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What Technical Writers Do at LINE+ © LINE Plus Technical Writer Lee Insil

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Technical Writer, connect people through documents Technical Writer Lee Insil ( 이인실 Ωϸμϰ ) Major in Computer Engineering and Cryptography Programmer at AhnLab Technical Writer at AhnLab, LG Electronics, NAVER and LINE+ Technical Writing Trainer at NAVER and LINE+

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What is Technical Writing 01 Contents 02 Making a career as a Technical Writer 03 What Technical Writers do at LINE+ 04 Introduction to Technical Writing in Korea

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01 02 03 04 What is Technical Writing Making a career as a Technical Writer What Technical Writers do at LINE+ Introduction to Technical Writing in Korea

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“Technical writing is performed by a technical writer (or technical author) and is the process of writing and sharing technical information in a professional setting. A technical writer's primary task is to communicate technical information to another person or party in the clearest and most effective manner possible.” Source: What is Technical Writing 01

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Technical Writer Information Architect Technical Communicator API Writer UX Writer Document Engineer What is a Technical Writer also known as 01

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Developer Product Planner Trainer Customer Care Technical Writer Stakeholder 01 Designer Promoter QA Engineer Project Manager Evangelist

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02 01 03 04 What is Technical Writing Making a career as a Technical Writer What Technical Writers do at LINE+ Introduction to Technical Writing in Korea

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Outcomes: End user manual, FAQ, Brochure, UI/UX messages, Services on the website, … Companies: LINE+, SAMSUNG Electronics, LG Electronics, TmaxSoft, AhnLab, HANCOM, HANMI Semiconductor, bitnine, Hansem global, EASY MANUAL, AST, TEXTree, Logrus IT, … Technical Writers Developers Users Documents for Users 02

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Outcomes: Developers documents, API references, Tutorial guides, Engineer blog, … Companies: LINE+, NAVER, Kakao, Ground X, Coupang, LG Electronics, sendbird, Com2uS Platform, HYPERCONNECT, WhaTap, 우아한 형제들(similar to Demaecan, 出前館), NEXON, … Documents for Developers 02 Technical Writers Developers Developers

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03 01 02 04 What is Technical Writing Making a career as a Technical Writer What Technical Writers do at LINE+ Introduction to Technical Writing in Korea

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Conferences 03 Source:

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Google Technical Writing Course Technical Writing course 03 Source:

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Simplified Technical English Technical Writing course 03 Source:

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Communities in Korea 03 Source:

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Communities in Korea 03 Source:

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Communities in Korea 03 Source:

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04 01 02 03 What is Technical Writing Making a career as a Technical Writer What Technical Writers do at LINE+ Introduction to Technical Writing in Korea

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Linguist Technical documentation Site structuring Documentation in multi- languages Writing training Work experience of Technical Writers at LINE+ 04 Developer Technical documentation Website structuring Document engineering Writing training Work experience Work experience

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Work experience of Technical Writers at LINE+ 04 Linguist Technical documentation Site structuring Documentation in multi- languages Writing training Developer Technical documentation Website structuring Document engineering Writing training Work experience Work experience

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Technical Writers at LINE+ Technical documentation Site structuring Documentation in multi languages Document engineering Writing training Work experience of Technical Writers at LINE+ 04

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Process of Technical Writing at LINE+ 04 Developer/ Planner Technical Writer EN/JA Translator Request document ation Documentation support? Kick-off meeting Documentation Requesting a translation Translate Review translation results Reviewing the contents Reflect translation results Release documents Yes Explaining the structure Drafting, answering questions

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• Released documentation of developer guides in multiple languages • Created a common wiki template • Offered wiki usage tips training (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) • Held LINE Developers Day 2015 in Korea • Released documentation of the LINE GAME Platform in multiple languages • Documentation of Open Sources • Offered wiki usage tips training (Thailand, Indonesia) • Rewriting and release of LINE Engineering Blog in multiple languages • Built a Technical Writing team • Released documentation of the CLOVA AI platform in multiple languages • Offered writing training in Korean • Training on how to write git, annotation comments and issue tracking system in English • Released documentation of the LINE Blockchain and LINE MINI app in multiple languages • Consulting on structuring wiki • Held Technical Writing Day in Japan and Korea • Released documentation of the virtual currency platform and multimedia platform and infrastructure platform • Building a wiki sample space • Held Technical Writing Day in Taiwan, Thailand • Consulting on structuring wiki • Coaching on one-on-one technical writing • Released documentation of the multiple platforms in multiple languages • Released documentation of the LINE Pay, LINE Bank platform in multiple languages • Released documentation of the governance and process guidelines in multiple languages • Developing a website and writing terms in LINE Words (Korean) • Released documentation of the voice, video call platform and LandPress CMS platform in multiple languages • Developing a website and writing terms in LINE Words (Japanese, Korean, English) • Provided communication training to new employees Technical Writing experience at LINE+ 04 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

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Developer Contents team (Japan) Request documentation Share information, collaboration Technical Writing team (Korea) Release documentation for platform products Posting engineering blog & managing LINE Words Coach writing & consult documentation Planner Project Manager Evangelist Developer “Help with global platform business and communication” How we work at LINE+ 04

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• CLOVA Developers Console: • Game platform: Provide to a third party • LINE Blockchain platform: • Engineering blog (Korean/English): • LINEDOCS development guide wiki: A collection of in-house development guides • LINE governance & process guidelines: Internal only • LINE Words: LINE dictionary Links to results 04 • Voice, video call platform: Provide to a third party • LandPress platform: Internal only

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Technical Writer 글로 사람과 사람을 연결 LINE+ Corporation. All rights reserved. + THANK YOU