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Angular 2 Shmuela Jacobs 500Tech

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Shmuela Jacobs - BSc in Physics, MSc in IM - Owns a deaf dog 
 and a one-eyed cat - Got here with her classic VW Sr. Web Developer @ 500Tech

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ReactNext 2016 September 15 Dan Panorama, Tel Aviv

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Angular 2

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Angular 2 Newest technology Built on top of the vast experience and success of Angular 1 Fast, robust Lots of (expected) users Supported by large companies Targets various platforms: web, mobile... Simple, clean, fun! -why?

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JavaScript + Types TypeScript ES6 (ES-2015) JavaScript (ES5) • type checking
 string, number, boolean, any, Array • custom types - interfaces • code help - intellisense • decorators • and more... Typescript: Angular 2's Secret Weapon - Dan Wahlin

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 class Dog { age = 0;
 children = [];
 talk(times: number) {
 const bark = 'Ruff! ';
 return bark.repeat(times);
 let Ziggi = new Dog();
 console.log(; TypeScript + tooling

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interface Animal {
 age: number,
 children: Array,
 talk(times: number): string
 } class Dog implements Animal { age = 0;
 children = [];
 talk(times: number) {
 const bark = 'Ruff! ';
 return bark.repeat(times);
 let Ziggi = new Dog();
 console.log(; TypeScript + tooling

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Setting up the environment

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Slide 15 text option #1 Learn Clingon - Mike Brocchi

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App Architecture

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4 


 appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Component Tree

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Component Template > Controller { } Style {CSS}

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Component Template > Controller { } Directive { } Component > + { } Service { } Style {CSS} Hi Angular 2!

Hi {{ name }}!

name = 'Angular 2'; h1 { color: red }

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Component Template > Controller { } Directive { } Component > + { } Service { } Style {CSS}

Hi {{ name }}!

name = 'Angular 2'; h1 { color: red } Pipe { | } | uppercase

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Inputs & Outputs ( output ) [ input ] Add to Cart

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Built-in Directives

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ng-if *ngIf

{{ product.title }}
 - Love it!

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ng-show / ng-hide [hidden]

{{ product.title }}
 - Love it!

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 ng-repeat *ngFor

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ng-model [(ngModel)]

{{ product.title }}

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More built-in directives ng-class [ngClass] ng-style [ngStyle] ng-switch *ngSwitch ng-switch-when *ngSwitchWhen ng-switch-default *ngSwitchDefault form form (QTOUCTGCYJQNG PQVJGTUWDLGEV

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Submit Template reference variables

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Change Detection product name changed

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Change Detection product name changed using OnPush change detection strategy product list changed using immutable Objects

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product shopping cart service product x inject provide Services

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product shopping cart service product x inject provide provide Services

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product shopping cart service product x inject provide Services product service

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Routing

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Routing Router

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ngModule Angular Module Components Directives Pipes Services ngModules

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Live Coding!

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Shmuela Jacobs [email protected] @ShmuelaJ