moment

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Distract user from loading time

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By making state change more natural Animations decrease cognitive load By making state changes more natural

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What just happened ? Disruptive change of state for the human brain

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Remember the flipbook?

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The computer does the interpolation for your brain Let the computer do the work

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By making state change more natural Animations create feedback By showing the user a response was triggered

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Button :active states are the most basic form of feedback Providing feedback via Codrops

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Archiduchesse adds a nice animation when you add something to the basket Providing feedback

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By making state change more natural Animations create content relationship By connecting the dots and showing items belong together

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Create content relationship via useyourinterface

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By making state change more natural Animations provide orientation Where do you come from? Where did you go? Where can I go?

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Providing orientation via Val Head

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By making state change more natural Animations create pleasure & delight By crafting a unique experience for the user

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Bring delight

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Bring personality via

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Denise Carbonell Semantics & Syntax

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Transitions a { color: darkorchid; transition-property: color; transition-duration: 1s; } a:hover { color: orangered; }

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Animations @keyframes rainbow { 0% { color: darkorchid; } 30% { color: magenta; } 60% { color: orangered; } 100% { color: darkorchid; } } a { animation-name: rainbow; animation-duration: 3s; }

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Animations - support

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Prefixing @-webkit-keyframes rainbow { ... -webkit-transform: … ; … } @keyframes rainbow { ... transform: … ; … }

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The button transition

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Transition the color on :hover button:hover { color: rgb(255, 167, 15); } button { border: 2px solid; color: rgb(255,255,255); }

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Transition the color on :hover button:hover { color: rgb(255, 167, 15); } button { border: 2px solid; color: rgb(255,255,255); transition-property: color; transition-duration: .3s; }

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Pushed button effect on click :active button:active { transform: translateY(2px); }

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Animating the star pseudo-elements :after /* pseudo-element transition */ button:active:after { transform: scale(1.3); } button:after { transition: transform .3; }

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The button animation

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Animate inline SVG properties /* coloring the SVG */ button .icon { fill: currentColor; }

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Animate inline SVG properties /* coloring the SVG */ button .icon { fill: currentColor; } button:hover { color: rgb(255, 167, 15); } button { transition: color .3s; }

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Animating the star @keyframes favorite { to { transform: scale(1.3); } } button.activated .icon { animation-name: favorite; animation-duration: .3s; animation-iteration-count: 1; }

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button.activated .icon { animation-name: favorite; animation-duration: .3s; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } Keep the state of the last keyframe applied

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Playing with timing functions element { transition-timing-function: … ; }

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Fun with cubic-bezier

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button.activated .icon { animation-name: favorite; animation-duration: .3s; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.01, 1.93, 1, 1.6); } Keep the state of the last keyframe applied

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The flyout menu

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/* hiding the menu */ .menu { transform: translateX(-155px); } Hiding/ Showing the menu

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/* hiding the menu */ .menu { transform: translateX(-155px); } /*showing it on hove*/ .menu:hover { transform: translateX(0); } Hiding/ Showing the menu .menu { transition: transform .3s .25s; }

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/* sliding the content */ .menu:hover ~ .content { transform: translateX(155px); } Menu animation on sibling selector .content, .menu{ transition: transform .3s .25s; }

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.menu:hover .icon { transform: rotate(180deg); } Animating the arrow .menu .icon{ transition: transform .5s .25s; }

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The form animation

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The fake checkbox /* fake checkbox styling*/ .checkbox + label:before { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(216, 216, 216); }

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The :checked animation /* transitionned state when checked */ .checkbox:checked + label:before { background: rgb(0,158,186); border-color: rgb(4,126,147); } /* applying transition */ .checkbox + label:before { transition: background .2s, border-color .2s; }

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Animating the mark /* scale it down when not visible*/ .checkbox:not(:checked) + label:after { transform: scale(0); } /* scale back to 1 when checked*/ .checkbox:checked + label:after { transform: scale(1); } /* applying transition */ .checkbox + label:after { transition: transform .4s; }

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Animating the error /* creating the animation */ @keyframes shakeMe { 0%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); } 20%, 60% { transform: translateX(-10px); } 40%, 80% { transform: translateX(10px); } }

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Animating the error /* creating the animation */ @keyframes shakeMe { 0%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); } 20%, 60% { transform: translateX(-10px); } 40%, 80% { transform: translateX(10px); } } /* applying the animation */ .errors { animation-name: shakeMe; animation-duration: .5s; }

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.circle{ (…) animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate; } Bonus: animation spinner

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Denise Carbonell CSS Animations Memo

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Transition Properties transition-property: transform ; transition-duration: 2s ; transition-timing-function: ease ; transition-delay: 1.5s ; ➔ transition: transform 2s ease 1.5s ;

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Animation Properties animation-name: shakeIt ; animation-duration: 300ms ; animation-timing-function: ease ; animation-iteration-count: 1 ; animation-direction: normal ; animation-play-state: running ; animation-delay: 1.5s ; animation-fill-mode: none ; @keyframes shakeIt { 0% { … } 100% { … } } ➔ animation: shakeIt 300ms ease 1 normal running 1.5s none ;

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•:hover, :active, :focus •:checked, :invalid, :required, etc. •: target •click, focus, blur, submit, etc. •.className ➔ Create the animations in CSS, add the class on a JS trigger CSS JavaScript Triggers

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By making state change more natural opacity & transform = ❤ The two things the browser can « cheaply » animate learn more about animations properties performance

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With great power… On using those great tools with caution

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By making state change more natural Keep it Simple Does it distract my users from accomplishing their tasks?

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By making state change more natural Keep it Short Does it annoy my user? Does it respond well? Is it too long?

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By making state change more natural Keep it Meaningful Does it provide useful information and adds value to the interface ?

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Communicate & find inspiration Animations are part of the whole design process

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The 3 states of our advanced search as communication tool with the developer Paper prototyping animations in the early stages

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Using a GIF / video as communication tool with the client The Holly Animated GIF

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Testing early raw prototype on real devices (and real users) Quick & Dirty code prototype

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By making state change more natural

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Credits & Links • Animation and UX ressources by Rachel Nabors - @rachelnabors • Animation & UX ressources by Val Head - @vlh • Interface Animations - A workshop with Mark Geyer • Google Web Fundamentals on Animations • (paper) Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface by Bay-Wei Chang and David Ungar • (paper) Animation Support in a User Interface Toolkit: Flexible, Robust, and Reusable Abstractions by Scott E. Hudson and John T. Stasko

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