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Staying SOLID with Portable Class Libraries Vagif Abilov @ooobject

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Why should we care about portable class libraries event when targeting a single platform

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Case study  Simple.OData.Client  OData client PCL  .NET 4.x  Windows Store  Windows Phone  Silverlight  Mono.Android  Mono.iOS  ODataPad  Cross-platform OData visualization tool

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Here is how it originated Simple.Data API Simple.Data OData adapter OData services

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As simple as it can get Common API Adapter External service

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Failed to modify the adapter to run on both .NET4 and Windows Store  Simple.Data.Core references ADO.NET  OData has nothing to do with ADO.NET  Most of OData adapater code deals with either parsing XML documents returned by an OData service or formatting CLR objects as XML documents to send to OData service  These operations should run on any platform

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Redesigned library Simple.Data API Simple.Data OData adapter Simple.OData.Client PCL OData services

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But what does this have to do with SOLID principles? Authentication incident

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User request: implement authentication  First implementation: accept user credentials (user + password), create authentication object using one of supported schemes (Basic, Windows etc.)  Worked like a charm, either to use in client code var odataFeed = new ODataFeed( "", "Vagif", "Password123");

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But bear in mind IT’S NOT PORTABLE !!!

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Revised implementation for PCL var odataFeed = new ODataFeed( "", credentials);  credentials is an instance of a class that implements ICredentials interface  All past and future authentication schemes are supported  PCL conformance enforced use of interface

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PCL Compliance Analyzer

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Analyzes any .NET library

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Reality is more complicated  PCL may not be able to target any subset of platforms  Attempt to choose a set of platforms result in a configuration closely matching the requested set but not necessarily identical to it  While PCL support in Mono is not officially released some extra work required to resolve types that reside in different Mono assemblies than on .NET/Windows

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Future changes to Simple.OData.Client  Some «cool» features may be removed from PCL for the sake of wide platform support  Lazy, Tuple are not supported on SL4/WP7.5. Should platform set be reduced just because of Lazy[ness]?  C# dynamic is cool, but lack of dynamic support should not discard the whole platform, there should be a fallback to an alternative API  await/async and TPL are cool too but also limit your platforms a) var result = client.FindEntry("Products", x.ProductName == "Chai") b) var result = client.FindEntry("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Chai'")

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PCL to server design-time data: Windows Store

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... and .NET 4.x

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... and Windows Phone

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Summary: bringing PCLs to your projects  Consider making your next business logic module a PCL  Have an overview of portable CLR subset  When selecting external components strive to choose those that have PCLs  Strive to use portable types and values converters (BitmapImage vs. base64 string)  When publishing your PCLs support profiles preferred by your target developer group  Write and test view models first, package them as PCLs, you can go a long way without a single line of UI code

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Thank you!   @ooobject  GitHub: object  BitBucket: object  Blog:  Open source projects:  Simple.Data OData adapter  Simple.OData.Client  MongOData (MongoDB OData provider)