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QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Common Web Security Threats … and what to do about them Eoin Woods Endava

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3 3 Introductions Eoin Woods • CTO at Endava • Career has spanned products and applications • Architecture and software engineering • Bull, Sybase, InterTrust • BGI (Barclays) and UBS • Long time security dabbler • Increasingly concerned at cyber threat for “normal” systems

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4 4 Content Introducing Web Security Threats The OWASP Web Vulnerabilities List Useful Tools to Know About Reviewing Defences Summary

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Introducing Web Security Threats

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6 6 Web Security Threats We need systems that are dependable in the face of • Malice • Error • Mischance People are sometimes bad, stupid or just unlucky System security aims to mitigate these situations

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7 7 Web Security Threats System threats are similar to real-world threats: • Theft • Fraud • Destruction • Disruption Anything of value may attract unwelcome attention “I rob banks because that’s where the money is” – Willie Sutton

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8 8 Web Security Threats Why do we care about these threats? • A threat is a risk of a loss of some sort Common types of loss are: • Time • Money • Privacy • Reputation • Advantage

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9 Web Security Threats Security today mitigates tomorrow’s threat Digital channels demand web security • System interfaces on the Internet • Introspection of APIs • Attacks being “weaponised” • Today’s internal app is tomorrow’s “digital channel”

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10 10 Who are OWASP? The Open Web Application Security Project • Largely volunteer organisation, largely online Exists to improve the state of software security • Research, tools, guidance, standards • Runs local chapters for face to face meetings (UK has 10+) “OWASP Top 10” project lists top application security risks • Referenced widely by MITRE, PCI DSS and similar • Updated every few years (2003, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013)

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11 11 Other Selected Security Organisations MITRE Corporation • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) • Common Weaknesses Enumeration (CWE) SAFECode • Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development • Training There are a lot of others too (CPNI, CERT, CIS, ISSA, …)

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OWASP Web Vulnerabilities List

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13 13 OWASP Top 10 - 2013 #1 Injection Attacks #2 Authentication and Session Management #3 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) #4 Direct Object Reference #5 Security Misconfiguration #6 Sensitive Data Exposure #7 Function Level Access Control #8 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) #9 Component Vulnerabilities #10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards These may look “obvious” but appear on the list year after year, based on real vulnerability databases!

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14 14 #1 Injection Attacks Unvalidated input passed to an interpreter • Operating system and SQL are most common Defences include “escaping” inputs, bind variables, using white lists, … SELECT * from table1 where name = ’%1’ Set ‘%1’ to ‘ OR 1=1 -- … this results in this query: SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name = ’ ’ OR 1=1 --

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15 15 #2 Broken Authentication or Session Management • HTTP is stateless - some sort of credential sent every time • Credential on non-TLS connection can be tampered with • Session ID often displayed but can be used as login details • Defences are strong authentication and session management controls a5f3dd56ff32 a5f3dd56ee33

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16 16 #3 Cross Site Scripting • Occurs when script is injected into a user’s web page • Reflected attack – crafted link in email … • Persistent attack - database records, site postings, activity listings • Allows redirection, session data stealing, page corruption, … • Defences include validation and escaping on the server-side

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17 17 #4 Insecure Direct Object Refs Directly referencing filenames, IDs and similar in requests • Not authenticating access to each on the server • e.g. relying on limited list of options returned to client • Client can modify request and gain access to other objects Defences include using pseudo references on client and authenticating all object accesses … how about: ??

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18 18 #5 Security Misconfiguration Security configuration is often complicated • Many different places to put it, complex semantics • Layers from OS to application all need to be consistent It is easy to accidentally miss an important part • OS file permissions? • .htaccess files? • Shared credentials in test and production? Allows accidental access to resources or even site modification Mitigation via scanning, standardisation, simplicity and automation

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19 19 #6 Sensitive Data Exposure Is sensitive data secured in transit? • TLS, message encryption Is sensitive data secured at rest? • Encryption, tokenisation, separation Risks include loss of data or spoofing attacks Mitigation via threat analysis, limiting scope, standardisation

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20 20 #7 Function Level Access Control Relying on information sent to the client for access control • e.g. page menu omitting “update” and “delete” option for a record • Not checking the action (function) being performed on the server Client can guess the right request form for the other actions • Bypassed security model - also see #4 Insecure Object References Never trust the client - check authorisation for every request à

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21 21 #8 Cross Site Request Forgery User triggers malicious code that submits fraudulent request using browser security context • e.g. click a link => run JavaScript => change Github password Various subtle variations on this make defence quite difficult • How you do you know it is the user? Primary defence is the “challenge value” in pages • Check for the latest challenge value in requests • Add authentication steps for sensitive operations • Keep short sessions with real logout process

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22 22 #9 Known Vulnerable Components Source:

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23 23 #9 Known Vulnerable Components Many commonly used components have vulnerabilities • See weekly US-CERT list for a frightening reality check! • Much OSS doesn’t have well researched vulnerabilities Few teams consider security of their 3rd party components • And keeping everything up to date is disruptive Consider automated scanning of 3rd party components, actively review vulnerability lists, keep components patched

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24 24 #10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards Redirecting or forwarding to targets based on parameters Avoid using parameters for redirect or forward targets Where parameter is needed use a key and map on server -> http://…/selectpage? (Without careful validation this redirects user to malicious page)

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25 25 Summary of Attack Vector Types Interpreter injections • Operating System, SQL, … Page injections • HTML, XSS (JavaScript) Lack of Validation • trusting client side restrictions • allowing session IDs and cookies to be reused, • not checking input fields thoroughly • parameter values directly in pages and links Missing data protection • data loss, spoofing, man in the middle, … Platform • configuration mistakes, vulnerabilities, complexity

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Useful Tools

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27 • Deliberately insecure LAMP web application • So run in a VM! • Provides examples of the OWASP Top 10 in action • Use it to explore and understand them Mutillidae

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28 • Commercial proxy, scanning, pentest tool • Very capable free version available • Inspect traffic, manipulate headers and content, … • Made in Knutsford! BurpSuite

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29 • Chrome and SwitchySharp or other similar pairing • Allows easy switching of proxy server to BurpSuite Browser and Proxy Switcher

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30 • Automated SQL injection and database pentest tool • Open source Python based command line tool • Frighteningly effective! SQLMap

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31 • Commercial tool suite with online database • Scans build pipelines for component security vulnerabilities • Alerts and dashboards for monitoring Sonatype Component Lifecycle Manager

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32 32 BlackDuck Hub • Commercial tool and database for open source security, audit & compliance • Scans build pipelines looking for open source with known vulnerabilities • Alerts and dashboards for monitoring

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34 34 Mutillidae Mutillidae BurpSuite (proxy) Browser with proxy plugin

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35 35 An Example Multi-Step Attack - Impersonation Attacks rarely use just one vulnerability 1. SQL Injection User list obtained Persistent XSS achieved XSS Script executed 4. Steal browser state Sessions etc. saved

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Reviewing Defences

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37 37 Key Web Vulnerability Defences Don’t trust clients (browsers) • Validation, authorisation, … Identify “interpreters”, escape inputs, use bind variables, … • Command lines, web pages, database queries, … Protect valuable information at rest and in transit • Use encryption judiciously Simplicity • Verify configuration and correctness Standardise and Automate • Force consistency, avoid configuration errors

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38 38 Don’t Trust Clients Be wary when trusting anything from a browser • You don’t control it • Sophisticated code execution (& injection) platform • Output can be manipulated Assume or prevent tampering • TLS connections to avoid 3rd party interception • Short lived sessions • Reauthenticate regularly & before sensitive operations • Consider multi-factor authentication • Use opaque tokens not real object references for params • Validate everything

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39 39 Watch out for injection Many pieces of software act as interpreters • Browser for HTML and JavaScript • Operating system shells – system(“mv $1 $2”) • Databases – query languages • Configuration files Assume that someone will work it out! • Avoid creating commands using string manipulation • Use libraries and bind variables • Escape all strings being passed to an “interpreter” • Use a third party “escaping” library (e.g. OWASP) • Reject excessively long strings (e.g. username > 30 char)

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40 40 Protect Valuable Information Defence in depth – assume perimeter breach • Encrypt messaging as standard • Consider database encryption • Consider file or filesystem encryption However encryption complicates using the data • Slows everything down • Can you query while encrypted? • Message routing on sensitive fields (in headers) • How do you manage and rotate the keys? • What about restore on disaster recovery?

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41 41 Simplicity & Standardisation Complexity is the enemy of security • “You can’t secure what you don’t understand” - Schneier • Special cases will be forgotten Simplify, Standardise and Automate • Simpler things are easier to check and secure • Standardising an approach means there are no special cases to forget to handle • Automation eliminates human inconsistencies from the process so avoiding a type of risk

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43 43 Summary Much of the technology we use is inherently insecure • Mitigation needs to be part of application development Attacking systems is becoming industrialised • Digital transformation is providing more valuable, insecure targets Fundamental attack vectors appear again and again • Injection, interception, page manipulation, validation, configuration, … Most real attacks exploit a series of vulnerabilities • Each vulnerability may not look serious, the combination is Most mitigations not difficult but need to be applied consistently • … and may conflict with other desirable qualities

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44 44 Books

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45 Thank you QUALITY. PRODUCTIVITY. INNOVATION. Eoin Woods CTO +44 207 367 1000 en_ewoods