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@RainerHahnekamp Rainer Hahnekamp 22. Februar 2023 Cypress Component Tests Revolution des Testens?

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@RainerHahnekamp About Me... Rainer Hahnekamp Professional NgRx

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@RainerHahnekamp Agenda ● Testing Strategies in SPAs ● Testing in Angular currently ● Cypress Component Testing ○ Simple Tests ○ Various Use Cases ● Q&A Caution: Live Coding Ahead

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@RainerHahnekamp Testing in Angular Unit Tests Integration & Component Tests End-to-End (E2E) Tests

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@RainerHahnekamp Disadvantages of Testing Types Unit ● Low Coverage ● High Maintenance Costs ● Ignores UI Component / Integration ● Complex TestBed setup ● DOM interaction is hard ● Change Detection End-to-End ● Slow ● Hard to setup

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@RainerHahnekamp Classic testing pyramide Unit Tests Integration & Component Tests End-to-End (E2E) Tests

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@RainerHahnekamp Testing pyramide with Cypress Component Test Runner Unit Tests Integration & Component Tests End-to-End (E2E) Tests

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@RainerHahnekamp Integration/Component vs. E2E Tests Integration/Component Tests ✅ Test components in isolation ✅ Precision & Control ✅ Fast ⛔ TestBed Setup ⛔ Manage asynchrony ⛔ Manage change detection ⛔ "DOM interaction" E2E Tests ✅ No asynchrony management ✅ No change detection management ✅ Developer experience - Browser feedback - Screenshots - Video recording - Tasks, network stubbing,... ⛔ Infrastructure setup required ⛔ Slow

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@RainerHahnekamp Component/Integration in Cypress ✅ Test components in isolation ✅ Precision & Control ✅ No asynchrony management ✅ No change detection management ✅ Developer experience ⛔ TestBed Setup ⛔ Speed???

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@RainerHahnekamp RequestInfo MatFormFieldModule FormBuilder AddressLookuper ReactiveFormsModule MatIconModule MatButtonModule MatInputModule NgIf AsyncPipe ActivatedRoute HolidaysRepository HttpClient HolidaysEffects HolidayCard MatCardModule MatButtonModule RouterLink

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@RainerHahnekamp Coding Time

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@RainerHahnekamp Test Cases ● Basic Testing ● Network Interception ○ Intercept ○ Verify ● Wrapper Component ● Accessing DI ● A11n Selectors

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@RainerHahnekamp Agenda Component & Integration Tests ● Styling ● Mocking Services ● Mocking Components ● Asynchrony Management ● Accessing DI Component Inter-Communication ● Spy on @Output ● Setting @Input ● WrapperComponent Cypress Ecosystem ● Different Screen Sizes ● Actionability ● cy.intercept ● Cypress Commands ● Testing Library ● Code Coverage

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@RainerHahnekamp Is there only Cypress?

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@RainerHahnekamp Summary ● Cypress component testing ○ is much easier to write & maintain ○ discovers more visual bugs ○ starts a new era of testing ● Performance penalties neglectable ● Jest/Karma will still be used for unit tests ○ Look out for Vitest

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@RainerHahnekamp Thanks!!!

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@RainerHahnekamp Contact: Rainer Hahnekamp @Rainer Hahnekamp