Slide 60
Slide 60 text
1. Social Media Optimisation:
A Consistent Brand is Critical… again!
Respect your audience - Treat social media as a means to serve the customer, and enhance their overall buying experience, don’t use it
just to ‘push products’; by focusing on the customer you have the ability to create loyalty and the to communicate your dedication.
Prompt responses are essential - With increased options businesses can’t afford to overlook people who are used to receiving
immediate answers. If you cannot provide that answer, make sure the customer knows you are working on it and, plan a follow-up with
customer as soon as you have an answer.
Always follow-up - Businesses that follow up, take polls, and monitor keywords on social media perform better in the long run. Using the
example above, make sure you take note of particular customer pain points, and use that data to follow-up by asking specific questions in
surveys or polls.
Personalise your feedback - Show your audience you are listening by acting on the feedback they give you and, show them you respect
and value their input by sending digital thank you notes, personalised discounts and other incentives.
Stay Fluid - The ability the internet gives us to share and receive instant feedback creates the potential for sudden changes in what your
customer wants and needs. These changes may be apparent to you at times, but when they are not, pay attention to the comments,
keywords, and feedback you receive on your social media platforms. This data will help your business generate new ideas.