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Welcome! modern web dev workshop

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Schedule 9am - 11am: Introduction / Bootstrap 15 min BREAK 11:15am - 1pm: Sass/SCSS 1 hr LUNCH 2pm - 3pm: Git/Github 15 min BREAK 3:15pm - 4:45pm: Jekyll 4:45pm - 5pm: Q/A

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Modern Web Dev Workshop Starter Files- Example site- Cheat Sheet- Install Guide- For Section One Please download starter files For Section Three Please install git ( ) For Section Two Please install Scout app ( ) For Section Four Please install jekyll ( gem install jekyll )

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Wh Are These Guy ?

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Who are we? Jack

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Who are we? Brian

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Why these technologies?

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Why these technologies? FAST • Reusable • Modular

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Why these technologies? FAST • Reusable • Modular SMART • Programmatic

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Why these technologies? FAST • Reusable • Modular SMART • Programmatic EFFICIENT • Local • Version Controlled • Streamlined Deployment

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The PA Bicycles Site

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Wh are you? What do you do & why are you here?

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Section One bootstrap

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Getting Bootstrap

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Getting Bootstrap

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What Is Bootstrap?

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What Is Bootstrap? Bootstrap is an open-source library of design components built with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

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Why Bootstrap?

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Why Bootstrap? Easy to prototype sites

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Why Bootstrap? Easy to prototype sites Jumpstart your projects with modular elements

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Why Bootstrap? Easy to prototype sites Jumpstart your projects with modular elements Allow developers to make a pretty interface

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Bootstrap OK, so what does Bootstrap offer us?

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Bootstrap Grid System

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Bootstrap Grid System 12 Column Responsive Grid

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Bootstrap Grid System 12 Column Responsive Grid

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Responsive Design Responsive design is a mix of CSS media queries and flexible images that will reorganize the content on a page according to the size of the browser window.

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Responsive Design Responsive design is a mix of CSS media queries and flexible images that will reorganize the content on a page according to the size of the browser window. Ethan Marcotte

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Responsive Design

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Responsive Design

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Responsive Design

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Responsive Design

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Responsive Design

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Components Nav Elements

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Components Form Elements

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Components Buttons

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Components .btn .btn-large .btn-small .btn-mini Buttons

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Javascript Components Dropdowns Popovers

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Javascript Components Example Alerts Carousel

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Let’ Get Started!

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Modern Web Dev Workshop Starter Files- Example site- Cheat Sheet- Install Guide- For Section One Please download starter files For Section Three Please install git ( ) For Section Two Please install Scout app ( ) For Section Four Please install jekyll ( gem install jekyll )

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Section 2 Sass (SCSS)

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What is Sass?

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What is Sass? Sass, which officially stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is a CSS preprocessing language.

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What is Sass? Sass, which officially stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is a CSS preprocessing language. CSS has limitations; Sass was created to give it some extra functionality.

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What is Sass? Sass, which officially stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is a CSS preprocessing language. CSS has limitations; Sass was created to give it some extra functionality. There are 2 syntaxes (and 2 file extensions):

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What is Sass? Sass, which officially stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is a CSS preprocessing language. CSS has limitations; Sass was created to give it some extra functionality. There are 2 syntaxes (and 2 file extensions): • The original Sass indented, terse syntax (.sass)

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What is Sass? Sass, which officially stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is a CSS preprocessing language. CSS has limitations; Sass was created to give it some extra functionality. There are 2 syntaxes (and 2 file extensions): • The original Sass indented, terse syntax (.sass) • The default SCSS syntax (.scss)

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What is Sass? Sass, which officially stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is a CSS preprocessing language. CSS has limitations; Sass was created to give it some extra functionality. There are 2 syntaxes (and 2 file extensions): • The original Sass indented, terse syntax (.sass) • The default SCSS syntax (.scss) CSS is valid SCSS.

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Why Sass?

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Why Sass? Hampton Catlin, the creator of Haml, built and released Sass in 2007.

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Why Sass? Hampton Catlin, the creator of Haml, built and released Sass in 2007. “Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.”

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Why Sass? Hampton Catlin, the creator of Haml, built and released Sass in 2007. “Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.” • Sass makes scaling easier.

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Why Sass? Hampton Catlin, the creator of Haml, built and released Sass in 2007. “Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.” • Sass makes scaling easier. • Sass can help keep code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

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Why Sass? Hampton Catlin, the creator of Haml, built and released Sass in 2007. “Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.” • Sass makes scaling easier. • Sass can help keep code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). • Sass is just plain smarter than CSS.

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Sass OK, so how do we start using Sass?

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Nesting .container { background-color: #333; color: #000; .headline { font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; span { display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } } } SCSS .container { background-color: #333; color: #000; } .container .headline { font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .container .headline span { display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } CSS

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DANGER ZONE! .container { background-color: #FFF; .headline-wrap { width: 50%; .headline { color: #333; span { text-transform: uppercase; } } } } SCSS .container { background-color: #FFF; } .container .headline-wrap { width: 50%; } .container .headline-wrap .headline { color: #333; } .container .headline-wrap .headline span { text-transform: uppercase; } CSS

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Parent Selector (&) a { color: #333; &:hover { color: #550000; } &:active { color: #330000; } } SCSS a { color: #333; } a:hover { color: #550000; } a:active { color: #330000; } CSS a { color: #333; :hover { color: #550000; } :active { color: #330000; } } a { color: #333; } a :hover { color: #550000; } a :active { color: #330000; }

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Parent Selector (&) body { background-color: #DDD; &.light { background-color: #FFF; } } .container { width: 50%; &.narrow { width: 20%; } } SCSS body { background-color: #DDD; } body.light { background-color: #FFF; } .container { width: 50%; } .container.narrow { width: 20%; } CSS

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Variables ( $ ) $main-color: #DDD; $border-type: solid; .headline { color: $main-color; border: 1px $border-type #000; } footer { background-color: $main-color; border: 2px $border-type #333; } SCSS .headline { color: #DDD; border: 1px solid #000; } footer { background-color: #DDD; border: 2px solid #333; } CSS

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Variables ( $ ) $main-color: #ffa; $border-type: dashed; .headline { color: $main-color; border: 1px $border-type #000; } footer { background-color: $main-color; border: 2px $border-type #333; } SCSS .headline { color: #ffa; border: 1px dashed #000; } footer { background-color: #ffa; border: 2px dashed #333; } CSS

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Mixins ( @mixin / @include ) @mixin button-base { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } .btn { @include button-base; } .callout a { @include button-base; } SCSS .btn { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } .callout a { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } CSS

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Mixins ( @mixin / @include ) @mixin button-base($pad) { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: $pad; } .btn { @include button-base(10px); } .callout a { @include button-base(5px); } SCSS .btn { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; } .callout a { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } CSS

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Mixins ( @mixin / @include ) @mixin button-base($pad:5px) { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: $pad; } .btn { @include button-base(10px); } .callout a { @include button-base; } SCSS .btn { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; } .callout a { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } CSS

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Mixins ( @mixin / @include ) @mixin button-base($pad, $txt) { color: $txt; display: inline-block; padding: $pad; } .btn { @include button-base(10px, #333); } .callout a { @include button-base(5px, #555); } SCSS .btn { color: #333; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; } .callout a { color: #555; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; } CSS

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DANGER ZONE! $prop: border; .callout { background-color: #C0FFEE; $prop-top: 1px solid #000; } SCSS ??? CSS

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Interpolation ( #{ $var } ) $prop: border; .callout { background-color: #C0FFEE; #{$prop}-top: 1px solid #000; } SCSS .callout { background-color: #C0FFEE; border-top: 1px solid #000; } CSS

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Extend ( @extend ) and Placeholders ( % ) .warning { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic; } .error { @extend .warning; color: #FF0000; } SCSS .warning, .error { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic; } .error { color: #FF0000; } CSS %warning { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic; } .error { @extend %warning; color: #FF0000; } .error { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic; color: #FF0000; }

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Import ( @import ) .btn { background-color: #C0FFEE; display: inline-block; } buttons.scss .btn { background-color: #C0FFEE; display: inline-block; } .container { float: left; } styles.css @import "buttons"; .container { float: left; } styles.scss

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So Much More!

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So Much More! lighten(red, 35%) darken(red, 50%) rgba(red, .3) grayscale(red) invert(red) Color Functions

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So Much More! round(143.3px) ceil(143.3px) percentage(50px/200px) 200px + 30px 350px - 80px Math lighten(red, 35%) darken(red, 50%) rgba(red, .3) grayscale(red) invert(red) Color Functions

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So Much More! round(143.3px) ceil(143.3px) percentage(50px/200px) 200px + 30px 350px - 80px Math @if @for @each @while Control Directives lighten(red, 35%) darken(red, 50%) rgba(red, .3) grayscale(red) invert(red) Color Functions

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So Much More! round(143.3px) ceil(143.3px) percentage(50px/200px) 200px + 30px 350px - 80px Math @if @for @each @while Control Directives .logo { width: 50%; @media (max-width: 700px) { width: 20%; } } Nested Media Queries lighten(red, 35%) darken(red, 50%) rgba(red, .3) grayscale(red) invert(red) Color Functions

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How Do We Compile Sass?

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem $ gem install sass $ sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem $ gem install sass $ sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css GUI Compilers

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem $ gem install sass $ sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css GUI Compilers

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem $ gem install sass $ sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css GUI Compilers

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem $ gem install sass $ sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css GUI Compilers

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How Do We Compile Sass? The sass RubyGem $ gem install sass $ sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css GUI Compilers

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Enough already, Let’s code!

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Modern Web Dev Workshop Starter Files- Example site- Cheat Sheet- Install Guide- For Section One Please download starter files For Section Three Please install git ( ) For Section Two Please install Scout app ( ) For Section Four Please install jekyll ( gem install jekyll )

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Section 3 Git/Github

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Download and Insta

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What Is Git? Git is a distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed.

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What Is Git? Git is a distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed.

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Why Use Git?

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Why Use Git? Fast

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Why Use Git? Fast Free and Open Source

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Why Use Git? Fast Free and Open Source Version Control

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Why Use Git? Fast Free and Open Source Version Control Branching

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Version Control

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Version Control Repository

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Version Control Main Timeline Repository

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Version Control Main Timeline Code Snapshots Repository

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Main Timeline Branch Code Snapshots Repository Branching

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Main Timeline Branch Merge Merge Code Snapshots Repository Branching

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Collaborate With Others Developer

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Collaborate With Others Remote Repository Developer

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Collaborate With Others Remote Repository Developer Developer Developer

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Collaborate With Others Remote Repository Developer Developer Developer

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What Is Github?

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What Is Github? Github is a the world’s largest open source community.

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Who is Hosted on Github

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Who is Hosted on Github Bootstrap Node jQuery html5-boilerplate Ruby on Rails (49,518) (21,898) (20,642) (20,058) (18,340)

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Deploying Code With Github

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Deploying Code With Github Github Deployment Hooks

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Deploying Code With Github Github Deployment Hooks Heroku

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Github Pages

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Github Pages

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Github Pages

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Let’ Get Started!

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Modern Web Dev Workshop Starter Files- Example site- Cheat Sheet- Install Guide- For Section One Please download starter files For Section Three Please install git ( ) For Section Two Please install Scout app ( ) For Section Four Please install jekyll ( gem install jekyll )

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Section 4 Jekyll

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What is Jekyll?

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What is Jekyll? Jekyll is “simple, blog aware, static site generator.”

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What is Jekyll? Jekyll is “simple, blog aware, static site generator.” Jekyll _includes _layouts _posts assets index.html

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What is Jekyll? Jekyll is “simple, blog aware, static site generator.” Jekyll _includes _layouts _posts assets index.html _sites blog assets index.html

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What is Jekyll? “You can think of Jekyll as a normalish dynamic blog but rather than parsing content, templates, and tags on each request, Jekyll does this once beforehand and caches the entire website in a folder for serving statically.”

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What is Jekyll?

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What is Jekyll? In November 2008, Tom Preston-Werner, cofounder and CEO of GitHub, introduced Jekyll with a blog post and released the code.

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What is Jekyll? In November 2008, Tom Preston-Werner, cofounder and CEO of GitHub, introduced Jekyll with a blog post and released the code. “I was tired of complicated blogging engines...I wanted to write great posts, not...lag behind the latest software release.”

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What is Jekyll? In November 2008, Tom Preston-Werner, cofounder and CEO of GitHub, introduced Jekyll with a blog post and released the code. “I was tired of complicated blogging engines...I wanted to write great posts, not...lag behind the latest software release.” “First, all my writing would be stored in a Git repository. Complexity would be kept to an absolute minimum...”

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What is Jekyll? In November 2008, Tom Preston-Werner, cofounder and CEO of GitHub, introduced Jekyll with a blog post and released the code. “I was tired of complicated blogging engines...I wanted to write great posts, not...lag behind the latest software release.” “First, all my writing would be stored in a Git repository. Complexity would be kept to an absolute minimum...” “Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. It takes a template directory (representing the raw form of a website), runs it through Textile [or Markdown] and Liquid converters, and spits out a complete, static website.”

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Why Jekyll?

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static.

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer • Fast

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer • Fast • Secure

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer • Fast • Secure • Easier local testing

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer • Fast • Secure • Easier local testing Organize your code (into templates and partials) for scaling and reusability.

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer • Fast • Secure • Easier local testing Organize your code (into templates and partials) for scaling and reusability. Jekyll is built into GitHub Pages - host your Jekyll site for free.

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Why Jekyll? Jekyll is static. • Minimal server and no database calls necessary • Doesn't require a caching layer • Fast • Secure • Easier local testing Organize your code (into templates and partials) for scaling and reusability. Jekyll is built into GitHub Pages - host your Jekyll site for free. Write in Textile or Markdown.

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Textile and Markdown # Level One Headline ## Level Two Headline ### Level Three Headline This a parapraph full of **bold** and *italic* text, and a [link] ( as well. * List item 1 * List item 2 Markdown

Level One Headline

Level Two Headline

Level Three Headline

This is a paragraph full of bold and italic text, and a link as well.

  • First list item
  • Second list item
Compiled HTML h1. Level One Headline h2. Level Two Headline h3. Level Three Headline This is a paragraph full of *bold* and _italic_ text, and a “link”: as well. * List item 1 * List item 2 Textile

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Jekyll OK, so how do we start using Jekyll?

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Jekyll Structure ... {{ content }} ... Jekyll Compiled ( _site ) _layouts/default.html --- layout: default ---

Not too shabby, huh?


Not too shabby, huh?


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Jekyll Structure ... {{ content }} ... _layouts/default.html

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What is Jekyll? Jekyll is “a simple, blog aware, static site generator." Jekyll _includes _layouts _posts assets index.html _sites blog assets index.html

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What is Jekyll? Jekyll is “a simple, blog aware, static site generator." Jekyll _includes _layouts _posts assets index.html _sites blog assets index.html

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Jekyll Structure ... {{ content }} ... _layouts/default.html

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Liquid Liquid is a templating language, aka a templating engine, that was developed by Shopify for use on their own site.

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Liquid Liquid is a templating language, aka a templating engine, that was developed by Shopify for use on their own site. Templating languages include Haml, ERB, Handlebars, Jade, etc.

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Liquid Liquid is a templating language, aka a templating engine, that was developed by Shopify for use on their own site. Templating languages include Haml, ERB, Handlebars, Jade, etc. There are 2 types of Liquid markup:

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Liquid Liquid is a templating language, aka a templating engine, that was developed by Shopify for use on their own site. Templating languages include Haml, ERB, Handlebars, Jade, etc. There are 2 types of Liquid markup: • Output Markup

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Liquid Liquid is a templating language, aka a templating engine, that was developed by Shopify for use on their own site. Templating languages include Haml, ERB, Handlebars, Jade, etc. There are 2 types of Liquid markup: • Output Markup • Tag Markup

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Liquid ( output markup )
{{ content }}

Contact Us!


Compiled HTML

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Liquid ( tag markup )

Hi there {% comment %} you sack of potatoes {% endcomment %}


Hi there

Compiled HTML

{% if == 'Jack' %} Hello Jack! {% else %} Hello Friend! {% endif %}

Hello Jack

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Liquid {% if user %} Hello {{ }} {% endif %} {% for item in array %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} {{ 'Brian Middleton!' | prepend:'Hi there' }} {{ 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' | truncate:'5' }} {{ 'Hey there dude!' | replace:'dude','buddy' }} {{ 'This is my first paragraph.' | number_of_words }}

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Jekyll Structure ... {{ content }} ... _layouts/default.html

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Jekyll Structure --- layout: default ---

Not too shabby, huh?


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Jekyll Structure ... {{ content }} ... Jekyll Compiled ( _site ) _layouts/default.html --- layout: default ---

Not too shabby, huh?


Not too shabby, huh?


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How Do We Compile Jekyll?

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How Do We Compile Jekyll? The jekyll RubyGem

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How Do We Compile Jekyll? The jekyll RubyGem And, um, what’s a gem?

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How Do We Compile Jekyll? The jekyll RubyGem And, um, what’s a gem? • Gems are Ruby programs and libraries distributed through RubyGems

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How Do We Compile Jekyll? The jekyll RubyGem And, um, what’s a gem? • Gems are Ruby programs and libraries distributed through RubyGems $ gem install jekyll $ jekyll build

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How Do We Compile Jekyll? The jekyll RubyGem And, um, what’s a gem? • Gems are Ruby programs and libraries distributed through RubyGems $ gem install jekyll $ jekyll build “Every GitHub Page is run through Jekyll when you push content to your repo.” GitHub Pages will compile our Jekyll site for us. MAGIC!

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Jekyll Commands $ jekyll build $ jekyll serve $ jekyll serve --watch The jekyll build command compiles our site. jekyll serve fires up a server that will host your _site directory. The --watch flag tells Jekyll to rebuild the site whenever files are modified.

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Enough already, Let’s code!

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You did it! Thanks so much for joining us! [email protected] @jackbouba [email protected] @aapljack