Animating the star
@keyframes favorite {
to {
transform: scale(1.3);
button.activated .icon {
animation-name: favorite;
animation-duration: .3s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
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button.activated .icon {
animation-name: favorite;
animation-duration: .3s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
Keep the state of the last keyframe applied
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Playing with timing
element {
transition-timing-function: … ;
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Fun with cubic-bezier
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button.activated .icon {
animation-name: favorite;
animation-duration: .3s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.01, 1.93, 1, 1.6);
Keep the state of the last keyframe applied
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The flyout menu
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/* hiding the menu */
.menu {
transform: translateX(-155px);
Hiding/ Showing the menu
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/* hiding the menu */
.menu {
transform: translateX(-155px);
/*showing it on hove*/
.menu:hover {
transform: translateX(0);
Hiding/ Showing the menu
.menu {
transition: transform .3s .25s;
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/* sliding the content */
.menu:hover ~ .content {
transform: translateX(155px);
Menu animation on sibling selector
.content, .menu{
transition: transform .3s .25s;
Animating the mark
/* scale it down when not visible*/
.checkbox:not(:checked) + label:after {
transform: scale(0);
/* scale back to 1 when checked*/
.checkbox:checked + label:after {
transform: scale(1);
/* applying transition */
.checkbox + label:after {
transition: transform .4s;
•:hover, :active, :focus
•:checked, :invalid, :required, etc.
•: target
•click, focus, blur, submit, etc.
➔ Create the animations in CSS,
add the class on a JS trigger
CSS JavaScript
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By making state change more natural
opacity & transform = ❤
The two things the browser can « cheaply » animate
learn more about animations properties performance
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With great power…
On using those great tools with caution
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By making state change more natural
Keep it Simple
Does it distract my users from accomplishing their tasks?
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By making state change more natural
Keep it Short
Does it annoy my user? Does it respond well? Is it too long?
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By making state change more natural
Keep it Meaningful
Does it provide useful information and adds value to the interface ?
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Communicate & find inspiration
Animations are part of the whole design process
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The 3 states of our advanced search as communication tool with the developer
Paper prototyping animations in the early stages
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Using a GIF / video as communication tool with the client
The Holly Animated GIF
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Testing early raw prototype on real devices (and real users)
Quick & Dirty code prototype
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By making state change more natural
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Credits & Links
• Animation and UX ressources by Rachel Nabors - @rachelnabors
• Animation & UX ressources by Val Head - @vlh
• Interface Animations - A workshop with Mark Geyer
• Google Web Fundamentals on Animations
• (paper) Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface by Bay-Wei Chang and David Ungar
• (paper) Animation Support in a User Interface Toolkit: Flexible, Robust, and Reusable
Abstractions by Scott E. Hudson and John T. Stasko
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Shared under CC- BY-NC-SA licence